Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

April 22, 2015   7:30pm    270 Elm Road, Bolinas



1.   Call to Order.


2.   Roll.


3.   Closed Session:  PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT: Shift Operator; Gov. Code Section 54957.


4.   Report from Closed Session


5.     Manager’s Report.


-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.

-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection Byproduct Reduction Project.

-- Update on Replacement of Sewer Pumps at the Wharf Road Lift Station.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.


6.    Community Expression.


7.    Prepayment in Full of Loan Issued to the BCPUD in 1986 by the Department of Water Resources.


8.    BCPUD’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan, 2015-2020; Draft Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget; Proposition 218 Notice to Customers re: Proposed Increases to Annual Water   and Sewer Service Charges


9.     Update on Proposed Sale of College of Marin Properties in Bolinas.


10.   Resolution 636:  Proposing An Election Be Held in its Jurisdiction on November 3, 2015; Requesting The Board Of Supervisors To Consolidate With Any Other Election Conducted On Said Date; And Requesting Election Services By The County Registrar of Voters.


11.  Update on Cross-Connection Control Survey.


12.  Water Supply Update.


13.  Volunteer Committee Reports.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee:

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:

-- Resource Recovery: 

-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:

-- Land Stewardship Committee:


14.    Other Business.

a.  Board Committee Reports.

-- Finance: Minutes of the March 24, 2015 and the April 14, 2015  Finance Committee Meetings.

-- Legal: 

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: 

-- Operations: 

-- Park and Recreation: 

-- Personnel: 

-- Sewer:   

b. Minutes of the March 18, 2015 regular meeting; Minutes of the March 25, 2015 special meeting.

c. Warrants.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s):


15.  Adjournment.