Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The
Board Of Directors
April 19, 2006 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order
8:00 p.m.
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present;
Director McClellan absent. Director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
Staff reported that the AmeriCorps*NCCC mosquito abatement
project that took place throughout the district from March 23, 2006 – April
6, 2006 was a great success. The community response to the AmeriCorps*NCCC
volunteers was incredible, with numerous individuals donating time to the
project, serving as site supervisors, hosting dinners, and the like;
the community participation made a tremendous impression on the volunteers.
Staff noted that the success of the project is directly attributable to the
efforts of Bobbi Kimball, David Kimball and Lewie Likover, all of whom
devoted many hours a day during the two-week project period to manage and
oversee the work. By the ending date, the volunteers had installed
roof vent screens on almost 150 properties (some with numerous buildings),
made significant progress on the implementation of specific drainage projects
(specifically including work in the Larch right-of-way off of Overlook),
assisted with the district’s preparation of the sewer pond property for a
ditching project to be performed there in early May with the Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito & Vector Control District, and conducted a survey of the fire
hydrants on the Big Mesa in preparation for the district’s planned elevation
Staff further reported that district’s FEMA disaster assistance
application for funds to repair damage sustained during the New Year’s Eve
storms in the Arroyo Honda Watershed has been finalized and submitted after
a lengthy process of watershed site visits and documentation with the assigned
FEMA officer.
The district has been formally accepted as a member of
the Tomales Bay Watershed Council (“TBWC”) for the duration of the Prop 50
grant process, which is anticipated to take place over the next 18 – 24 months.
Director Smith attended the most recent TBWC meeting on April 18, 2006 and
staff attended the most recent TBWC Technical Advisory Committee meeting
on March 21, 2006.
Staff noted that the Board binders contain copies of BCPUD’s
recently submitted 2005 Annual Report to the California Department of Health
Services regarding the district’s operations. Staff further noted that
representatives of the National Park Service’s Point Reyes National Seashore
staff will be meeting with BCPUD staff and directors on April 21, 2006 at
the BCPUD offices. Staff is scheduled to attend the bi-annual
ACWA/JPIA conference on May 8 – 9th in Monterey
With respect to current operations, staff held an off-site meeting on March
16, 2006, which was very productive and resulted in significant progress
on assessing and prioritizing upcoming projects. On the water side
of operations, the office has been receiving calls inquiring about water
quality due to the current discoloration of the treated water; this
discoloration is due to the fact that the district continues to draw water
from the reservoirs until the repair on the external feed line at the treatment
plant can be completed. The repair is scheduled to be completed on
April 20, 2006. On the wastewater side of operations, the district
continues to spray “out of season” at the ponds in light of the overcapacity
caused by the continuing rains; staff is updating the Regional
Water Quality Control Board on a regular basis. Staff has revised the
district’s reporting procedures on both the wastewater and water side of
operations. Maintenance staff has been engaged in a considerable
amount of vegetation management work and the district has purchased two new
mowers to facilitate this work.
Staff updated the Board on correspondence sent and correspondence received
by the district since the last regular meeting of the Board.
The Board discussed at some length a letter dated April 14, 2006, from Bob
Beaumont, Chief Assistant Director of the County’s Department of Public Works,
regarding Terrace Avenue at Overlook. The letter explains that the
County has been monitoring the road and has applied for FEMA funds to repair
it or fund an alternate access around the slide, but notes “it would be prudent
for your district, the Fire Department and all others affected by this slide
to develop contingency plans in the event of a road closure.”
After some discussion, the Board agreed that time is of the essence and that
the BCPUD must work immediately with the Fire Department and, importantly,
the County to determine next steps for the road at this location; the road
is a critical egress road off the Big Mesa from a safety perspective and
serves more than 40 homes in the immediate area. It was unanimously
agreed that the County should not be permitted to abrogate its responsibility
to maintain this road.
V. Amoroso/B. Kimball all in favor to
appoint Director Smith as the BCPUD representative to work with the Bolinas
Fire Protection District and the County to address the immediate need for
action with regard to Terrace Avenue.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report
Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover reported that the Larch right-of-way
between Overlook and Aspen has been cleared with the able assistance of the
AmeriCorps*NCCC volunteers and that significant progress has been made on
other projects along the Larch right-of-way and around the sewer pond property.
Lewie is negotiating a potential contract with a surveying company to locate
fire hydrant elevations and is in discussions with Rob Gailey, a local hydrogeologist,
regarding potential costs of reengineering the Todd Plan for the bluff erosion
zone. Lewie reported that he is coordinating with numerous road groups
across the Big Mesa for road improvement and drainage work. He also
is working with County employees on a mapping project relating to storm water
flows that the County is mandated to complete this year; Lewie anticipates
that the County will share a great deal of information with the BCPUD that
will be very helpful to our drainage efforts. Finally, Lewie reported
that he plans to purchase a laser level and hand-held GPS unit to facilitate
BCPUD drainage work.
In response to questions from Board members and the audience,
Lewie stated that many of the current community and BCPUD drainage projects
are scheduled for implementation during the summer and fall months, before
the next winter rains set in and he agreed to talk with the potential surveyor
for a quote to locate culvert elevations, as well as fire hydrant elevations.
4. Community Expression
On behalf of Elia Hayworth, Janine Aroyan thanked the BCPUD for the great
job done by the AmeriCorps*NCCC team in Bolinas and thanked Lewie Likover
and Matt Lewis for their on-going efforts to improve drainage on the Big
5. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: Director Smith reported that he learned in a
recent AB 1234 Ethics Training class that the BCPUD cannot contract with
any person who has a financial interest in the project at hand; accordingly,
the BCPUD would not be able to contract with the solar energy partnership
Don has formed to install solar panels at the Water Treatment Plant.
He was advised that BCPUD can contact the California Attorney General for
an exception, or another solar energy partnership can be set up under another
person’s management. Don asked the other Board members of their thoughts;
after some discussion, the Board agreed that Don should inquire with the
Attorney General’s Office about the possibility of an exception for Don’s
solar energy partnership.
-- Beach: Nothing to report
-- Community Paths Group: Director Smith reported that he learned in
the same AB 1234 Ethics class that it may be necessary for the Board to approve
by resolution the proposed sole-sourcing of the bike path construction;
if so, Director Smith asked that such a resolution be approved at the next
Board meeting.
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic: The Board reviewed an e-mail
submitted by Jody Angel alleging that the Downtown Parking & Traffic
Committee violated unspecified voting laws when it placed the advisory measure
regarding the Parking Plan on the November 2005 ballot and further alleging
that the Plan is not supported by the Bolinas community. Director Amoroso
said that the Committee carefully followed all legal requirements with regard
to the ballot measure and that Committee member Stacey Henderson had attempted
to personally contact Ms. Angel with regard to a possible “argument against”
the ballot measure; he noted that such personal contact is more than
the law requires. Stacey Henderson said that she was not successful
in her efforts to contact Ms. Angel because she (Ms. Angel) was out of town.
Staff reported that the Committee is in the process of scheduling a site
visit with appropriate County representatives to confirm implementation and
enforcement of the Plan; the Committee then plans to submit its coastal
development permit application to proceed with implementation.
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Committee: Deferred until Item 11 on
the agenda.
-- West Nile Virus Task Force: Director Kimball reported that she attended
the most recent meeting of the Task Force on April 17th. West Nile
Virus Awareness Week is scheduled for April 24-30th . The Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito & Vector Control District reported the anticipated presence
of lots of insects due to the lengthy winter rains; the District plans
to treat for tree-hole mosquitoes, even though these mosquitoes are not a
vector for West Nile Virus. The District has announced that it will
not “fog” with pyrethrin south of the Marin County Civic Center. Thus
far in 2006, the Task Force has noted minimal WNV activity.
-- Resource Recovery: Financial report for March 2006.
The Board received the March 2006 financial report, which shows the Resource
Recovery Project’s financial position improving due to its recent payoff
of the tractor. Staff reported that Site Manager Mike Aitken would
like to request reimbursement from the BCPUD for one-half the cost of the
most recent grind as a lot of the green waste delivered to the site since
the last grind was the result of the drainage and clearing work performed
by BCPUD and the AmeriCorps*NCCC volunteers. The Board directed staff
to advise Mike Aitken to make a written request for a specific dollar reimbursement
6. Request for Funds for landscaping project at the Bolinas
Beach entrance on Brighton Avenue
Janine Aroyan and Marcella Robinson presented the Board with the grant proposals
they each have developed for garbage/recycling bins (Marcella) and garden
(Janine) at the Brighton Beach entrance. Janine and Marcella both are
in the process of applying for grants from the Bolinas-Stinson Beach Community
Fund for their respective projects; Marcella explained that the first step
is to secure her grant for the garbage/recycling bins, and then pursue Janine’s
application for the landscaping project. David Kimball, a member of
the Beach Committee, spoke in favor of the grant applications and requested
that the BCPUD write a letter of support to the Bolinas/Stinson Beach Community
In response to requests from Board members, Janine presented the landscape
design and the proposed budget for the project and answered questions.
She clarified that she is seeking to raise $9,000 from various contributors,
over and above the grant application amount, and she is requesting a $3,000
contribution from the BCPUD. Director Smith said he felt it is
an important project: this is BCPUD property and the district should
make a contribution as the property-owner to the improved condition of the
beach entrance.
D Smith/B Kimball all in favor
to write a letter of support for both grant applications
to the Bolinas/Stinson Beach Community Fund and to contribute $3,000 in cash
and additional “in kind” donations as specified in Janine’s budget for the
landscaping project.
Director Kimball told Janine that she would be happy to help coordinate volunteer
help on the landscaping project, if and when that would be helpful.
Marcella and Janine thanked the Board for its support.
7. Letter to California Coastal Commission regarding work
to be performed at the Seadrift Revetment.
Director Siedman noted that staff had prepared a letter per the Board’s request
to the Coastal Commission expressing the BCPUD’s concern about the potential
impacts of pending so-called “maintenance” work to be performed at the Seadrift
Revetment. Director Amoroso said he thinks the letter is excellent
and should be sent immediately.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor to finalize
and send the proposed letter to the Coastal Commission immediately.
8. Mohn/Gade New Single Family Dwelling (“SFD”) Coastal
Permit, CP 06-25 – 550 Overlook Drive, Bolinas APN: 192-061-10
Director Siedman observed that the Board received copies of a coastal development
permit application to the County from the Mohn/Gade family to demolish their
existing house and garage at 550 Overlook Drive and replace them with newly
constructed buildings. Alethea Patton was present to respond to questions
or concerns on behalf of the Mohn/Gade family. In response to questions
from the Board regarding plans for septic and drainage at the property, Alethea
said that the septic either would be a mound or drip irrigation system (the
latter is preferred if approved for new construction by the Board of Supervisors),
she agreed to work with BCPUD staff on the property’s drainage plan, and
she agreed to inform the property owners to screen their plumbing roof vents
when the new house is finished. Finally, the Board advised Alethea
that the Mohn/Gade family also must apply to BCPUD for an Expanded Water
Use Permit in connection with the project. Staff was instructed to
write a response to the County on behalf of the BCPUD consistent with the
foregoing discussion.
9. Presentation of Proposed Ranch Management Plan -- Moritz
Stream Conservation Area Stewardship Plan - 875 (formerly 5675) Horseshoe
Hill Road (A.P. No. 189-090-03) (former Vierra Ranch)
Staff reported that Doug Ferguson, counsel for the Moritz family, has requested
that this item be deferred to the next regular meeting of the Board.
10. Appointment of Advisory Committee to review Bolinas Community Plan.
Director Siedman noted that this item is on the agenda because many community
members have expressed the view that the Bolinas Community Plan is outdated
and in need of review; he observed that 15 community members have applied
to be on the Advisory Committee. Director Smith said that he is delighted
that so many good people have applied for the committee, but he is concerned
that 15 is too many people for an effective committee. He suggested
that the committee start with a group of about five to conduct an initial
review of the Plan and then identify the sections of the Plan in need of
review; this suggestion sparked considerable discussion about the best
size and composition of the Committee and historic practice of including
all who wish to serve. Most audience members expressed the view
that the Committee should initially include all who have applied; over
time, there will be attrition and/or the Committee will subdivide itself
into subcommittees for more efficient work. The Board members
ultimately agreed with this approach and Director Amoroso agreed to serve
as the Board member on the Committee. Meg Simonds agreed to coordinate
the first meeting and organize distribution of copies of the Plan to the
Committee members. Director Siedman confirmed that Committee members
will be reimbursed by BCPUD for the cost of obtaining the Plan, which is
available on the internet and also for purchase at the County Civic Center.
11. Approval of Agreement with the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector
Control District.
Director Kimball said that West Marin Mosquito Control Committee (“WMMCC”)
chairperson Liza Goldblatt is out of town, or she otherwise would be present
for this agenda item. Director Kimball noted that the Board has before
it a copy of the agreement that has been worked out between the WMMCC and
the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District (“M&VCD”), which
is a one-page agreement with a number of attachments. The WMMCC recommends
that the Board approve the agreement on behalf of the BCPUD.
Director Smith moved that the Board authorize the Board President to execute
the agreement on behalf of the BCPUD and Director Kimball seconded the motion.
Director Siedman asked for any discussion.
Director Smith asked whether the M&VCD has signed the agreement.
Director Kimball responded that the M&VCD Board has the agreement on
their schedule to approve tonight, as well. She noted that M&VCD
General Manager Jim Wanderscheid personally drafted the agreement and is
fully on board with its terms. Director Kimball and Mr. Wanderscheid
communicated earlier in the week to confirm the procedures for the respective
Boards (BCPUD and M&VCD) to follow to approve and execute the agreement
at tonight’s meetings.
D. Smith/B. Kimball all in favor to authorize
the BCPUD Board President to execute the agreement with the M&VCD on
behalf of the BCPUD.
12. Request to Amend the Minutes of the August 2004 Meeting of the
BCPUD Board of Directors.
Director Siedman observed that this item is on the agenda because Stacey
Henderson would like the minutes to reflect that the Board voted at the August
2004 meeting to send two letters in support of West Marin’s annexation into
the M&VCD. After some discussion, during which Board members recalled
different portions of the discussion back in August 2004 regarding the potential
annexation, and different amendments to the minutes were proposed (including
amendments to reflect that the Board was told that the M&VCD would help
BCPUD with drainage and that the district would not be exposed to any additional
pesticides), Director Siedman stated that the last time there was considerable
controversy over the status of the minutes, a verbatim transcript of the
minutes was prepared.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor to amend
the August 2004 minutes to include the entirety of the discussion regarding
the Mosquito Abatement item as an attachment to these minutes.
13. Request for BCPUD to Adopt a Mosquito Control Plan.
Matt Lewis thanked the Board for placing this item on the agenda at his request
and inquired whether the agreement just approved with the M&VCD requires
BCPUD to have a mosquito control plan. Director Siedman said that it
does not, but that the M&VCD will partner with BCPUD and other West Marin
entities on mosquito control efforts. Matt said that BCPUD is the owner
of property with the vast majority of the mosquito breeding sites—specifically,
the sewer pond property—and that BCPUD therefore should have a mosquito control
plan. Various directors noted that the BCPUD was doing more than ever
before on drainage and mechanical means of mosquito control on its own property
and throughout the Big Mesa (including but not limited to the appointment
of a Drainage Project Manager, the completion of the AmeriCorps*NCCC project,
the planned ditching at the sewer pond property with M&VCD that is scheduled
to begin May 1st, and the purchase of new mowing and other equipment) and
that the BCPUD has addressed drainage and mosquito control in every way it
can, given the limitations of budget, staff and weather. Matt agreed
that the BCPUD has made more progress in the last year than ever before,
but said he feels that BCPUD has an obligation to have a written plan in
place. Stacey Henderson also agreed that the BCPUD has made great progress,
but said that the BCPUD should have an integrated pest management plan that
sets deadlines, assigns jobs and so forth. Director Siedman said
that if BCPUD needs a document, perhaps M&VCD has a sample to provide;
staff was directed to request a sample document from M&VCD
14. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: Draft 2006-2007 budget: approve Proposition 218 mailing
and mailing of draft budget; approve dates for public hearing on budget (6/21/06)
and budget adoption (7/19/06). 3rd Quarter Financial Report
Staff presented the draft 2006-2007
budget, which proposes a 1% over-all increase in spending over the current
fiscal year, a draft Proposition 218 notice to property owners advising of
the anticipated increases in the water, sewer and septic/drainage service
charges, and the 3rd Quarter Financial Report. With regard to the draft
budget, water service charges are projected to increase by $98 for a standard
meter and $147 for meters over 1 inch in size; sewer service charges are
projected to increase by $88; and septic/drainage service charges are projected
to increase by $70, as BCPUD doubles its commitment to these services.
Staff clarified that these increases are necessary, despite the fact that
overall spending is increasing by only 1% over the current fiscal year, because
the BCPUD received a windfall in revenues last year when monies unexpectedly
were returned by the State and was able to actually reduce rates to district
customers. No such windfall will be forthcoming in the next fiscal
year, so rates must return to the approximately the levels they were during
the 2004-2005 fiscal year. Director Siedman requested that staff revise
the Proposition 218 notice to make this clear to district customers.
Director Amoroso,
a member of the Finance Committee, noted that the budget proposes to
double directors’ fees from $125 per month to $250 per month and that this
is clearly stated in the Proposition 218 notice.
Director Kimball
noted there is a typographical error in the draft notice; the public
hearing date for the budget is identified as June 19, 2006 when, in fact,
it will be on June 21, 2006. She stated her strong support for the
doubling of septic/drainage service charges, which will allow the BCPUD to
continue and enhance its drainage work in the upcoming fiscal year.
V. Amoroso/B. Kimball all in favor
to approve the Proposition 218 notice with the changes and corrections noted.
-- Legal: Nothing to report
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report
-- Operations: Nothing to report
-- Park and Recreation: Director Siedman reported that he has
evaluated whether Mesa Park must follow the public bid process to hire an
engineer to complete the design for the Reclamation project and has concluded
that since these are professional services, the public bid process is not
applicable, but Mesa Park must follow the procedures set forth in Chapter
10 of the applicable Government Code section with regard to the selection
of the engineer. Mesa Park will do the ground work, but BCPUD as the
project grantee ultimately will need to conduct the Chapter 10 process.
-- Personnel: Staff was instructed to advise the other employees that
the budget is nearing finalization and that if they have any proposed revisions
to the MOU, such revisions must be submitted in writing to the Personnel
Committee as soon as possible.
-- Sewer: Director Amoroso commented that the BCPUD may soon
need to consider removing additional eucalyptus trees from the property.
b. Minutes of March 15, 2006 Regular Meeting
Director Kimball commented that there was one typographical error in the
draft minutes on page 4 where the Marin Municipal Water District is identified
as a new member of the West Marin Mosquito Control Council. This is
incorrect: the minutes should identify the North Marin Water District
as the new council member.
D. Smith/B. Kimball all in favor
to approve the minutes with the correction noted by Director Kimball.
c. Warrants
B. Kimball/D. Smith all in favor
to approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
May 17, 2006 at 8:00 p.m.
15. Adjournment
11:25 p.m.