A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
January 21, 2004       7:30 p.m.    
270 Elm Road, Bolinas

  1.  Call to Order

  2.  Roll

  3.  Manager’s Report

  4.  Community Expression

  5.  Election of Board Officers; Board Committee Assignments

  6.  Roads:  maintenance/improvement permit procedures;
       review of permit checklist; specifications for maintenance
       or improvement of unpaved roads;
       Kale/Poplar road maintenance update

  7.  National Park Service:  General Management Plan Update
       for Point Reyes National Seashore and the north District of
       Golden Gate National Recreation Area; review of NPS appraisal
       of AP# 188-090-14 (Pine Gulch Creek property);
       proposed lot split for AP# 188-090-14

  8.  Resolution 498, Amends Resolution 443 Establishing A Connection
       Charge For New Sewer Hookups; States Exceptions To The Sewer
       Moratorium Established By Resolution 259

  9.  Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO):
       election of LAFCO Special District Member

10.  ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority Executive Committee: 
       nominations for May 3, 2004 election

11.  Mesa Park:  proposed agreement for  reimbursement of administrative
       expenses associated with processing payroll/taxes/workers comp
       for park maintenance employee

12.   Other Business
        a.  Committee Reports
             -- Alternative Energy:
             -- Downtown Parking and Traffic:  1/7 meeting report
             -- Finance:  2nd Quarter Financial Report
             -- Legal:
             -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage: 1/14 meeting report
             -- Operations:
             -- Park and Recreation:
             -- Personnel:  1/20 meeting report
             -- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
             -- Solid Waste: 
        b.  Minutes of December 17, 2003 Meeting
        c.  Warrants
        d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

13.  Adjournment