Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
March 16, 2011     270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1.    Call to Order.
    7:31 p.m.

2.    Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.

3.    Manager’s Report.

-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project

            Staff reported that a meeting was held on March 8, 2011 at the Coastal Commission office to discuss the potential project to stabilize the bluff at Surfer’s Overlook.  In attendance were Tom Lai, Director of Planning for the County of Marin; Drew Kennedy from SAGE; Jennifer Blackman and David Kimball from the Bolinas Working Group, Ruby Pap, District Supervisor from the Coastal Commission staff, and Leslie Ewing, Coastal Commission staff engineer.  The attendees discussed the site conditions and project concept of a two phase stabilization approach (whereby the top of the road would be stabilized first with the permit issued by the County of Marin, followed by a full-height bluff stabilization to be tied into the top and permitted by the Coastal Commission); the discussion was very engaged and constructive.  There was no dispute that a bluff stabilization project is permissible under the Coastal Act given the need to protect existing development.  However, the Coastal Commission staff indicated that under the Coastal Act and implementing regulations, the upper bluff stabilization would be “new development” and therefore scrutinized for a 75-100 year lifespan – as such, it won’t be possible to permit that work independent of the full-height bluff stabilization since both are needed to ensure the requisite long-term lifespan of the structure.  Director Smith suggested that it might be possible, if necessary, to conduct repair work at the top of the bluff to protect the road and that such work may not require any special permitting.

--    Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project

            Staff reported that the California Department of Public Health will require the district to enact a resolution committing specific resources and staff to the water main relocation project as a condition of loan funding.  The Board reviewed a copy of the draft resolution.

-- Update on Horseshoe Hill Road Water Main Extension Project

            This project is nearly ready to start.  The contractor is submitting the last of its shop drawings, all affected customers have installed their new water lines and district staff have installed pressure reducing valves at the homes along Gospel Flats.  Final details concerning the traffic plan for the encroachment permit are under review by the County’s Department of Public Works.  Staff anticipates that the project will commence within the next month.
-- Update on the Project to Improve the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.

            Staff reported that a mandatory pre-bid site visit was held on March 9, 2011 and six contractors attended.  Lots of questions were asked about project details which the district will answer via an addendum to the Contract Documents.  Although there is no engineer’s estimate for the project, the district informed the contractors that its current budget for the work is $100,000.  Bids are due on April 10th.

    On the water side of operations, staff reported that consumption for the most recent quarter was up slightly over the same time last year, but remains at historically low levels.  At the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant, the operations staff participated in a technician site visit on March 2-3, 2011; the Board reviewed a trip report from the technician, which included significant training of district staff on filter operation and maintenance.  Staff noted that this sort of training is very efficient and cost-effective for the district as it enables operations staff to troubleshoot and fix problems that otherwise would require the regular attention of outside technicians.  District staff and the technician also were able to resolve the problems that the plant was experiencing with the Cla-Valve and the raw water feed from the Arroyo-Hondo.

Staff reported that the district experienced a big water leak the prior week on Wharf Road when the service to the Coast Café blew apart; water almost immediately began surfacing from under the road, prompting calls to the district and the Bolinas Fire Protection District.  Fortunately, the water loss was not huge, but the impact to downtown was significant because the main was shut down while the repair was conducted; three of the district’s operators worked past midnight to perform the repair, with work continuing the next morning to install a new service to the Coast Café.  District staff suspects that many of the services under Wharf Road are highly corroded and in need of replacement and is developing a plan to replace all of the services under Wharf Road on a rolling basis over the next 2-3 years. 

Staff spoke yesterday at a meeting of the Tomales Bay Watershed Council on the district water supply and challenges for the future.  The General Managers of the Marin Municipal District, the North Marin Water District and the Inverness Public Utility District also gave presentations about their respective districts. 

The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last regular Board meeting, including:  a letter from CalEMA closing out the district’s disaster funding application from the 2005-06 winter storms; a report from ACWA/JPIA granting members refunds from prior policy years – the district received a refund of $11,716.86; and a letter from the County Department of Public Works (“DPW”) to the Bolinas Road & Boat Club about the condition of the seawall under Wharf Road.  Discussion ensued about the letter and DPW’s contention that the seawall has not moved, which the Board members strongly disputed based on decades of collective observation of site conditions and discussion turned to the inadequacy of the DPW’s monitoring efforts.  The Board discussed possible responses and ultimately concluded that any response should come from the Bolinas Rod & Boat Club, not the district.

On the wastewater side of operations, the Board reviewed a letter from the County’s Environmental Health Services Department dated February 15th that was sent to all sewer agencies in Marin County in light of the large sewer spills in Richardson Bay during the December 2010 storms.  Staff reported that the district’s outside electrical engineer has submitted drawings for the new control panels at the sewer ponds, which are under review by staff.  Finally, staff reported that the district’s new reporting forms for its monthly reports to the Regional Water Quality Control Board are now in use; staff expects that the final report from West Yost concerning the operations of the district’s sewer pond facility will be submitted within the next 30-60 days. 

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

The Board reviewed a written report prepared by Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover.

4.    Community Expression.

Director Amoroso noted that he had requested staff to obtain legal opinion as to whether there were any legal issues posed by director Bender’s decision to spend weekdays in San Francisco while maintaining her residence in Bolinas.  He made this request after several people in town questioned him about the matter.  Staff obtained the requested legal opinion, but the cost was greater than anticipated and director Amoroso now acknowledges that the decision to seek a legal opinion should have been a full Board decision.  Director Siedman suggested that the Board discuss the matter during the Board’s Legal Committee report. 

5.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 250 Iris (Hillyard).

Staff noted that the Board previously approved a reduction in the bill for this customer equal to 25% of the amount attributable to the leak.  The customer at the time said he was concerned that the leak had also impacted the bill for the following quarter, which the current bill suggests is correct:  this customer’s usage for the quarter ending in January 2011 was 5400 cubic feet whereas the typical usage of this quarter has been 400 cubic feet.  The customer therefore requests the same relief for this quarter’s bill.

B. Kimball/K. Bender    all in favor    to reduce the water bill by 25% of the amount attributable to the leak, based on the customer’s average usage over the prior three years during the same quarter. 

6.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 200 Ocean Parkway (Harris)

Marita Steffe, a tenant residing at 200 Ocean Parkway, was present to answer questions from the Board about the water loss.  Director Kimball said the water loss appeared to have been caused by a blind leak underground in the customer’s yard.  Marita Steffe confirmed this was correct and that the broken pipe has been fixed.  Director Kimball inquired whether the pipe was for an automatic irrigation system and Marita Steffe said that it was not.  Director Smith said that the pipe was underground to a hose bib and that root systems of the trees in the yard seem to have moved during the winter storms and caused a break in the pipe.  He noted that the Board has granted full financial relief in circumstances such as this.  Staff noted that water use at the property from February 1 through February 22 was 22,835 cubic feet whereas it typically is 700 cubic feet; staff noted that the billing quarter is not yet complete.  The Board discussed possibly deferring a decision to the next meeting in light of the fact that the quarterly billing has not yet been done, but then resolved to proceed with a decision to be applied when the bills are issued.

D. Smith/K. Bender        all in favor    to grant full financial relief from the quarter water bill for the amount of water attributable to the leak, based on the customer’s average usage over the prior three years during the same quarter.

7.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 15 Maple Road (Nassrah)

Brendan Higgs explained that he was hired by John Nassrah to determine whether there was a leak at the property after he received a high water bill.  Brendan confirmed that the meter at the property was moving and ultimately determined that there was a leak on one of the toilets.  Director Smith noted that the leak appears to have impacted two quarterly billing statements.  Director Kimball said that the district typically grants 25% relief for water losses caused by toilet leaks. 

D. Smith/B. Kimball        all in favor    to reduce the bills for the quarters ending August 2010 and November 2010 by 25% of the amount of water loss attributable to the leak, based on the customer’s average usage over the prior three years during the same quarters.

8.    Request for Removal of Eucalyptus Trees in the Evergreen Road Right-of-Way between Alder and Larch Roads (R. Johnson).

Rachel Johnson explained that she hired Ray Moritz, a certified arborist, to assess the condition of five eucalyptus trees that appear to be in the Evergreen right-of-way near the intersection with Larch Road.  Mr. Moritz prepared a written report of his assessment, a copy of which was provided to the district, in which he states that all of the trees pose serious hazards to nearby structures/property such that two of the five trees should be removed immediately and the remaining trees should be seriously trimmed down.  Rachel said that the neighbors have been discussing the matter for some time and would like the district to take action. 

Al Hettich asked whether a survey has been done to confirm that the trees in question are in the public right-of-way.  Director Smith said that the PG&E poles, which are located in the public right-of-way are a reliable indicator and the trees are all close together; he offered to go to the site and assess the tree location with Mr. Hettich.  Al suggested that a better use of money would be to place gravel in the Evergreen Road where it meets Larch rather than cutting down trees.  Director Smith noted that the arborist report states that the trees pose a significant danger.  Mr. Hettich asked if a second opinion could be obtained; director Kimball stated that he is welcome to commission another report, but that the hazardous condition of the trees seems to be quite serious.  Director Amoroso noted that there is precedent for a project like this in that several years ago the district financially assisted with a neighborhood effort on Poplar Road to remove a number of hazardous trees; specifically, the district paid half of the cost and the neighbors paid the other half.  Director Smith noted that the district’s roads ordinance (Ordinance 30) states that neighborhood financial participation is a factor for the Board to consider to prioritize the work; in addition, PG&E may get involved because the electrical lines are threatened. 

    After additional discussion, director Siedman suggested that the matter be referred to the Board’s Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads committee to conduct a site inspection and report back with a recommendation.  Staff noted that there is a water main in this location that also is threatened by the trees at issue.

9.    Update on Bolinas Fire Fuel Reduction Project (BCPUD Sewer Pond Property) – Max Korten, Conservation Corps North Bay

Max Korten was present on behalf of the Conservation Corps North Bay (“CCNB”) and he explained that he recently met with staff from the BCPUD and the Bolinas Fire Protection District (“BFPD”) concerning priorities for the fire fuel reduction project to be conducted on the BCPUD’s sewer pond property with grant funds later this year.  In brief, the project will be to remove “pencil” (i.e. sapling) eucalyptus trees of 6 – 8 inches and less in diameter and other non-native brush from the understory of the eucalyptus grove to reduce fire risk.  Director Amoroso asked where the tree diameter will be measured and Max explained that the diameter will be measured at chest level. 

Max further explained that the California Fire Safe Council has granted $75,000 toward the project, an additional $50,000 has been granted under Proposition 84 and the BCPUD has committed $26,000 in in-kind contribution.  The BCPUD and CCNB are partners in this effort; the CCNB is a non-profit job training organization that has existed in Marin for about 30 years.  The CCNB focuses on job training, conservation work, habitat protection and environmental restoration projects.  He described several of the CCNB’s recent projects, including fence construction to protect habitat in Marin Headlands, creek maintenance, restoration work at the Giacomini wetlands, etc.

Judy Molyneux said she would prefer that the project be limited to the removal of eucalyptus no larger than 6 inches in diameter, measured at the base of the tree, not at chest height.  Dale Polisar agreed; he said he understands the need for the project, but said that a tree that is 6 inches in diameter at chest height may be 10 inches in diameter at the base.  Discussion ensued about the irregular base of the trees and the accepted standard of measuring trees at chest height to determine diameter.  Others in the audience expressed support of the project as described and some expressed the desire to see as few trees as possible removed from the land.  Ilka Hartman suggested that a group of residents be on site during the project to ensure that larger trees are not removed; Max Korten said that would not be possible from a safety standpoint.  After further discussion, it was agreed that BCPUD, CCNB and BFPD representatives will meet in the near future to assess the project scope and determine the size of tree/measurement location for removal; in addition, staff will notify those persons who wish to be on a list of interested parties as to when such a meeting will be conducted. 

10.    Accrued Debt Owed to BCPUD by Mesa Park for Funds Advanced Between 1991 – 2006.

Director Siedman said that he is recusing himself from participation in this agenda item because he was a member of the Mesa Park Board of Directors during some of the time period in question.  Director Amoroso, Vice President of the Board, requested not to preside over the agenda item as he requested it on the agenda and will be speaking to the issues at hand.  Accordingly, director Smith assumed the gavel for this agenda item.

Director Amoroso said that during the February meeting of the BCPUD Board, questions were raised about the financial history between the BCPUD and Mesa Park and he agreed to review that history.  He subsequently reviewed approximately 20 years of minutes of BCPUD meetings and the results of his review detailing amounts owed by Mesa Park to the BCPUD are summarized in a packet of information in the Board books.  He noted that none of the current members of the Mesa Park Board were on the board during the time in question.  He said that while it may appear that he is pointing a sharp finger at Mesa Park, the BCPUD also shares some of the responsibility for the situation.

    Director Amoroso summarized the history of funds advanced to Mesa Park by the BCPUD in the form of loans (which Mesa Park committed to repay), which consist primarily of liability insurance premium payments totaling $7,918.00.  In addition, the BCPUD loaned Mesa Park $8,000 in 2003 for the Oswald planning study concerning the irrigation project.  As such, Mesa Park has accrued $15, 918 in outstanding debt to the BCPUD over this timeframe.  Director Amoroso said this history shows a consistent pattern of loans being made by the BCPUD, promises of repayment made by Mesa Park, but no repayment has been forthcoming.  He pointed out that whether intentional or not, this had the effect of burying Mesa Park expenses in BCPUD rates, thus circumventing taxpayer approval.

Director Siedman said that in the early 1980’s or perhaps late1970’s, a block grant was available to buy land for recreational purposes.  At the time, the “Lydia Smith property” was available; however, the only entity that could take title was the BCPUD.  BCPUD did so, but never developed the land.  Mesa Park was created in 1985 to serve as the community’s parks and recreation agency – the school population was booming and there was a shortage of fields for athletic activities.  Paul Kayfetz was the president of BCPUD Board of Directors and director Siedman was then president of the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District Board of Trustees.  Messrs Kayfetz and Siedman met with Tom Hendericks, County Counsel, and they developed the terms of a Joint Powers Agreement between the BCPUD and the school district to create Mesa Park.  The consideration for the agreement was as follows:  the BCPUD will contribute 12 acres of land (i.e., the former Lydia Smith property) and the school will contribute a water meter.  Subsequently, it was determined that the school did not, in fact, have a water meter to contribute.  Mesa Park hoped to develop the property contributed by the BCPUD to recreational facilities using grant funds and then pay for on-going maintenance from rental fees to be charged for use of the fields.  Unfortunately, the lack of a reliable water source was a consistent impediment to development of the property; Mesa Park seemingly had acquired all of the burdens of property ownership (although title remained with the BCPUD, notwithstanding Mesa Park’s willingness to accept title), but none of the benefits.  He noted that the BCPUD benefited from Mesa Park’s acquisition of liability insurance as it reduced risks of claims under BCPUD’s insurance policy.  Mesa Park eventually passed a parcel tax measure and has paid its insurance premiums with the Special District Risk Management Authority, with both the BCPUD and the school district named as additional insureds.

    Director Siedman urged people not to view the history between the BCPUD and Mesa Park as “us vs. them” -- it is all “us”.  He noted that the BCPUD has a history of spending money on things that affect its land and benefit the community at large, such as the groin and the Resource Recovery Project.  Although some things did not work out as planned with regard to Mesa Park, the BCPUD did not necessarily live up to its end of the bargain in that its decision that the school did not have a water meter to contribute to the park had a profound impact on its inability to develop the property.  Director Amoroso contended that it was known from the outset that using the school meter probably would not be possible.  Discussion then ensued about the history of that decision and other decisions by the BCPUD concerning properties historically served by two water meters for a single property use.  Director Amoroso also said that the groin and Resource Recovery were projects approved by a vote of the community and he suggested that perhaps the issue of debt forgiveness for Mesa Park should be put to a vote of the community.  Further discussion ensued about historical decisions made by Mesa Park concerning the park property and funds expended by Mesa Park and/or loans from the BCPUD.

    Director Bender said that she would like the BCPUD and Mesa Park to agree upon a way to move forward productively and resolve this past debt.  Under the next agenda item, there will be discussion about funds recently advanced to Mesa Park by the BCPUD for the ballfield irrigation project and she believes that resolution will be reached there.  She noted that the current Mesa Park Board is much more financially responsible than in the past and is comprised of a small group of people trying to do something beneficial for the community.  Jennie Pfeiffer noted that there has been historical rancor between Mesa Park and the BCPUD, which reflected the opposing views in the community between those who did not want any development vs. those who wanted playfields for the community’s children.  She said the property needed to be insured, but the Mesa Park treasurer’s unfortunately were not always able to maintain good records.  After further discussion, director Amoroso said the main reason he wanted this item on the agenda was to have everyone mindful of the past history as Mesa Park gets closer to starting the ballfield irrigation project, which will be funded by a grant on a reimbursement basis, so BCPUD may be asked to provide construction loans.  Director Bender suggested that at this juncture, the BCPUD should forgive the prior debt for insurance premium payments but require Mesa Park to repay the $8,000 owed for the Oswald planning study.

K. Bender/B. Kimball        four in favor, Siedman abstaining        authorizing the BCPUD to forgive $7,918.00 in past due amounts owed by Mesa Park for historical insurance premium payments and further authorizing the BCPUD to bill Mesa Park for the $8,000.00 owed for the Oswald planning study.

11.   Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation Project – Accounting of Project Costs To-Date and Plan for Repayment of Funds Advanced by BCPUD

Bryan Lee reported that of eleven categories of funds advanced by the BCPUD for Mesa Park in connection with the ballfield irrigation project, Mesa Park has repaid five of them to date.  The remaining items include $3,600 owed to the BCPUD for payment to Rob Gailey for the well opinion, $5,427 in legal fees for the CEQA work, and $2,231 for the PG&E power hook up for the well.  Mesa Park will take up repayment of the PG&E bill at its upcoming meeting, so for now, Bryan reported that Mesa Park will repay the BCPUD the $9,027 owed for the well opinion and legal fees.  As for the more recent bill for approximately $11,000 in legal fees, that bill remains unpaid and a reduction in this bill will be negotiated between the law firm and Mesa Park.  Finally, there are the remaining bills for the water and sewer annual service charges for the downtown park (unrelated to the ballfield irrigation project) and Mesa Park’s understanding is that this bills will be reduced by 50% for the older service charges and Mesa Park will be allowed three years to repay them.  In conclusion, Bryan stated he hopes these current efforts demonstrate that Mesa Park is committed to repaying its debt.

12.    BCPUD Resolution 595 : Establishing Procedure for Discretionary Relief from Payment of Annual Service Charges for Tax-Exempt Organizations.

B. Kimball/K. Bender        four in favor, Amoroso opposed    to approve Resolution 595.

13.    Proposal for Multiple Use Path along Bolinas Lagoon at Highway 1. (G. Coles)

Gerry Coles said the he sees great work going on next to the bike path on Olema-Bolinas Road.  He said that he and Roger Kovach discussed the possibility of making a proposal to install a bike lane around the Bolinas Lagoon to enhance the safety for cyclists; he noted that $20 million dollars has been spent on bike lanes on the other side of the hill in Marin County.  The proposal needs to be submitted to the County’s Open Space District and he requested support from the BCPUD in the form of a letter requesting that the Open Space District consider the proposal.  Mr. Coles said he also plans to ask the Stinson Beach County Water District for a letter of support, as well.  Discussion ensued, with Board members expressing support for the concept, but skepticism about the feasibility of the proposal in light of the number of regulatory agencies that likely would become involved, particularly if any part of the lagoon would be filled in to enable construction of a bike path.  At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board instructed Mr. Coles to prepare a letter for the Board to review and determine whether it is willing to submit such a letter to the Open Space District.

14.   CalTrans Proposal to Reduce Speed Limits on Highway 1 Near Stinson Beach.

Staff reported that CalTrans is proposing to reduce the speed limit on Highway 1 to 35 miles per hour in specific locations in Stinson Beach.  Director Smith said he would defer to the Stinson Beach community’s response to the proposal.  Director Kimball agreed, but said it was valuable to include an item on the BCPUD Board agenda so that folks in the community who drive through Stinson Beach are aware of the pending speed limit change.  Ilka Hartman, Jennie Pfeiffer and Don Guravich all expressed support for the reduced speed limit; staff was directed to convey the support expressed by the public to CalTrans.

15.    Approve Revisions to BCPUD Resolution 553 re: the Criteria for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bills.

    Director Kimball offered language to add to the last sentence in Section 3(h) of Resolution 553 to read as follows (after the words “any landscaping irrigation system”): “or device that automatically turns on or off the flow of water, with the exception of household appliances”.

K. Bender/D. Smith        all in favor    to approve Director Kimball’s proposed revision to Resolution 553.

16.   Discuss Potential Revisions to Resolutions 248, 258, 439 and 440 re: Water Meter Suspension.

Director Smith said that he had requested this agenda item in light of the recent situation with the bills to Mesa Park for meters not currently in use.  He said he will craft language for the Board’s consideration at a future meeting.

17.    Approve BCPUD Investment Policy.

Staff requested a deferral of this agenda item pending the completion of further revisions to simplify the draft investment policy.  There was no objection.

18.    Approve Prepayment by the BCPUD of Existing BCPUD Debt.

Director Siedman stated that director Smith has suggested that prepaying some portion of the district’s outstanding debt may make sense in that the interest charged in this debt is higher than the district currently is able to earn on its reserves.  Director Kimball said the Finance Committee recently met to consider this suggestion and recommends that the district liquidate one of its certificates of deposit and prepay three outstanding loans totaling $210,602.15.  The reduction of this level of debt (and resulting savings in interest payments) will enable the district to reduce the amount by which annual water service charges will need to be increased in the upcoming fiscal year.

K. Bender/B. Kimball        all in favor    approving the prepaying of $210,602.15 in existing debt by the BCPUD.
19.   Request to Add Bolinas Community Path Report as an Insert in BCPUD Quarterly Metered Water Bills.

Director Kimball presented a draft report on the Bolinas Community Path Project for the Board’s consideration as an insert into the district’s quarterly metered water bills.  While the project is going very well, additional cash donations are needed to fund on-going maintenance costs for the planted median.  Director Kimball requested permission to insert the report into customer bills as a cost-effective means by which to make the community aware of the need for cash donations.

K. Bender/D. Smith        all in favor    to approve the Bolinas Community Path Report as an insert into the district’s customers’ quarterly metered water bills.

20.   Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy:  Director Smith reported that SPG Solar believes it has solved the problem of failing fuses at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant site by installing larger fuses.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:  Director Amoroso said that he missed the most recent committee meeting, but called Ralph Camiccia for an update.  Ralph reported that there will be a meeting at the Bolinas School campus on May 10, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the current plans for the lagoon restoration work.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Director Amoroso requested staff to arrange for a meeting with the County to discuss implementation of the Downtown Parking Plan.
-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing to report.

-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:  Nothing further to report.

-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Nothing to report.

21.     Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance:  Report on Draft Fiscal Year 2011-12 Budget; Second Quarter Financial Report:  Staff reported that the Finance Committee met on March 8, 2011 and March 22, 2011 to work on the fiscal year 2011-12 budget.  Now that the Board has approved the prepayment of some outstanding district debt, that will be factored into budget preparation.  The district also is close to finalizing the Memorandum of Understanding with staff concerning compensation and benefits.  The Finance Committee will consider a revised budget at its next meeting and a proposed Proposition 218 notice to apprise customers of the planned annual service charge increases.
-- Legal:  Director Siedman commented that director Amoroso had raised a procedural question regarding the approval of legal expenses; director Amoroso concurred and noted that it was a mistake to have accrued $2900 in legal fees without prior Board approval.  Director Amoroso suggested that the Board formulate a policy for prior approval of potential expenses in addition to legal expenses.  After a brief discussion, director Siedman directed staff to include an item on the April meeting agenda to discuss a policy for preapproval of legal expenses. 

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing further to report.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

-- Park and Recreation:  Nothing further to report.

-- Personnel:  Director Siedman reported that the Personnel Committee met with staff and made a proposal for wage increases in the next fiscal year; the staff made a counterproposal and the committee countered that.  In addition, the staff requested a salary comparison of the district’s wages with those of comparable districts; the General Manager prepared such a survey and provided it to staff.  The Committee and staff agree that the salary comparison is useful and asked the General Manager to expand upon it with information from additional districts. 

-- Sewer:  Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the February 16, 2011 Regular Meeting

Directors Smith and Amoroso offered clarifying corrections to the draft minutes.

B. Kimball/D. Smith    all in favor    to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2011 meeting, as amended.

c. Warrants

D. Smith/K. Bender        all in favor    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    April 20, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.

22.    Adjournment.

11:45 p.m.