Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
March 23, 2005 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order: 7:30pm
2. Roll / Announcement Regarding March 3, 2005 and March 22, 2005
closed sessions (personnel matters)
Directors Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman and Smith present
Board President Jack Siedman announced there had been closed sessions on
March 3 and March 22, 2005 during which no action was taken.
3. Manager’s Report
Board members received a draft Pipeline containing the 2004 Consumer Confidence
Report. The report will be sent to all customers in the upcoming water bill
Board members received a photograph of a hazardous tree at Cedar and Poplar
Roads, reported by local resident Stacey Henderson. Staff will have the hazard
removed right away.
Director Kimball asked if there had been any feedback about the Notice of
Disinfectant By-Product Violation mailed to customers. Staff reported there
has been none known.
Director Smith asked about whether the inspection of the BCPUD building septic
system had occurred. Staff reported that Marin County Environmental Health
consultant, Kit Rosefield, recently tried to inspect the system. He found
the soil saturated from the recent rainfall and advised the tests could not
be properly performed under such conditions. He will return later in the
year, when the earth is dry, to make a detailed inspection and report on
the system’s condition.
Matt Lewis suggested a drainage plan for the BCPUD building could help alleviate
some of the ground saturation.
Director Amoroso noted that once the Board receives Mr. Rosefield’s inspection
report and recommendations, appropriate action could then be taken.
4. Community Expression
Audience member Jeff Commons praised Chief Wastewater Operator Kate Curry’s
recent repairs performed on a late-night major leak that occurred on Mesa
5. Volunteer Committee Reports
--Alternative Energy: nothing to report
--Beach: Magi Barror introduced Stinson Beach Village Association Bruce Wachtel
who suggested that Bolinas and Stinson work together to address the unwanted
behaviors taking place on both town’s beaches. Unified solutions to beach
camping, sanitation problems, safety, parking and traffic regulation enforcement
and other issues would be helpful for both towns since eliminating problems
on one beach could inadvertently increase problems on the neighboring beach.
Mr. Barror then noted Cela O’Connor’s March 22, 2005 letter about her recent
meeting with Ron Miska of the Marin County Open Space District. As a result
of the meeting, her letter stated that the County of Marin is contacting
the Coastal Commission to begin the process of accepting the nine Offers
to Dedicate (OTD) within Bolinas’ downtown beach. Mr. Barror expressed his
preference that the Beach Committee continue their work before separate actions
of this type take place. Director Smith said he too wished for the Beach
Committee to address issues first and that their resulting recommendations
then be offered to the Board.
Director Amoroso suggested that BCPUD ask the County not to accept the offers
to dedicate at this time, while the Beach Committee is still working, especially
because Stinson Beach may be joining efforts to find solutions of mutual
benefit. He further noted that the OTD’s do not expire until March, 2007,
which allows plenty of time to work out the best solutions to protect the
Staff will write a letter to the County requesting that they not accept the
OTD’s now and noting that the Beach Committee will be continuing its work
and will report findings and recommendations for the BCPUD Board’s review.
The Board will then work with the County as needed.
--Downtown Parking and Traffic: John Norton noted there is a general lack
of law enforcement in downtown Bolinas. He noted the recent example of a
good-weather weekend in town where streets were crowded with illegally parked
cars to the point that Terrace Avenue and other areas of town were impassable
for emergency vehicles. A letter is currently being drafted by the committee
asking for consistent enforcement of all parking and traffic regulations,
especially on weekends. He further noted that the committee is considering
educating visitors that parking and traffic regulations will be enforced.
Director Amoroso suggested that the request to enforce traffic and parking
laws in Bolinas be sent under BCPUD letterhead.
Director Smith suggested that current Bolinas parking fines be increased
to more effectively deter illegal parking. He has received feedback that
some people consider the price of a parking ticket, approximately $19.00,
a fair price for parking illegally as if it were just a reasonable expense
to use the beach. He offered the example of Muir Beach’s $63.00 parking
fine and suggested a similar fine in Bolinas would be a deterrent.
Director Amoroso noted that because of the efforts of the Bolinas Fire Protection
District, fines were raised to $63.00 at the immediate entrances to the downtown
beach and that raising general parking fines is part of the committee’s plan.
--Mesa Drainage: Matt Lewis noted that ground saturation is so high due to
the recent rains that work has been postponed until dryer weather. He presented
board members with a drawing and preliminary report for a bridge, strong
enough for the weight of emergency vehicles, spanning Dogwood at Evergreen.
A budget for the project is forthcoming.
--Mosquito and Vector Control Committee: Chairperson Doctor Elizabeth
Goldblatt announced that Bobbi Kimball has been appointed committee secretary.
The next meeting will be held Tuesday, March 29th, 2004 at the BCPUD building.
A list of requested documents and information has been sent to Jim Wanderscheid,
District Manager of the Marin-Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District
for the committee to review in preparation for an upcoming meeting with Mr.
Wanderscheid. Dr. Goldblatt further noted that Katarina Sandozal has been
elected to the Marin-Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District and that
there is still one seat vacant on the District’s Board of Directors.
--Resource Recovery: Directors received copies of the project’s February,
2005 financial report.
--West Nile Task Force: April 25th to May 1st is Mosquito Awareness
6. Request for Expanded Water Use Permit Variance: Crane 185
Board members received a copy of David Crane’s request for a variance increasing
the water allocation at 185 Kale Road from 800 cubic feet per quarter to
3500 cubic feet per quarter. Mr. Crane demolished the existing structures
at 185 Kale Road to make way for the new project. The water usage has been
abnormally low because the property has been largely uninhabited for the
past few years while planning and construction occurred. Mr. Crane’s letter
noted that water usage of 3500 cubic feet per quarter would more properly
cover water needs now that the property will be occupied frequently.
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to approve a
variance to increase the maximum quarterly allowance to 2500 cubic feet per
quarter, with a finding that strict application of Resolution 173, section
6 would be unfair in this instance because the base usage was atypical of
the average usage for a single family dwelling.
7. Use Permit Application (UP 05-28): Hart. 14 Terrace
Dean and Kathleen Hart are requesting a Use Permit to demolish a 245 square
foot existing detached garage and replace it with a 336 square foot detached
garage in the same location.
The Board had no further comment.
8. Community Wireless Networking Proposal
Tom Willard presented a detailed report about Internet
access in Bolinas. With only a few exceptions, Bolinas residents are limited
to using regular phone lines to communicate on the Internet. The rates of
data transfer using regular phone lines is slow enough to render most Internet
activities, besides the transferring of small email files, nearly impossible.
The lack of broadband here is interfering with the operations of many Bolinas
home-based businesses, merchants, telecommuters, and limiting some of the
communication needs of local utility, safety and fire operations. Mr. Willard
noted several different viable options for bringing broadband to Bolinas
along with associated very reasonable and competitive costs. For example,
Horizon Cable, which currently serves, Point Reyes and Stinson Beach would
be willing to serve Bolinas customers if the town could deliver a minimum
of 200 accounts.
Joel Braverman noted that the various broadband access
methods under consideration emit far less radiation than the common cell
Several directors noted considerable feedback from Bolinas
residents wanting broadband Internet access. Tom Willard, along with other
community members, will continue exploring options and informing the Board.
Mr. Willard will conduct a poll to determine approximately how many customers
would sign up for Internet access, should it become available.
9. Proposal to Request Addition of All
BCPUD Property to Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District’s “No
Spray” List.
Director Kimball suggested this matter be continued until
the BCPUD’s Mosquito Committee has had time to do its work.
10. Mesa Park: Resolution 515, Approving Application
for State Grant Funds
Siedman/Smith all in favor to approve
11. Update from San Pancho, Mexico (sister city)
Director Kimball noted that during her recent visit to San Pancho, she met
with local environmentalists who are working to protect their local lagoon.
They are also working with federal agencies to improve sewage disposal and
treatment. Additionally, they are working on a community land grants for
indigenous peoples. They have adopted the Jaguar as the conservation initiative’s
12. Pine Gulch Creek Property: Considerations of Extension
of Time for National Park Service to Purchase, Marin County Counsel Determination
re: Access.
Board members received a response letter from David L. Zaltsman, Deputy County
Counsel, County Counsel of Marin County, regarding BCPUD’s request for determination
on the easement access to the Pine Gulch Creek property. The letter states
no opinion will be issued on the matter because an opinion could be used
by one side or the other in pursuing development of real property in this
unincorporated area.
Director McClellan suggested that the protections for the creek be a contingency
of sale and that the property be sold to the highest bidder, whether it be
the National Park Service or Mr. Moritz.
Director Smith noted that aside from his interest in selling the property
at fair market value, his concern is the creek’s protection. He further noted
that he there may be enforcement problems should the property be sold to
Mr. Moritz.
Staff will prepare a letter to be mailed to the Marin County Community Development
agency seeking a written opinion on the legal sufficiency of the access easement.
13. BCPUD Mobile/Base Radio Upgrade Proposal
Continued to next meeting
14. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
--Finance Committee: The finance committee will meet 10am April 12, 2005
--Legal: Director Siedman noted that attorney Hadden Roth recommended against
attempting to recover attorney’s fees in the case of
Martinelli vs. BCPUD
--Mesa: nothing to report
--Operations: nothing to report
--Mesa Park: Director Siedman reported that the park recently received
a grant to
help with the cost of storing equipment
--Personnel: A closed session will be held April 6th, 2005 at 7:00 p.m.
--Sewer Report: Nothing to report
b. Minutes of February 23, 2005 Meeting
-- Smith/Kimball all in favor
to approve
c. Warrants
-- Amoroso/Smith all in favor to approve
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting:
April 20, 2005, 8pm
15. Adjournment:
10:45 pm