Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
January 19th, 2005 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order: 7:30 pm
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, McClellan, Siedman and Smith present
Director McClellan arrived at 7:34 pm
3. Manager’s Report
Board members received a copy of Dell’s bid to upgrade BCPUD office
computers. Staff advised upgrades are needed to support current and future
software and administrative demands.
Director Amoroso suggested the purchase be ratified at the February
23, 2005 board meeting.
McClellan/Kimball all in favor
to purchase the Dell computers.
Board members received a dinner invitation to the Marin County Special Districts
Association on January 27th, 2005.
Board members received copies of the Department of Water Resources, Public
Water System Statistics-2004. The district’s unaccounted for water (UAW)
was 12%.
Staff pointed out noteworthy advisories from the Association of California
Water Agencies (ACWA). No changes will be made to the formula used to calculate
the amount of property taxes to be shifted from the district to the state
in 2004-2005. Another noteworthy advisory point is the pension reform currently
being introduced in the state legislature. Should reforms occur, BCPUD may
be administering two different pension plans, one for current employees and
another for newly hired employees. ACWA’s Legislative Committee invites member’s
comments about the pension reforms by January 21, 2005.
Board members received a copy of the upcoming OSDA Director’s Workshop information
4. Community Expression
Bruce Bowser reported that the Bolinas Community Land Trust housing project
has passed a first regulatory requirement.
5. Committee Reports
--Alternative Energy: none
--Beach: Magi Barror noted the committee is drafting educational materials
concerning beach usage to be distributed to visitors. The committee is also
preparing a list of questions concerning the beach’s ownership, especially
matters pertaining to the Offers to Dedicate (OTD), that will be submitted
to County Counsel for their opinion. Questions remain regarding why the OTD
weren’t originally accepted by the Board. Cela O’Connor recommended that
the Board accept the OTD now.
Director Amoroso suggested that at least the seasonal camping
ban be requested from the county in order to get regulations in place prior
to the Spring/Summer beach season. He also wishes to hear what the downside
would be for accepting the OTD.
Director Kimball pointed out that the OTD expire in 2007, which leaves plenty
of time to get both legal opinions and community input regarding whether
to accept the offers.
Directors also received a letter from Lisa Crosse, Aide to Supervisor Steve
Kinsey, stating that they have asked County Counsel to begin working on a
new ordinance to restrict camping on weekends year round. She noted that
the Coastal Commission will likely review the ordinance and that good cause
for the ban on camping needs to be shown.
--Community Paths Group:
Director Smith reported that the path’s course has been cleared of brush
and flagged and he invited the community to examine the path. He noted that
constructing a dirt path with gravel in certain sections would cost approximately
$40,000. Tom Willard has asked for community input about the construction
of a safe entryway at the intersection of Mesa Road and Olema-Bolinas Road.
--Downtown Parking and Traffic
Jennifer Blackman noted that she and Stacey Henderson met with Brian
Crawford, Marin County Planning, to ascertain potential Coastal Act and state
level permitting issues regarding the Downtown Parking Plan. Mr. Crawford
advised the Coastal Commission must review the plan. He additionally noted
the steps in the permit application procedure, the key employees the committee
should include in the planning process, how the application should be written
and, in closing, directed them to pertinent portions of the Marin County
Code. The committee will meet January 26, 2005 to discuss the meeting.
--Mesa Drainage: Discussion of 12/16/04 Point Reyes Article; Update on State
Septic Regulations
Matt Lewis requested that the matter of the Point Reyes Article be
taken up later in the meeting.
Mr. Lewis reported that during the recent heavy rains, residents reported
considerable ponding on the West side of Overlook Drive. Residents will have
a meeting to discuss solutions to the ponding. Mr. Lewis is also working
with the Point Reyes National Seashore Road Maintenance Department to explore
the possibility of the Park installing drainage on their side of Poplar.
Note: Because of the size of the audience gathering with interest in the
Mosquito abatement issues, it was decided that further committee reports
be held until after Item 6 on the agenda has been covered.
6. Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District:
Report on Recent Annexation by District Manager Jim Wanderscheid
Board President Siedman introduced Jim Wanderscheid and pointed out that
following his presentation, the audience could ask questions. He noted that
the concerns about Bolinas’ recent annexation to the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito
and Vector Control District (MVCD) fall into two general areas. First, many
residents are concerned about how the actual election itself was conducted.
Secondly, residents are concerned that the materials voters received to study
the issue omitted critical facts about the specific mosquito erradication
procedures MVCD would take. Siedman further noted that residents wish for
clear information about how the decision to spray pesticides would be made
and how public input is considered.
Director Amoroso noted that he believed the Board had been misled by the
information it was given about the procedures that would actually be followed
to control mosquitoes.
Following a lengthy presentation and public input session that voiced
overwhelming objection to the spraying of pesticides, the Board recommended
a committee be appointed to work with Jim Wanderscheid on this matter.
Smith/Amoroso all in favor to appoint
a committee of five people to work with Jim Wanderscheid to develop ways
of implementing the non toxic control of mosquitoes and to then present a
written document of procedures to the community. Applications for the
committee will be accepted and the Board will make appointments at the February,
2005 meeting
Staff will also draft a letter to Jim Wanderscheid with copies to Supervisor
Steve Kinsey and the Marin County Health Department requesting that no pesticides
will be sprayed while the committee is working on an acceptable solution.
with Jim Wanderscheid.
Jim Wanderscheid guaranteed that only the BT product would be used until
this matter is worked out.
Stacey Henderson gave instructions for how to use mosquito fish and septic
tank vent screening to prevent mosquitoes.
Frank Egger noted that there is a seat open on the MVCD and suggested anyone
interested in serving should call Supervisor Steve Kinsey.
Note:Item 5 Continued – Mesa Drainage: Discussion of 12/16/04
Point Reyes Article; Update on State
Septic Regulations
Director Amoroso pointed out the Point Reyes Light article, “Fall Rains Resurrect
Bolinas Drainage Concern” contained some misinformation and suggested that
in the future, the reporter check facts before articles go to print. He recommended
that a rebuttal be sent to the Point Reyes Light.
A discussion ensued about the article and how to handle future media relations.
7. Election of Officers/Committee Assignments
Amoroso/Kimball all in favor to continue
for 2005 with the officers elected and the committee assignments accepted
at the September, 2004 board meeting.
8. Mesa Park: Appointment to Board
Smith/McClellan 4 in favor Siedman abstain
to appoint Andy Blake to the Mesa Park Board of Directors.
9. BCPUD Pine Gulch Creek Property: Review of Real
Estate Appraisal
Board members received copies of the property appraisal of the Pine Gulch
Creek property dated November 7th, 2004 noting the value at $1, 450, 000.
Directors Amoroso, Kimball and Smith expressed their desire that should the
property be sold to a private party, measures to ensure the protection of
Pine Gulch Creek should be required.
Cela O’Connor expressed her desire to see the cattle grazing conditions enforced
on the property because the current level of grazing is not sustainable.
Amoroso/Kimball all in favor
to offer the property, at the appraised price, to the National Park Service
(NPS), pointing out the precedent in Marshall for a 10 foot easement,
and allowing 60 days for them to accept or reject the offer. Staff will notify
Norman Orr that a copy of his appraisal is being provided to NPS.
10. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
--Finance: Draft Budget Proposal and Schedule, 4th Quarter Financial Report.
The budget proposal was received without comment. Staff pointed out that
the current spending is essentially on track with slight overruns in legal
expenses as expected. Staff also explained the method of booking the
Resource Recovery Project’s tractor loan. Director Siedman pointed out that
BCPUD employees had asked for a review of the costs involved in changing
the CalPers retirement plan and noted that staff should request this review
in time for the March 31st Memorandum of Understanding negotiations with
the employees.
--Legal: Roth Invoice The invoice was reviewed and there
were no objections to paying the invoice
--Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Director Smith reported his
discussion with Bob Beaumont about Terrace Avenue at ‘surfers overlook.”
Although the County has minimal road maintenance funds this year, Terrace
Ave is definitely on a list of areas needing repair. Director Smith suggested
an inexpensive way to inspect the area is for Steve Wrenn prepare inspection
holes at the base of the retaining wall’s posts and determine the condition
of the poles. Authority from the board was given for Director Smith
to authorize the work and coordinate the inspection.
--Operations: nothing to report
--Parks and Recreation: nothing to report
--Personnel: Notice of Manager’s Resignation; Transition Proposal
General Manager Phil Buchanan submitted his letter of resignation
effective October 28, 2005 along with a proposed transition time line.
Director Siedman noted that the full Board of Directors will be the personnel
committee and that a closed meeting of the Board will be held January 25th,
10am at BCPUD to begin full transition planning.
--Sewer: nothing to report
b. Minutes of December 15, 2004 Meeting: Amoroso/Kimball
all in favor to approve the minutes with Director
Amoroso’s amendments included.
c. Warrants: Amoroso/Kimball all
in favor to approve the warrants.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting: February 23, 2005
11. Adjournment: 12:55 am