Call to Order.
7:30 p.m.
Amoroso, Comstock, Godino, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.
As of today, the County’s project to repair
the road-level retaining walls at Surfer’s Overlook is very close to
completion. The paving of the project
area is scheduled for this week but it may be necessary to defer the paving
until next week depending on weather conditions. The County’s senior engineer anticipates that
the road will be reopened to vehicular traffic by February 5th at
the latest.
Update on the Wharf Road Lift Station Pump Replacement Project: Agreement with
Brelje & Race for Consulting Engineering Services.
solicited two engineering proposals and selected the lowest cost proposal which
was submitted by Brelje & Race Consulting Engineers at a “not to exceed”
price of $25,000. A Notice of Exemption
under the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) for the project
installation was filed on January 13th. The engineers have completed the preliminary
pump and piping layout and it was reviewed by staff earlier today. The tentative schedule is to finalize the
engineering plans and specifications by the end of January and go out to bid
with the project in early February. Director
Amoroso inquired about the status of the temporary bypass pump as he heard it
was malfunctioning and whether this elevates the project to an “emergency”
status. Staff acknowledged that the pump
had broken down but subsequently was repaired and is functioning properly at
this time.
-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine
Disinfection Byproduct Reduction Project.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to the
most recent chlorine disinfection byproduct (“DBP”) notification mailed out to
customers about levels of total trihalomethanes (“TTHMs”) detected just barely
above the maximum contaminant level (“MCL”) in the district’s drinking
water. The district has been in
communication with the State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”) about the
status of efforts to reduce DBPs and that correspondence also is in the Board
binders. Most recently, the district has
received the results from the pilot tests run to evaluate the efficacy of
coagulation prior to filtration on cold water from the Arroyo Hondo Creek and
from the Woodrat 1 reservoir. For water
from the Arroyo Hondo Creek, coagulation prior to filtration reduced TTHMs by
59%, haloacetic acids (“HAA5s”) by 80% and total organic carbons (“TOCs”) by
85%. For water from the Woodrat 1
reservoir, coagulation prior to filtration reduced TTHMs by 54%, HAA5s by 78%
and TOCs by 50%. In addition, the chlorine
demand was 50% less for Arroyo Hondo Creek water and 63% less for Woodrat 1
water to keep a comparable residual in the water system. The pilot included testing for alum and no
carry-over of the coagulant was detected in the finished water. These results are very encouraging and staff
is working on a recommendation to the Board to apply to the SWRCB and formally
request permission to add coagulation prior to filtration as part of the treatment
process; the recommendation will include the estimated costs and the associated
changes necessary at the treatment plant and in the district’s operation plan.
Update on BCPUD/BFPD Survey of Obstructions and Encroachments in the Public
Rights-of-Way on the Bolinas Mesa.
No update at this time.
Staff reported that water consumption in the
district was up slightly during the most recently completed quarter
(Oct/Nov/Dec) for the downtown area of town.
As for water operations, it has been a very busy month for the BCPUD
staff due to two major leaks on the water distribution system. One leak occurred on December 30th
on the east side of Olema-Bolinas Road across from the Bolinas School and staff
was able to repair it that day and restore water service to customers within a
few hours. The other leak occurred on
the east side of the Dogwood right-of-way near Mesa Road and was caused by a contractor’s
heavy equipment sliding into the drainage ditch, which was located on top of our
water main, and cracking the water main in several places. In order to complete the repair, staff had to
shut off water at each water service because it was not possible to maintain
positive pressure in the main due to the extent of the breakage, which is one
of the worst the district ever experienced.
Staff worked well past midnight to ensure water service would be
restored to customers as soon as possible.
Discussion ensued among the Board members about pursuing a claim againt
the contractor for damage to the district’s infrastructure and the Board
ultimately directed staff to itemize the cost to the district in labor and
materials and present it to the contractor with a request for reimbursement.
In addition to the leaks on the distribution
system, staff also has been addressing equipment malfunctions. The district’s back-up emergency generator at
the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant broke down and staff arranged for a temporary
rental generator while the district’s was disconnected and transported for repair. Staff evaluated whether to replace the
generator rather than repair, but the cost of a replacement is more than three
times the cost of the repair, so staff made the decision to go with a repair at
this time, and include a replacement generator on the district’s capital
improvement schedule. One of the sump
pumps at the plant also failed and the distributor has informed the district
that the parts to repair that pump are no longer available, so staff is
researching options for a replacement at a likely cost of about $1,500.
Staff also has been engaged in maintenance
work at the plant and fine-tuning filters and chlorine dosing as the district switches
back and forth between sources/rain events.
The Arroyo Hondo Creek water is extremely turbid right now, so the plant
is running on its reservoir water source at present. Staff is constructing a protective structure
over the inverters for the photovoltaic arrays and that project is nearly
complete. With regard to the
distribution system, staff is planning for the replacement of the water main in
the Cedar right-of-way between Elm and Alder, and between Alder and
Poplar. Staff is working with the
district’s engineers at Brelje & Race to prepare specifications for this
project that will then serve as a “master” set of specifications for the many
other water main replacement projects identified on the district’s capital improvement
plan. Of course, for each project the
engineers will need to prepare site-specific drawings and identify the specific materials needed, but
having a master set of specifications should be very helpful.
On January 7, 2016, staff submitted a grant
application to CalFire for $100,000 in funds to continue the fire fuel
reduction work the district started in 2011 with Conservation Corps North Bay
in the eucalyptus grove on the BCPUD’s sewer pond property. If the grant is awarded, staff proposes to do
the work this summer between August 16th – October 16th; based on previous biological assessments of
this property, the district knows this is the best window to do the work with no impact on threatened or endangered
species. The district proposes to target
approximately 10 acres of invasive brush and the large stand of eucalyptus
trees to the south of the steep path heading up the property from the Resource
Recovery Project. Some of the work may
be coordinated with the district’s planned project to remove hazardous
eucalyptus trees adjacent to Olema-Bolinas Road and over the force main (item
8, below).
On the wastewater side of operations, there
is a lot going on with staff focused on the lift station pump replacement. The replacement pumps finally were delivered
on January 7, 2016. As previously noted,
engineers were selected and were on site last week to inspect the lift station and
dry-fit the pumps. An important
component of preparing the specifications for the installation will be sequencing
the project to minimize any time when the temporary bypass pump cannot be used
and a pumper truck will be necessary; as such, a bypass manifold will be installed
as part of the project. Given the tight
space constraints in the drywell, the engineers (with staff input) are
optimizing the location of the pumps and piping to allow maximum room for staff
to work on the pumps as necessary. Flows
into the collection system have been creeping upward during the wet weather and
staff suspects some sort of tie-in of
gutters and/or sump pump, which is not allowed as the district’s sewer
collection system is not a combined sewer/stormwater system. Staff will investigate for the possible souce
as the additional flows into the system significantly impact district
The Board reviewed correspondence sent and
received since the last regular Board meeting, including a letter from ACWA/JPIA
regarding the recent training on confined space entry and defensive driving
held in Bolinas at the Firehouse Public meeting Room and a copy of the executed
amendment to the district’s franchise
agreement with Redwood Empire Disposal Company.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s
The Board received a drainage report from
Lewie Likover.
In response to a question from director
Comstock, staff reported that the district has received approximately 17 inches
of rain so far this year (i.e., as of July 1, 2015).
Community Expression.
stated that community member Jennie Pfeiffer had asked to raise the topic of
hosting an appreciation event for Supervisor Steve Kinsey. Director Smith said it will be very important
to have a coastal representative on the Board of Supervisors after Supervisor
Kinsey steps down; he said no one from the coast has filed papers to run, so
everyone should consider who might be a good candidate to encourage to
run. Director Godino suggested that
Bolinas host a “Meet the Candidates” night, perhaps sponsored by the Bolinas
Community Center.
Cole-Bush introduced herself as a new community member and young entrepreneur;
she is a land steward and agrarian specializing in grazing operations with
sheep and/or goats for vegetation management.
She has worked for many public agencies and is here tonight to raise
awareness of her role as a modern urban shepardess. She is in the development stage of her
business and wants to make sure it is a feasible, viable and wanted service
here in the area.
Coastal Permit Application (Project ID: 015-0399),
APN# 192-141-15, 370 Overlook Road,
Expanded Water Use Permit Application (S. Bruce).
The project involves a 400 square
foot addition to the main house, and 80 square foot addition to an ancillary
building, and a new 725 square foot building to be used as a second unit. Director Smith inquired whether a prior
project was completed on this property and Simon Bruce confirmed that a new
5-bedroom septic system was installed.
Director Siedman said it seems a conditional permit is appropriate given
the increase in the number of bedrooms and potential impact on water use. Staff said the average quarterly usage over
the past four quarters was 1,250 cubic feet.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all in favor approving a conditional expanded water
use permit with a maximum quarterly limit equal to the annual average usage
plus 50%, or 1,875 cubic feet.
BCPUD Land Stewardship Committee Report to the Board
of Directors Concerning Past and Present Uses with Recommendations for the
Future re: BCPUD Sewer Pond Property Outside of the Treatment Area.
Director Siedman said that he is a member of the Land
Stewardship Committee and he observed that many of the committee members are in
attendance at the meeting . He said that
the committee met many times over an extended period of time and completed a
lot of work. Director Siedman
particularly commended Genie McNaughton for leading the effort on the
committee’s report and said the report is now formally presented to the Board
for acceptance.
Discussion ensued and Board members Amoroso and Smith
offered specific suggestions for correction of some of the factual details
recited in the report concerning the date of the BCPUD’s purchase of the sewer
pond property, the amount of acerage under lease, and the permitted uses of the
pedestrian/bike path, among other things.
Director Godino inquired whether the adjacent Reusch property is
maintained as a preserve and/or whether there is a management plan in place for
that property; committee member Tish Brown said the property is mowed on an
annual basis and, while the property is no longer under an open space easement
agreement, no one wishes to see it developed.
Director Godino noted that one of the committee recommendations is that
the BCPUD not grant any more leases on the property and she is not sure she
agrees with this; she also expressed concern about other recommendations in the
report that would require financial expenditures by the BCPUD. Director Comstock said the report and its
recommendations are very helpful, but there are limits on what the BCPUD can
commit to financially. Committee member
Janine Aroyan said the committee understands this and that the committee does
not wish to impose a financial burden on the district. Committee members Masterton and Angel expressed
strong support for the recommendation to halt any more leasing of this property.
Director Siedman suggested that the Board
accept the report. Director Godino asked
if the Board accepts the report, is it also accepting the report
recommendation? She said that she does
not wish to be obstructive, but she is not prepared to accept all of the
recommendations yet or to commit to the financial obligations the
recommendations entail. Director
Comstock suggested that the Board clarify that it is accepting the report but
that it is not necessarily commiting to implement the recommendations or the
financial expenditures identified therein.
Discussion ensued with some members of the committee urging the Board to
accept the report with the recommendations as drafted; ultimately, director Siedman suggested the
Board accept the report and await input from the committee as to what it would
like the BCPUD to do next with regard to specific recommendations. Directors Comstock and Godino agreed as long
as it is clear the Board is not committing the district to any specific action
at this time.
L. Comstock/D.
Smith all in favor to accept the committee report, subject
to corrections, and await further input from the committee as to the
recommendations contained in the report.
7. Water
Supply Update: Report from Consulting Hydro-geologist Rob
Director Amoroso said the report identifies at least
$100,000 more in investigative work the district could undertake to evaluate
the groundwater supply to its irrigation well, but he is unclear on whether the
district should expend such a sum if the probability of a significant amount of
water is not high. Director Smith said
the district should press for more information and he offered to meet with Rob
Gailey for a technical discussion; he noted that the Board had requested an
estimate from Rob as to the likely sustainable groundwater supply to the well
and that Rob had agreed to provide one, but the report does not provide the
promised estimate. Director Comstock
expressed disappointment that the report does not include this information and
agreed with director Smith that the district should press for some kind of
estimate, with whatever qualifications or caveats Rob feels he needs to specify
to do so. He said the Board needs to
know how much water the district responsibly can pump (or allow to be pumped)
from this well without inducing seawater intrusion and whether this well can
produce a sustainable potable water supply.
Director Comstock noted that Mr. Gailey previously has expressed the
opinion that there likely is not a lot of water supplying the well, so director
Comstock is reluctant to spend more money to confirm this, but he wants to
ensure that the current level of pumping is appropriate and sustainable. Discussion ensued about potential additional
information to collect; director Smith suggested the district survey the well
elevation to understand specificially where it is (and its water level)
relative to sea level. After further
discussion, director Siedman suggested that the district continue its current
monitoring of the well to build the data set and also explore the possibility
of grant funding to pay for the kind of additional monitoring identified in
Rob’s report. Director Comstock
suggested that the Board also delegate the Operations Committee (directors
Comstock and Smith) to meet with Rob.
Director Smith concurred and said he sees three potential topics for
such a meeting: (1) how can an estimate of the sustainable pumping rate for
this well be “teased out” of the available data?; (2) how can the district
improve its monitoring for potential indicators of seawater intrusiuon at a
reasonable cost?; and, (3) are there opportunities for grant funding for any of
the recommendations contained in the report?
Directors Comstock and Smith agreed to meet with Rob Gailey and report
back at the next Board meeting.
Removal of Hazardous Trees from BCPUD Property
Adjacent to Olema-Bolinas Road (south of Mesa Road) and Over the Sewer Force
Main (BCPUD staff).
Staff requested the Board’s approval to
proceed with the removal of specified hazardous trees from BCPUD property; the trees have been marked and staff is
soliciting bids for the work. There are
five trees along the Olema-Bolinas Road marked for removal and approximately 27
smaller trees growing over the BCPUD’s sewer force main. All of the trees at issue are
eucalyptus. Depending on the bids
received, the district may move forward with the project in two stages (i.e,
remove the trees adjacent to the road first) due to the need for traffic
control during that portion of the project.
Staff is in discussions with the Bolinas Fire Protection District and
the County Department of Public Works for assistance with the traffic
control. Director Smith said that he was
called by a community member who expressed concern about the removal of the
trees; director Smith explained to the concerned community member that the
BCPUD has a responsibility to remove hazardous trees and will not remove more
trees than necessary to fulfill its responsibilities. Director Comstock said it will be important
to plan for the cost of this project as it moves forward. The Board suggested that staff apprise the community
about the project via the Hearsay News
as soon as it is scheduled.
Amoroso/G. Godino all in
favor to approve the removal of
hazardous trees from the BCPUD property adjacent to Olema-Bolinas Road and over
the sewer force main.
Marin Local Agency Formation Commission: BCPUD
Comments on Countywide Water Service Study (Municipal Service Review – Final
Report, January 2016).
Staff attended the Marin LAFCO public hearing on its
Countywide Water Service Study on January 14, 2016 -- Marin LAFCO’s final
report was issued the week before the public hearing and is over 400 pages
long, with a new executive summary and a proposed resolution with “determinations”. Staff spoke briefly during the hearing to
reiterate the BCPUD’s continuing concerns with the report (i.e., the assertion
that water use/intensity of use is increasing in Bolinas and the recommendation
that the BCPUD increase its water treatment capacity) and requested that LAFCO
extend the time to receive written comments on the final report until the
continuation hearing date (February 11, 2016).
Marin LAFCO granted the request and staff will prepare written comments on
behalf of the district for submission before the deadline.
10. Election
of BCPUD Board Officers/Committee Assignments.
Directors Siedman and Amoroso expressed their
willingness to continue to serve as the Board’s president and vice president,
respectively, and the directors also reviewed the current membership of the
Board’s committees.
Comstock/ G. Godino all in
favor to reelect the Board’s officers
and reappoint the Board’s committees as presently constituted.
11. Approve Budget Schedule for the BCPUD’s
Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Budget.
G. Godino/L.
Comstock all in favor to approve the budget schedule for the
BCPUD’s Fiscal Year 2016-2017 budget.
12. Proposal
to Convert Part-Time Temporary Utility Worker Position to Full-Time Shift
Operator Position.
Staff presented a proposal to convert the
part-time temporary utility work position currently held by Stew Oakander to a
full-time shift operator position. Among
other things, in light of foreseeable retirements, staff recommends that the
district ensure it is prepared to fulfill its obligations to the community with
a sufficient number of qualified and certified operators. The budgetary and other impacts/benefits of
the conversion of this position are detailed in staff’s proposal. Director Comstock said he hopes the
additional personnel will enable staff to install some of the district’s
smaller identified capital improvement projects.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor to convert the existing part-time
temporary utility worker position to a full-time shift operator position.
13. Volunteer
Committee Reports.
Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee: Director Siedman noted that
there will be a meeting about the Bolinas Lagoon “North End” project at the
Firehouse on January 30th.
Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
Resource Recovery: Update re: Notice of Violation from the
Marin County Environmental Health Services Department. The County’s Stormwater Pollution
Prevention department has required that the Resource Recovery Project update
its Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and submit a copy to the County. With the concurrence of the other member
agencies, the district has engaged Wildscape Engineering to prepare this
document at a cost not-to-exceed $6,700.
In addition, and again with the concurrence of the other member
agencies, the district will engage WRA
environmental consultants to conduct the work necessary to receive
after-the-fact permits from the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the
Army Corps of Engineers for the work done to improve the drainage at the site.
West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Director
Godino reported that Supervisor Steve Kinsey facilitated a meeting recently at
the Civic Center with the entire West Marin subcommittee of the Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito & Vector Control District (“M&VCD”), Manager Phil Smith, Liza
Goldblatt and director Godino. It was a
cordial and respectful meeting and Supervisor Kinsey did a terrific job as
facilitator. Director Godino said it
seems clear that the M&VCD very much wants to use methoprene briquettes to
control mosquitoes in West Marin and seems convinced it is safe and that
concerns otherwise in West Marin are misplaced.
Director Comstock asked why the M&VCD is not satisfied with
OMRI-approved products; director Godino said the M&VCD support those
products, but want another option since Agnique is discontinued and the other
OMRI-approved products are not designed for use in septic tanks. She said the subcommittee members are very
concerned about their legal obligation to do mosquito and vector control as
effectively as possible and follow best practices; they feel their “customer” is the public
health. Discussion ensued and the Board
members discussed the possibility of Bolinas removing itself from the M&VCD
if the non-toxic protocol agreement is not renewed as-is. Director Godino said that three more meetings
have been scheduled to negotiate the agreement renewal and she underscored
again Supervisor Kinsey’s helpful role.
Finally, she noted that at present West Marin is not represented on the
full M&VCD Board.
Land Stewardship Committee: Receive
Report from the Land Stewardship Committee.
Nothing further to report.
14. Other
a. Board Committee Reports.
Finance: Staff reported that efforts to hire a new
bookkeeper continue and staff hopes to have a recommendation for the Board’s
consideration at the next regular meeting.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Director Smith commented that
in light of the recent leak on Dogwood where it was revealed that a drainage
ditch was installed over the district’s water main, he would like the staff
survey of the Big Mesa to include a specific identification of all locations
where drainage ditches are inappropriately close to water mains.
-- Operations: Nothing to report.
Park and Recreation: Director Amoroso reported that he attended
the most recent meeting of the Mesa Park Board and they are planning to improve
the irrigation well to prevent the on-going siltation problem.
Personnel: Nothing further to report.
-- Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the December 16, 2015 regular Board meeting.
Amoroso offered a correction to typographical error in the draft minutes.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all in favor to
approve the minutes of the December 16, 2015 regular meeting, as corrected.
c. Warrants.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all
in favor to approve the warrant
d. Scheduling of Next
17, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.
15. Adjournment.
10:39 p.m.