In the fall of 2002 bids were submitted for the removal of the trees adjoining the path that services the wastewater force main through the woods on the sewer treatment land. A sinkhole had appeared in the path and tree roots were forcing their way through the surface. Monarch butterfly expert Mia Monroe had recommended waiting until spring to remove the trees. There were no objections from the Board to accepting the lower bid from Western Star and proceeding with the work.
Suggestions for the draft spring newsletter and 2003 Consumer Confidence Report can be submitted by the following Monday.
-- Amoroso/Kayfetz unanimous to write a letter objecting to the proposed increase
Director Siedman stated that Mesa Park and the BCLT have been in discussions, including the possibility of creating affordable housing at Mesa Park, but that it is not appropriate for the BCPUD to put pressure on other organizations in the community. McClellan responded that it is appropriate because the Park’s need for water continues to generate controversy in the community. Three directors believe creating a new connection from existing properties would break the water moratorium. He added that BCPUD has always concerned itself with issues outside its mandate. Directors Kayfetz and Bertsch stated that they agreed with Siedman that the District should not put pressure on other community organizations. Director Amoroso noted that Mesa Park Commissioners, at a meeting he had attended, had indicated that the Park is reluctant to pit itself against the BCLT. Bertsch said that the BCLT is working things out with the Park and it is not the BCPUD’s concern until that has happened. Jenny Pfeiffer added that the Land Trust has been busy with other things, but is in conversation with the Park. McClellan stated that a water connection would be more beneficial to the community than a couple of dwellings.
Jane Blethen has indicated that if the wording of her ballot measure is changed she will have to get the signatures again. Manager Buchanan was dubious whether her wording, as is, would be accepted by the elections department.
-- Bertsch/Siedman unanimous to submit Blethen’s ballot measure, as is, for inclusion on the November election ballot.
In reviewing the legislative history of the District it became apparent that definitions of a water connection, service or meter have been unclear. Director Siedman noted that a meter does not disappear because its use has changed, as in the Bolinas Museum’s case. Director McClellan said that was not relevant. He compared the Museum’s situation to that of the Bolinas School – multiple users and two meters. In both cases consolidation left an extraneous meter. However, the School uses more water from its single meter than it did when it used both and the opposite is true with the Museum, creating different equities. He thought there might be a possibility of severing one meter if there is a diminution of use: he said the District shouldn’t abate a valuable property like a water meter.
Director Kayfetz said that since rationing is not a criterion generally used by the District it isn’t possible to apply it in one case and not another. McClellan said this is a particular case, not related to other issues and Siedman pointed out that water use is considered when the District considers meter transfers. Amoroso pointed out that the restaurant usage was discontinued some 16 years before this application was made. Kayfetz said that “grandfathering” use would have time limits. Siedman said the issue was not “grandfathering”, but defining use and existence. Director Bertsch suggested an ad hoc committee work with staff on wording for a draft resolution. There were no objections to Kayfetz’ suggestion that the matter be left alone until the advice of an attorney is sought.
-- Siedman/Bertsch unanimous to proceed with sewer parcel consolidation process
-- Amoroso/Bertsch four ayes, Siedman abstaining to send a letter in support of Ed Euber’s reinstatement
-- Amoroso/Bertsch unanimous to approve schedule, subject
to later modification.
-- Legal: Marin County Counsel Agreement
Although there is no requirement to use Marin County Counsel, signing
a letter of agreement keeps the option open.
-- Kayfetz/Siedman unanimous to approve the
agreement with Marin
County Counsel
-- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
Director Siedman reported that an open meeting of the Septic Advisory
Committee, where the consultants will present their report before it goes
before the Board of Supervisors, will be held at the Dance Palace in April.
The two main thrusts of the report are that septic system standards must
be performance-based rather than design-based, and that enforcement cannot
be by Marin County employees. Possibly a West Marin district will be set
up that then delegates to agencies, such as BCPUD. State regulations are
still in the pipeline. Staff will make sure the meeting is publicized
in the Hearsay.
The Board received copies of a newsletter on septic issues, written by Lloyd Kahn.
The tentative sum of $15-20,000 for road surveys by Marin County has escalated to $50,000, which is negotiable. Staff will discuss with Andy Blake how much of the original proposal is necessary.
Jenny Pfeiffer asked what the schedule for pipeline repair is. She was informed that Walnut and Fern Roads are next on the list, once the weather dries up.
-- Operations: None
-- Park and Recreation: None
-- Personnel: None
-- Sewer: Resource Recovery
report on use permit process; None
Community Paths Group report
Don Smith, on behalf of the Community Paths Group, reported that he
has been pursuing a circular funding source quest for the anticipated path(s)
through the BCPUD land. He asked
the Board to approve sending a letter to County Department of Public
Works asking to be considered in any funding opportunities
-- Siedman/Kayfetz unanimous to send Smith’s letter as amended by Director Amoroso.
--Solid Waste: new franchise agreement – status report
The fully executed agreement with all appurtenances is now in place.