A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
April 19, 2006     8:00 p.m.      270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order

2.    Roll

3.    Manager’s Report

      -- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

4.    Community Expression

5.    Volunteer Committee Reports

        -- Alternative Energy:
        -- Beach: 
        -- Community Paths Group:
        -- Downtown Parking and Traffic: 
        -- West Marin Mosquito Control Committee: 
        -- West Nile Virus Task Force:
        -- Resource Recovery:  Financial report for March 2006

6.    Request for Funds for landscaping project at the Bolinas Beach entrance on Brighton Avenue

7.    Letter to California Coastal Commission regarding work to be performed at the Seadrift Revetment.

8.    Mohn/Gade New Single Family Dwelling (“SFD”) Coastal Permit,
       CP 06-25 – 550 Overlook Drive, Bolinas  APN: 192-061-10

9.    Presentation of Proposed Ranch Management Plan -- Moritz Stream Conservation
       Area Stewardship Plan - 875 (formerly 5675) Horseshoe Hill Road (A.P. No. 189-090-03)
       (former Vierra Ranch)

10.  Appointment of Advisory Committee to review Bolinas Community Plan.

11.  Approval of Agreement with the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District.

12.  Request to Amend the Minutes of the August 2004 Meeting of the BCPUD Board of Directors.

13.    Request for BCPUD to Adopt a Mosquito Control Plan.

14.    Other Business

    a.  Board Committee Reports

        -- Finance:  Draft 2006-2007 budget: approve Proposition 218 mailing
            and mailing of draft budget; approve dates for public hearing on budget (6/21/06)
            and budget adoption (7/19/06).  3rd Quarter Financial Report
        -- Legal:
        -- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
        -- Operations:
        -- Park and Recreation:
        -- Personnel:
        -- Sewer:  

    b.  Minutes of March 15, 2006 Regular Meeting
    c.  Warrants
    d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

15. Adjournment