Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
February 17, 2010     270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1.    Call to Order.


2.    Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.

3.    Manager’s Report.

Staff reported that the district has received approximately 23 inches of rain at the district office building and approximately 25 inches at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant.  These amounts compare to 16.2 inches at the same time last year at the district office building and 22.9 inches of rain total for the entire season.  As for consumption, the most recent data indicates that the district consumption continues to be significantly lower than at the same time last year.

    Staff directed the Board’s attention to a recent letter from the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) stating that the district will not be required to conduct costly monitoring for cryptosporidium in its raw water based on its standard monitoring results, which is very good news.  The Board also reviewed staff’s letter to CDPH outlining the district’s plans for an aeration pilot study to reduce chlorine disinfection byproducts in the district’s drinking water, as well as the district’s most recent notice to customers regarding total trihalomethane exceedences.

    Staff reported that all work by outside contractors on the Mesa Road Pressure Reducing Valve Station Reconstruction project will be complete this month and that the manufacturer’s representative will start-up the newly installed pressure reducing valves.  With regard to the Horseshoe Hill Water Main Extension project, staff reported that the crew is gathering cost estimates and meeting this week with the County Department of Public Works personnel to ascertain the conditions, if any, that will be imposed for an encroachment permit.  Staff hopes to meet with the affected property owner within the next month to finalize details.

    Staff reported that the Bolinas Fire Protection District has forwarded information about the responsible party for the damage to the district’s fire hydrant at the corner of Elm and Dogwood.  The Board instructed staff to pursue reimbursement for the damaged hydrant from the responsible party.

    On the wastewater side of operations, staff noted that later on the agenda the Board will discuss the relocation of the sewer main off of Terrace Avenue.  Staff also presented the district’s certification to the State Water Resources Control Board that the required sections of its Sewer System Management Plan were timely completed.  Finally, staff reported that the field crew recently re-established the drainage ditches at the perimeter of the sewer pond property to direct stormwater originating from the fields on the north side of Mesa Road in an easterly direction down to the County’s stormwater collection mains on Mesa and Olema-Bolinas Roads.

    The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last meeting, including a rate stabilization report from ACWA/JPIA confirming the district’s receipt of $9,383.53, as well as a letter from the Bolinas Community Land Trust in support of the full-time ban on camping at Bolinas beach.  Staff noted that Point Reyes National Seashore Superintendent Don Neubacher has been promoted to superintend Yosemite National Park and inquired whether the Board wished to send a congratulatory noted.  The Board directed staff to prepare a letter for the Board’s consideration.

    -- Watershed Sanitary Survey

Staff reported that the district needs to update its Watershed Sanitary Survey and recommended that the district’s outside engineers, Brelje & Race, be engaged to perform this update for a estimated not-to-exceed cost of $6,500.  The Board had no objection.

-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.

Staff reported that the final structural details are being incorporated into the construction bid drawings.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

No report was submitted this month.

4.   Community Expression.

    Director Amoroso inquired about the status of the repair of the district’s gate at Brighton Avenue boat ramp.  Staff reported that the field crew is soliciting estimates for the installation work from local contractors.  Director Siedman noted that the Board received a copy of a letter from Cela O’Connor to the Planning Commission concerning the Local Coastal Plan Update.

5. Expanded Water Use Permit Application, APN# 192-071-06, 415 Evergreen Road (Bruce).

    Mr. Bruce called the district to explain that he has submitted paperwork to the County to complete the legalization process he started with the amnesty application to legalize his second unit.  He now seeks to legalize two bedrooms which were added to the main residence more than twenty years ago.  Staff noted that the Board granted a conditional expanded water use permit to Mr. Bruce in connection with his second unit amnesty application.

V. Amoroso/B. Kimball     all in favor     to reaffirm the terms of the existing conditional expanded water use permit with a maximum quarterly water use limit of 4312 cubic feet.

6.     Expanded Water Use Permit Application, APN# 191-031-01, 295 Grove Road (J. Molyneux)

    Director Amoroso observed that the applicant is seeking to legalize a structure constructed many years ago.  The Board members agreed that a conditional permit is appropriate and discussion ensued about whether to use the district average consumption or historic consumption at the property as the appropriate basis for setting the maximum quarterly limit.  Director Smith observed that the property owners recently have made strong efforts at conservation, but that the average water use at the property is still quite high due to past leaks and high consumption.  Director Amoroso suggested that the district average, plus an additional 50%, therefore should be used; director Smith concurred, noting that this amount is still far less than the historic average actual consumption at the property (prior to the recent conservation efforts).

V. Amoroso/D. Smith    all in favor    to grant a conditional expanded water use permit subject to a maximum quarterly usage equal to the current district average consumption, plus 50%, or 3393 cubic feet.

7.    Hodge Coastal Permit (CP10-10), APN # 192-121-32,  Alder Road between Cedar Road and Dogwood Road, Bolinas (revised permit application revised to permit two accessory structures already present on the site)

Director Siedman noted that the district has received a revised transmittal memorandum from the County concerning Steve Hodge’s coastal permit application; he said, and director Kimball concurred, that Mr. Hodge should submit a new expanded water use permit application in light of the additional scope of work to be covered by the coastal permit.  The Board instructed staff to apprise the County and Mr. Hodge of the need to apply for a new expanded water use permit and place this matter on the March meeting agenda.

8.    Firehouse Community Park Agency (aka Mesa Park) Coastal Permit (CP 10-29), Design Review (DR 10-65) and Use Permit (UP 10-14), 32 Wharf Road, Bolinas (to develop a downtown community park.

    Alethea Patton was present to answer questions about the Mesa Park coastal permit application to develop a community park downtown.  She reminded the Board that Mesa Park owns three water meters at this location.  She noted that the park will have public restrooms and a proposed water catchment system designed to capture 20,000 gallons of water to irrigate (via drip irrigation) the park lawn and native landscape.  The Board advised that Mesa Park should apply for an expanded water use permit; the Board also expressed strong support for the project and encouragement of Mesa Park’s water conservation efforts.  Staff was instructed to send a letter expressing these points to the County planner processing the coastal permit application.  Director Kimball commented that the district might best be able to project potential water use at the new park by reviewing water consumption data at the Bolinas Community Center and the County bathrooms near the tennis courts.

9.    Request to Remove Hazardous Trees at 25 Olema-Bolinas Road (Resource Recovery Project).

Mike Aitken, site manager for the Resource Recovery Project (“RRP”),  presented a letter from a certified arborist verifying that approximately 28 trees near the RRP site are highly hazardous and should be removed immediately.  In response to questions from Board members, Mike said that four of the trees border Olema-Bolinas Road and all of the trees are on the district’s property.  Mike is collecting estimates from interested arborists to remove the identified trees; he said he would like the district to loan RRP the funds for the tree removal, to be repaid by the RRP over a period of several years.  Jennie Pfeiffer, a member of the RRP  committee, expressed support for the hazardous tree removal and said the RRP has a responsibility to the public and its customers to maintain a safe site.  In response to questions from Board members, staff said that per BCPUD Resolution 577, two quotes for the work should be obtained and that the permit requirements will need to be investigated. 

K. Bender/B. Kimball    all in favor    to authorize staff to obtain at least two quotes for the cost of the hazardous tree removal and to engage the company with the lowest of the estimates.

10.  Approve Bolinas Fire Fuel Reduction Project and Grant Application to the California Fire Safe Council (to remove invasive non-native brush and eucalyptus saplings on BCPUD sewer pond lands).

Staff reported on a recent meeting with Max Korten, Natural Resource Manager with the Conservation Corps North Bay (“CCNB”) (formerly known as the Marin Conservation Corps) concerning a project to reduce fire fuel on the BCPUD sewer pond lands.  The CCNB trains its corps members (who are individuals working to obtain their high school diplomas) in various outdoor skills (such as vegetation management and trail building); the corps members work four days per week for CCNB and attend classes at night and on the fifth weekday per week.  Mr. Korten proposed a joint project whereby the CCNB will prepare and submit a California Fire Safe Council grant application to request $75,000 in funding, CCNB also will apply under Proposition 84 for an additional $50,000 in funding and the BCPUD will contribute $25,000 in matching funds or labor, for a total of $150,000 – these funds will go to pay CCNB corps members to remove invasive, non-native brush and eucalyptus saplings on the BCPUD sewer pond lands.  The Board reviewed a letter prepared by staff on behalf of the district committing to the partnership with CCNB and pledging $25,000 in matching funds and/or staff labor.

B. Kimball/J. Siedman        all in favor    to approve the BCPUD’s partnership with CCNB on the California Fire Safe Council and commitment of $25,000 in matching funds/labor.

11.    Discuss Terrace Avenue Road Closure. Surfer’s Overlook Stabilization Project and Related Issues.

    Director Siedman stated that the district, working with the Bolinas Fire Protection District (“BFPD”) has formed a local “working group” to discuss issues relating to Terrace Avenue with the County of Marin.  The working group is comprised of  representatives of the BCPUD (director Siedman, General Manager Jennifer Blackman and Chief Operator Bill Pierce) and the  BFPD (Fire Chief Anita Tyrrell-Brown, Board member David Kimball, and former Fire Chief Ralph Camiccia).   Thus far the group has had one meeting with Supervisor Kinsey and the Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works, Bob Beaumont; a second meeting is scheduled for February 18, 2010.  There are two issues at this point:  the major slide at the top of Terrace (near Overlook Road) and the stability of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.  The County hopes to be able to restore the top of Terrace Avenue after the rainy season, but whether it will be possible to do so requires further analysis.  The stability of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook is a complex matter;  the working group traveled to Santa Cruz recently to tour a bluff stabilization project under construction there to redress conditions similar to those in Bolinas (i.e., important access road and underground utilities threatened by coastal bluff erosion).  The working group was impressed and encouraged by the Santa Cruz seawall project – something like it, albeit considerably more modest, may be an appropriate solution for Bolinas to save Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook and preserve the community’s utility lines and access to more than 40 homes.  At the same time, as a necessity, the BCPUD is pursuing engineering plans and funding to move its utility lines from this location in the event a stabilization project is not constructed.  

    Director Smith noted that at present, if a eucalyptus tree were to fall and block Mesa Road, the BFPD would have no means of accessing downtown, the Little Mesa, or Terrace Avenue residents.  Joshua Hart , who identified himself as a graduate student in transportation planning, submitted a written proposal for the Board’s consideration in which he suggests that the community retain vehicular access for emergency purposes only from the top of Terrace as a strategy to encourage non-motorized means of transportation.  He said the current slide has presented the community with an opportunity – an opportunity that also seems consistent with the Gridded Mesa Plan.  Discussion ensued during which support for this proposal was expressed, although others expressed a preference that Terrace Avenue remain open as a through road.

    Director Kimball noted that the February 18th meeting of the working group and County representatives will be focused on Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook; the County, BCPUD and BFPD previously jointly committed $50,000 to retain a geotechnical engineer to assess the location and this meeting is in furtherance of that effort.  Director Amoroso commented that the district six years ago moved its water main off of Terrace Avenue at Overlook Road – unfortunately, it will not be as easy to do so at Surfer’s Overlook. 

    After further discussion, Joshua Hart inquired whether the Board was interested in passing a resolution in favor of Terrace Avenue becoming a one-way lane, with the top remaining closed to vehicles other than for emergencies.  Another person present expressed support for this proposal; she said she frequently bikes downtown which is much more pleasant now that the vehicle use of Terrace is reduced.  Director Smith reminded all present that the community now has a bike path from the Big Mesa to downtown that is easier to use than Terrace Avenue, particularly when climbing up hill.  He said that the issue of whether Terrace should remain closed to vehicles at the top, even if a repair is possible, is one that should go to the community for a vote.  Again, other persons present expressed support for preserving Terrace Avenue as a through road, thereby providing two routes of egress from the Big Mesa.  The topic of potential alternative routes also were discussed;  director Smith noted that a study performed by consultants to the County several years ago priced potential alternative routes to Terrace at $3 – 6 million.

12.    Approve Application for Funding to Relocate Sewer Main Off of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.

    Staff presented a recommendation prepared by the district’s outside engineers for two alternatives for the relocation of the sewer collection main off of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.  Staff plans to submit a funding application under the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to finance the project.  Director Siedman noted that the engineers have presented two options and staff requested support for the second alternative, which is estimated to be slightly more expensive but which further relocates the sewer main away from the potential erosion zone. 

K. Bender/B. Kimball    all in favor    to approve Alternative 2 as the preferred approach for  relocating the district’s sewer main off of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.

13.    Amend Fire House Community Park Agency (aka Mesa Park) Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement to Require that All Candidates for the Elected Board Must Be Registered Voters Residing Within the Boundaries of the Mesa Park District.

    Director Siedman reported that the County’s Registrar of Voters has advised that if Mesa Park wishes to have an elected, rather than an appointed, board of commissioners, then the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement must be amended to make clear that eligible candidates must be residents of the Mesa Park district (which has the same boundaries as the BFPD).  After some discussion, director Amoroso proposed that the agreement be amended in Section 8 at the bottom of page three to change the phrase “School or District” to read “Area”, because the term Area is defined in Section 1 as meaning the Mesa Park district area..

V. Amoroso/K. Bender        all in favor    to amend Section 8 of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement at the bottom of page three to change the phrase “School or District” to read “Area”. 

    Director Siedman said that he would advise the Board of Trustees of the Bolinas-Union School District of the Board’s action and ask the Board of Trustees to take similar action.

14.  Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee: Nothing to report.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.

-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing to report.

-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:  Nothing to report.

-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Nothing to report.

15.     Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance: Nothing to report.
-- Legal:  Nothing to report.

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Approve Letter to County of Marin re: California Graywater Plumbing Code.  Director Kimball presented a draft letter to the director of the Community Development Agency in support of the new statewide graywater plumbing code and requesting implementation of the new code as soon as possible.  Director Smith said that he read the new code in its entirety and found, to his surprise, that a three-foot separation from groundwater is required;  director Smith said this requirement is counterproductive because if one wants to keep nutrients out of the groundwater, irrigation of graywater should be allowed at the surface level where nutrients are adsorbed by plants.  He therefore offered certain revisions to director Kimball’s draft letter to urge the County to use its discretion to allow property owners to irrigate with graywater in such a manner that nutrients do not have the potential to enter the groundwater.

D. Smith/V. Amoroso    all in favor    to send the letter to the County of Marin with the revisions offered by director Smith.

        Director Kimball requested that the Board’s committee meet with staff, including Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover, to review the drainage plan, the district’s drainage work to date, and next steps.   Director Smith concurred and staff agreed to schedule a meeting within the next two months.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

-- Park and Recreation:  Director Siedman reported that the California Department of Parks and Recreation has preliminarily okayed an amendment to the district’s reclamation project, but said an updated CEQA analysis will be required.  In addition, the Department has advised that if the cost of installing the irrigation well (i.e., the new source water for the project) is included in the grant application, then the well water cannot be shared with any other entities.  However, the cost of bringing well water to the park site, installing the bathrooms and irrigating the ball fields all can still be paid for via the grant.  Director Siedman said the Mesa Park has agreed to share some of the irrigation well water with the Resource Recovery Project and its tenants, so it does not plan to seek grant funds for the cost of the well installation.  A key point to be determined is what the state considers to be included in the cost of “well installation.”  

On a separate topic, director Siedman reported that the Downtown Park committee is debating how to pay for the construction of public bathrooms at the new park.  The committee asked Supervisor Kinsey if the County can maintain these bathrooms as it does with the public bathrooms near the tennis courts.  Ultimately, the Open Space District proposed a shared arrangement whereby funds are contributed to a common cleaning arrangement and Supervisor Kinsey has been asked for $3,500 annually in funding therefore. 

-- Personnel:  Nothing to report.

-- Sewer:    Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the January 20, 2010 Regular Meeting.

    The Board deferred approval of the January 20, 2010 meeting minutes;  the draft minutes were not available due to a computer malfunction. 

c. Warrants

B. Kimball/K. Bender        all in favor    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    March 17, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.

16.  Adjournment.

10:03 p.m.