Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board
Of Directors
March 21, 2012 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order.
7:35 p.m.
2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith
present; director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.
Staff and David Kimball from the Bolinas Fire Protection
District (“BFPD”) conferred with the engineers at SAGE on March 8th on various
issues concerning the next scope of work to complete the geotechnical investigation
of Surfer’s Overlook. The BCPUD and the BFPD asked SAGE to consider
specific cost-savings proposals for the next scope of work and SAGE agreed
to do so. SAGE confirmed that this next scope of work will complete
the geotechnical investigation needed for both the repair of the road-level
retaining walls and the full-bluff stabilization projects. However,
the design and specifications for both projects remain to be done before
a permit for either project can be pursued.
-- Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project.
Staff reported that the district has secured a fiscal agent for the project,
California Bank and Trust in Sacramento, who offered the best pricing for
these services. The next task is to put the project out to bid.
-- Update on the Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project.
Staff reported that the bid documents are ready to go, a Notice of Exemption
for the project has been filed with the County of Marin, and the district
has applied for an encroachment permit with the Department of Public Works.
At this point, the district tentatively has scheduled a pre-bid site meeting
for April 12th and a bid submittal date of May 10th so that the Board can
award a contract for the project at the regular May meeting. Director
Kimball noted that the potholes on Wharf Road are quite hazardous.
-- Update on Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals on Wharf, Park and Portions
of Terrace Avenues
The district has scheduled the video inspections for the sewer laterals within
Wharf Road to take place within the next three weeks.
-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade
Staff plans to put this project out to bid immediately after the Wharf Road
Service Saddle Replacement Project has been issued.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to the most recent water consumption
statistics for the end of February – consumption was up slightly, but staff
expects consumption to go back down in March due to the current rains.
To date, the district has received more than six inches of rain in March
and the Arroyo Hondo creek (as well as the district’s two reservoirs) have
been recharged. The only downside to the recent rain is the impact
on the sewer pond disposal fields – they had been nearly dry as of the end
of February, but there are now quite wet and the annual mowing likely will
need to be deferred past the start of spray season on April 15th.
Staff also directed the Board’s attention to correspondence sent and received
since the last regular Board meeting, including but not limited to letters
from the district to customers with large balances due on their water bills,
a notice from the State Water Resources Control Board about new statewide
septic rules, and a letter from ACWA/JPIA about a transition of the Health
Benefits Authority into ACWA/JPIA and potential benefits to the district.
Director Smith said that he would review the proposed statewide septic rules
and recommend whether the district should submit comments at the April meeting
as the deadline for comments is May 4, 2012. Director Kimball commented
that she was aware of the Health Benefits Authority transition and would
be looking into this in connection with the evaluation she and director Siedman
are conducting of the district’s health care benefits for employees and potential
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
The Board received a written report from Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover.
In addition, the Board received a courtesy copy of comments submitted by
the County’s Department of Public Works on the State Water Resources Control
Board’s Revised Draft Special Protections for Areas of Special Biological
Significance (including Duxbury Reef).
4. Community Expression.
Jennie Pfeiffer said she has been hearing advertisements by solar companies
on the radio and it seems like affordable options are out there to encourage
people to install panels at their homes; however, she believes that many
people are deterred by the fact that a county inspection is involved.
Discussion ensued and the directors noted that it is important to have an
electrical inspection to ensure the installation was properly done; several
directors said that the County presumably strongly encourages solar power
and suggested that Jennie call the County and inquire about the scope of
a solar panel electrical inspection (including whether an assessment of unrelated
code violations are part of the process).
5. Request to Amend the Minutes of the November 16, 2011
Regular Meeting of the BCPUD Board of Directors. (M. Lewis)
Director Siedman said that he had evaluated Matt Lewis’ request to amend
the minutes of the November 16, 2011 regular meeting of the Board (the Parks
and Recreation Board Committee item) and he proposed the following language,
which he believes meets Matt’s concerns:
“Matt Lewis asked if Mesa Park sank an irrigation well, and was told the
well was sunk at Resource Recovery in 2009. Matt said he had not seen
any discussion of the well in BCPUD minutes, but was told it had been reported
in several meetings. He asked if the BCPUD had paid for the well, and
was told that it had not. The BCPUD did pay for one-third of the cost
of bringing electricity to the Resource Recovery site.
Matt was referred to prior minutes of March and April of this year, and to
Rob Gailey’s report. He was told the well was to be used for Resource
Recovery’s operations and to irrigate the playfields at the park.”
Director Kimball moved to approve the revised language and director Smith
seconded. Director Smith noted that this is not the first time the
Board has undertaken a time-consuming discussion about its minutes and suggested
the district establish a policy with regard to requests to amend Board meeting
minutes. Director Siedman requested that the Board first vote on the
motion and then discuss director Smith’s suggestion.
B. Kimball/D. Smith all in favor
to approve the amended minutes of the November 16, 2011
Parks and Recreation Board Committee item as offered by director Siedman.
Discussion ensued about the need for requests to amend the minutes to be
in writing and any proffered revisions should be concise and not a verbatim
transcript of the meeting discussion. Staff was directed to draft a
sample policy for the Board’s consideration at the April meeting.
6. Offer by Bolinas Beach Preservation LLC (Jeremy Kidson)
to Donate Real Property to the BCPUD.
Director Siedman noted that he has been the contact Board member on this
topic and that he has told Mr. Kidson’s attorney that the district is concerned
about the potential liability of acquiring this property due to the alterations
to the land made during Mr. Kidson’s ownership. A brief discussion
ensued, during which the directors agreed that it is not in the best interests
of the district to acquire the property.
D. Smith/K. Bender all in favor
to decline the offer by Bolinas Beach Preservation LLC to donate real property
to the BCPUD
7. Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.
Staff noted that the Board held a special meeting on March 7, 2012 to discuss
a water supply augmentation project and said that an agenda item will be
placed on the regular meeting agendas going forward to provide an update
on the district’s activities in this regard.
Director Smith said he has identified a pressure transducer
at a cost of about $1,500 to monitor the water level in the well at the Resource
Recovery site: he also has conferred with Weeks Drilling Company about
the installation of this equipment and is waiting for a quote. The
new equipment will log the pressure of the column of water inside the well
over time and provide data about both the recovery rate (after pumping) and
the level at which the water settles. Director Kimball noted that the
Board previously allocated $50,000 from the sale of its Pine Gulch Creek
property to fund the district’s water supply study and she reminded staff
to track related expenditures (including equipment purchases and professional
consulting time) accordingly.
8. Resolution 609: Establishing District Policy Concerning
Suspended Water Service.
Director Siedman said that Resolution 609 seeks to rescind outdated past
policy and consolidate policy going forward. Discussion ensued about
the specific language of the draft resolution, particularly with regard to
the amount of the reactivation fee to be charged to customers seeking to
reestablish a suspended water service. It was noted that this fee has
been the same amount – $2,000 – for many years under existing resolutions.
Director Smith observed that a reactivation procedure should be added to
Resolution 247, which is not being rescinded; staff was directed to agendize
the matter for the next meeting.
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor
to pass Resolution 609.
9. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee: Director Amoroso said
that budgetary pressures at the County appear to be driving recent decision
making with regard to this committee to remove certain committee members
(Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Fish & Game) and reduce
the number of meetings to twice per year.
-- Community Path Update: Director Kimball said she would like to thank
district operator Scotty Hanks for cleaning up the bike path on the sewer
pond property as it looks great. She said everyone probably has noticed
the recent demolishment of a segment of the planted median along Olema-Bolinas
Road, just below the intersection with Mesa Road. It seems that several
tires tracks plowed through the planted median, destroying the plants there.
Director Smith said he believes that people driving fast off of Mesa Road
are missing the turn and perhaps a safety barrier or fence of some sort should
be installed to protect the median. Director Kimball said that several
people have suggested that this top section be replaced with gravel or extra
pavers, whereas others have suggested reflectors on the edge of the road.
-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Resource Recovery: Staff noted that the County’s most recent inspection
report is in the Board’s binders and that BCPUD staff may be assisting with
mulch delivery.
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Nothing to report.
10. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: Update on Draft Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget. Staff
reported that the Finance Committee met on March 13th and is scheduled to
meet again on March 28th to review and revise the draft fiscal year 2012-2013
budget. In addition, the committee has renewed its investment in the
CDARs program for another six months, but will be reviewing its options in
light of the poor interest earned on this investment.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
-- Operations: Director Smith reported that he is working with district
operator Lewie Likover to evaluate the district’s filtered water quality
in an effort to reduce chlorine disinfection byproduct levels, perhaps by
adjusting chlorination procedures. Although there is a lot of information
published about chlorine disinfection byproduct reduction, each district
needs to evaluate its own water supply due to the significant variability
of water quality from district to district.
-- Park and Recreation: Director Siedman reported that the Downtown
Park site committee meets every other Sunday at 9:30 a.m. to discuss the
park design. Current plans include the installation of a labyrinth
and the committee plans to hold a community meeting to gather input as to
what parents of small children would like to see in the park. The stonework
is nearly fully installed and looks beautiful. John Glavis, Zoe Gardiner
and Angela Vernon are excited to landscape the park.
-- Personnel: Director Siedman said that the negotiation between the
committee and the staff concerning the wage rates for fiscal year 2012-2013
is ongoing. The committee hopes to bring the Board a final agreement
on this topic at the next regular Board meeting.
-- Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the January 18, 2012 Regular Meeting; Minutes of February 15,
2012 Regular Meeting; Minutes of March 7, 2012 Special Meeting
B. Kimball/D. Smith all in favor to approve
the minutes of the January 19, 2012 regular meeting.
Director Smith stated that the meeting adjournment time needs to be added
to the minutes of the February 15, 2012 regular meeting.
B. Kimball/K. Bender all in favor
to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2012 regular meeting, subject
to staff confirming and adding in the adjournment time of that meeting.
The Board deferred approval of the minutes of the March 7, 2012 special meeting
to the next regular Board meeting.
c. Warrants
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor
to approve warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
April 18, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. Director Smith said he would miss the May
2012 meeting and director Kimball said that she would miss the June 2012
regular meeting.
11. Adjournment.
9:26 p.m.