Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Special Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

March 25, 2015   7:30pm    270 Elm Road


1.   Call to Order.


2.   Roll.


3.   Community Expression.


4.   Marin County Local Agency Formation Commission (“LAFCO”): Election for LAFCO Special District Member and Special District Representative Alternate; BCPUD Letter re: LAFCO Proposed Work Plan and Proposed Increase in Special District Financial Contributions.


5.    Land Stewardship Committee:  Presentation of Materials for Bolinas Museum Exhibit re: the Sewer Pond Property.


6.   BCPUD Financial Reserve Policy; BCPUD Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan.


7.  Water Supply Update:  Installation of Monitoring Wells; Other Potential Next Steps in Water Supply Study.


8.   Adjournment.