Bolinas Community Public Utility
A Regular Meeting
Of The Board Of Directors
February 20, 2013 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order.
7:32 p.m.
2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project.
Staff reported the California Department of Public Health
sent an e-mail today confirming that the district’s loan amendment request
(for additional funding and an extension of time to complete the project)
has been approved and the paperwork should be forthcoming with the next day
or so. A pre-construction site meeting is planned for March 6th as
staff hopes to begin the project in mid to late March. In addition,
the district has cleared the easement between Rafael and Park Avenues to
ensure efficient access to the water main in that location. Staff noted
that the adjacent neighbors were very cooperative.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project: Request
from Sanders & Associates Geostructural Engineering, Inc. (“SAGE”) for
Additional Funds; Amendment to Second MOU
The Board reviewed a draft Amendment to the existing Memorandum
of Understanding (“MOU”) between the County of Marin, the Bolinas Fire Protection
District and the BCPUD concerning the further geotechnical evaluation of
the bluff at Surfer’s Overlook. The project engineers, SAGE, have requested
an additional $3,228.45 in funds due to cost increases since its proposal
for the work was submitted and approved. Staff discussed the request
with County personnel and there is no objection to splitting the cost increase
on a 50-50 basis. Staff requested Board approval of the Amendment as
the geotechnical work is scheduled to take place in April.
K. Bender/V. Amoroso all in favor to
approve the Amendment to the Second MOU Between the County of Marin, the
Bolinas Fire Protection District and the BCPUD.
-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade
The civil engineering plans for the replacement of the
pressure relief piping are completed to a design level of 75-90% and have
been forwarded to the district’s electrical engineer. Staff will review
the plans next week with the Chief Operator returns from vacation.
The Board reviewed the latest consumption data within
the district; staff noted that consumption was up slightly for the most recent
quarter ending in January (for the mid Mesa). Staff also noted that
it has been quite dry since December. Although the district’s creek
water source and emergency reservoirs are in good shape right now due to
the early rains, conditions could change quickly if the district does not
receive additional rain this Spring.
The district experienced a significant leak on the booster pump water line
(i.e., the line between the booster pump station and Commonweal) during the
first week of February. Piazza Construction completed an emergency
repair of the leak, but a few days later the pipe burst in another location
nearby. Piazza again repaired the leak and staff believes that the
entire section of problematic piping has now been removed, replaced and properly
The Board reviewed a recent notice mailed out by the district
to all customers to inform them that the district’s drinking water exceeded
the maximum contaminant level (“MCL”) for haleoacetic acids (HAA5s), which
is a chlorine disinfection byproduct. The levels exceeded the MCL in
December when water was sampled after a storm event; storm events result
in elevated levels of organics in the raw water. The district continues
to work on identifying a solution to this problem. Staff and director
Smith are working on chlorine management options and the district recently
engaged a consultant to advise it on the potential for nano-filtration to
remove the chlorine disinfection byproducts.
Staff has determined that the water storage tanks need
to be inspected (inside and outside) as part of the district’s on-going maintenance
efforts and hopes to present a proposal from an outside vendor soon for the
Board’s consideration. On a separate topic, staff reported that the
annual inspection of the backflow protection devices in the district is underway.
On the wastewater side of operations, flows are very low
into the ponds right now. Staff reported that the district sent out
letters to numerous homeowners on the lagoon side of Wharf Road to inform
them that their sewer laterals are compromised (in bad condition) and in
need of replacement so that seawater does not intrude into the collection
system. The deadline to complete the needed repairs is April 1st due
to the County’s plan to pave Wharf Road this summer. The district is
trying to assist as much as possible, but the customers ultimately are responsible
for the condition of their laterals.
PG&E replaced the power pole on Wharf Road outside
the lift station on February 3, 2013. The work went well, but required
the power to be shut off, which in the usual course would trip the district’s
alarm system. In this case, the alarm tripped, but the auto-dialer
inexplicably called 911 rather than the district’s answering service.
Sheriff’s deputies responded and staff eventually determined the problem
was with the phone line. AT&T was very responsive and repaired
the phone line immediately.
The district’s bi-annual composting toilet inspections were completed in
The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last regular
meeting, including two Public Record Act requests and responses and an update
from the County of Marin on the status of the water quality monitoring program
and compliance plan for the Duxbury Reef Area of Special Biological Significance.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
The Board reviewed a written report submitted by Drainage Project Manager
Lewie Likover.
4. Community Expression.
Director Siedman noted that there is a communication in the Board’s binders
from a community member upset about people not cleaning up after their dogs
in the public roads. After a brief discussion, the Board directed staff
to acknowledge the letter and suggest that the correspondent submit an article
to the Hearsay to educate people about the problem.
5. Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill
pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 377 Ocean Parkway, Bolinas (C. Wilmans).
Ms. Wilmans was present to discuss her request for financial relief; she
explained that she received a large bill and then discovered a leak within
her home. She repaired the leak but subsequently discovered, upon her
receipt of a second large bill, that there was a leak in the water line to
the house – in fact, this probably was the main leak responsible for the
water loss as the leak inside the house was relatively small. The leak
on the water line was repaired immediately, as well. Discussion ensued
between the Board members about whether the main leak was repaired sufficiently,
given that an examination of the water meter would have revealed the continuing
water loss.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor
to forgive the full amount of the bill attributable to the leak, based on
the historical average water use for the same quarter during the last three
6. Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill
pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 185 Iris Road, Bolinas (C. Weare).
Chris Weare appeared by phone to discuss his request for financial relief.
He explained that he recently purchased the home, which is an older house
with a setback of only about five feet from the back fence. The leak
occurred in the water line to the house which is located in this narrow setback
area. BCPUD staff discovered the leak while reading the meter because
the setback area was flooded; the water was shut off and a repair was completed
immediately. Director Siedman noted the leak likely would have been
found sooner if the house was occupied full-time. Director Bender questioned
whether part-time homeowners should be treated differently; this was a blind
leak until the water surfaced and the Board typically forgives the entire
amount of the bill attributable to the leak in such cases.
K. Bender/V. Amoroso all in favor
to forgive the full amount of the bill attributable to the leak, based on
the historical average water use for the same quarter during the last three
7. Expanded Water Use Permit Application – 190 Horseshoe
Hill Road (M. Marin).
Alethea Patton was present on behalf of homeowner Mindy Marin. She
explained that this application is for an internal remodel which does not
involve the addition of any bathrooms or bedrooms that would implicate water
use. Director Smith noted that the application states that two outbuildings
are to be legalized and Alethea explained that the previous owner of the
property had a second unit and a pool house on the property; she said the
kitchen in the second unit is to be removed, which should reduce water usage.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor
to grant an unconditional expanded water use permit,
8. Public Hearing: Complaint of Obstruction Within Zebra
Right-of-Way pursuant to Ordinance 30 (S. Verhalen).
Sue Verhalen explained that she owns a home on Ocean Parkway which is no
longer accessible via Ocean Parkway due to bluff erosion. She reminded
the Board that some years ago the district cleared a 10-foot wide section
of the Zebra right-of-way below her property as her new access. She
recently discovered that this cleared section of right-of-way has been obstructed
by heavy sculptures and other materials such that she cannot use the right-of-way
to access her property. Ms. Verhalen said she knows she is responsible
for improvements to the right-of-way, but requests the district’s assistance
in dealing with the obstructions. Staff reported that the responsible
neighbor telephoned the district to say he would remove the obstructions
as soon as possible. Director Smith noted that the responsible neighbor
also has obstructed the district’s access to its water line in the Zebra
right-of-way, and that also should be addressed. After a brief discussion,
director Siedman suggested the district send the neighbor a letter requiring
that he remove the obstructions in the section of the Zebra right-of-way
needed by Ms. Verhalen to access her property within the next two weeks,
and also requiring that the neighbor agree to a timeline for removing the
obstructions over the district’s water line.
B. Kimball/D. Smith all in favor to directing
staff to send a letter to the neighboring property owner requiring removal
of the obstructions in the Zebra right-of-way which are preventing Ms. Verhalen’s
access to her property and also requesting the property owner to contact
staff to agree upon a timeline for removal of the obstructing materials on
top of the district’s water line in the Zebra right-of-way.
9. Bolinas Fire Protection District Coastal Permit 13-10
and Design Review 13-42, 100 Mesa Road, Bolinas (to add a 40-inch tall and
24-inch deep microwave antenna to existing telecommunication tower).
Director Smith said that he and Bolinas Fire Protection District Board Member
David Kimball have been working with Crown Castle for years on this project;
they have concluded that the proposed microwave dish does not pose a ground
radiation problem -- rather, it is the cell antennae that pose such problems.
The microwave signal is needed to communicate cell phone traffic with Stinson
Beach eventually. Director Siedman noted that there was no one present
from the community to comment on this permit application.
10. Report from the Pool in Bolinas Committee: Results
of Pool Survey.
John Bryant was present on behalf of the Pool in Bolinas Committee.
He said that he was asked by Mesa Park to report to the BCPUD Board on the
results of the pool survey. The Committee received 400 responses to
the 1500 surveys that were mailed out; 82% of respondents said they would
use a pool and 200 families ($65/month) and/or individuals ($45/month) said
they would sign up as members. Based on the resulting fees expected,
the Committee believes it could offer lap swimming in the morning from 7:00
– 9:00 a.m., classes from 10:00 am until noon, kids’ swim in the afternoon,
and more classes in the evening. John said that the next step is for
the Committee to raise money to hire someone to locate grant funds for the
construction of the pool. Discussion ensued and John explained that
the Committee is basing is pricing and services approach on the City of Windsor’s
public pool. He noted that the on-going cost, once the pool facilities
are built, will be staffing. Director Amoroso inquired about water
use. John said that the Committee does not have exact numbers yet.
He noted that the pool facilities will be served by at BCPUD meter, but due
to use restrictions that will be imposed when the meter is installed, the
Committee is exploring supplemental sources of water, such as captured rainwater
and greywater.
11. Request for BCPUD to Serve as Fiscal Sponsor (Thermopile
John Wick, John Hulls and Gabrielle Pecora were present on behalf of the
Thermopile Project. John Wick explained that his organization is interested
in stopping global warming and presently is working with UC Berkeley on a
carbon sequestration project involving the application of compost to agricultural
lands. Recent use of phylochip technology has verified that it is possible
to safely compost human waste. The resulting compost is highly efficient
at sequestering carbon. The Thermopile Project would like to begin
a pilot project in Bolinas to collect and compost human waste; this will
require approximately 20 homeowners to volunteer to retrofit their bathrooms
with an Ultra Low Flush (“ULF”) toilet (to be paid for with grant funds)
and for the BCPUD to allow the composting of the resulting slurry to occur
at its sewer pond property (collection would be project-run by licensed personnel
and grant-funded). The Thermopile Project recently met with County
of Marin Environmental Health Services personnel and Regional Water Quality
Control Board regulators, who are supportive of the pilot project concept.
Discussion ensued, with the Board expressing strong support for the pilot
project. John Wick said the next step would be to meet with the BCPUD
staff to discuss the project logistics and confirm that the pilot project
will not impact current district operations.
12. Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.
The Board reviewed a brief report submitted by Rob Gailey, the district’s
consulting hydro-geologist, which notes that more data is needed given the
lack of rainfall in January. Director Siedman noted his rain gauge
measured one-inch of rain in all of January and one-half inch of rain thus
far in February.
13. Volunteer Committee Reports.
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Community Path Update: Nothing to report.
-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Resource Recovery: reports in binders; inspection report is fine
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Director Kimball
said that the Council has not met since December. However, Councilmember
Margaret Graham, who also is on the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control
District (“M/S M&VCD”) board, reports that all organic farms now are
eligible to be on the “no spray” list, which is a huge leap forward.
Director Kimball noted that the County does not have a list of all of the
organic farms in Marin, so the M/S M&VCD is working to find a way to
notify all organic farmers of this important development.
14. Other Business.
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: Report on Draft Fiscal Year 2013-14 Budget; Minutes of
the February 5, 2013 Meeting of the Finance Committee; Quarterly Financial
Staff presented a summary of the draft FY 2103-14 budget, which proposes
not to raise annual service charges but rather pay for some needed capital
purchases and improvements with reserve funds. Discussion ensued, with
Board members expressing support for considering some revisions to the tiered
water rates at the two lowest levels. The Finance Committee was tasked
with further evaluation of this topic.
V. Amoroso/B. Kimball both in favor
to approve the Minutes of the February 5, 2013 Finance Committee meeting.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
-- Operations: Nothing to report.
-- Park and Recreation: Director Amoroso expressed concern about Mesa
Park’s inability to locate documentation to support its claimed match for
the grant amendment request to the California Department of Parks and Recreation
for the Mesa Park Ballfield and Public Restroom Project. Discussion
ensued about the difficulty of locating documents given the number of agencies
and personnel involved.
-- Personnel: Staff noted the staff will present proposed revisions
to the MOU for negotiation early next month.
-- Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the January 16, 2013 Regular Meeting.
Director Kimball offered certain clarifying changes to
the minutes on page 4.
D. Smith/B. Kimball four in favor, Bender
abstaining to approve the minutes of
the January 16, 2013 regular meeting, as amended.
c. Warrants
K. Bender/B. Kimball all in favor
to approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
March 20, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.
15. Adjournment.
10:27 p.m.