Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board
Of Directors
May 16, 2012 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order.
7: 32 p.m.
2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball and Siedman present;
director Smith absent. Director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project
Agenda item 9 (see below).
-- Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project
Staff currently is preparing the bid documents for this project with the
objective of commencing the project after the Labor Day holiday.
-- Update on the Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project
Staff reported that the bid opening for this project was yesterday; three
qualified bids were submitted and the lowest responsible bidder was Piazza
Construction. Staff noted that the Board will take action on this project
during Item 10 on the agenda (see below). If the Board approves proceeding
with the project, the next step will be to hold a pre-construction site meeting
and set the schedule for the work. Staff would like to notify downtown
businesses and residents about the work plan and the impact on parking/water
outages as soon as possible. The district’s objective is to complete
this project during June.
-- Update on Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals on Wharf, Park and Portions
of Terrace Avenues
No update at this time.
-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade
No update at this time.
Staff reported that water consumption in the district is down a bit from
this time last year based on the most recent meter readings for the mid-Mesa.
The district’s outside consulting technician visited the Woodrat Water Treatment
Plant on May 9th and conducted a full day of training for staff that was
very helpful. Staff is preparing for an inspection on May 30th by the
California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) and plans to share data and
discuss with the inspectors the district’s latest efforts to reduce chlorine
disinfection byproducts in its drinking water.
Staff is working on the district’s Consumer Confidence
Report and the state water license reports, both of which are due no later
than June 30, 2012. Staff directed the Board’s attention to the completed
Department of Water Resources and CDPH annual reports in the Board binders.
Staff noted that the National Park Service has requested that the district
execute another letter of intent for the continuing authorization of the
old water treatment plant on NPS lands. The Board had no objection.
Similarly, the Board had no objection to staff submission of a voting proxy
in favor of the USA North’s Nominating Committee slate of candidates.
Staff presented a letter from the Association of California Water Agencies/Joint
Powers Insurance Authority (“ACWA/JPIA”) regarding the transition of the
Health Benefits Authority (“HBA”) from ACWA to the ACWA/JPIA. Staff
noted that this was a big topic at the ACWA/JPIA conference, which staff
attended earlier in the month in Monterey. Staff commented that another
big topic at the conference was an ACWA/JPIA Executive Committee recommendation
to oust a member water agency; the subject agency made a plea to the full
Board (i.e., all member agencies) to be given time to address concerns and
the result ultimately was a vote by the Board to overrule the Executive Committee
decision and give the member agency six months to show improvement.
On the wastewater side of operations, the district is mowing the sprayfields
to prepare for spray season. The flows into the system are quite low
and the disposal fields are relatively dry given the sparse rainfall this
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report
The Board reviewed a written report submitted by Drainage
Project Manager Lewie Likover. Staff noted that there is a request
from the district later on the agenda for the Board’s approval to install
and/or replace several culverts. (see item 8, below)
4. Community Expression.
5. Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill
pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 80 Terrace Avenue (N. Franklin).
Neshama Franklin was present to explain that she received
a bill for $93 for water loss due to a leaking toilet at a vacant house.
She requests relief as she was unaware of the situation and repaired it immediately
when she did discover it. Director Kimball said the Board considered
a similar request at the last regular meeting and approved a 25% reduction.
Director Amoroso said that in some cases the Board has approved a 50% reduction,
but director Kimball noted that those were in cases of extreme financial
hardship only.
B. Kimball/K. Bender all in favor to
approve a reduction of 25% of the amount of the bill attributable to the
leak, as determined by the three-year average record of water use at the
property during the same quarter.
6. Request that BCPUD Pay the Cost of Relocated Water Service
to 126 Terrace Avenue (Lowe).
Staff presented a letter to the Board from Bob Lowe at
126 Terrace Avenue. Mr. Lowe feels that he should not be required to
pay for the new service connection to the relocated water meter on Terrace
Avenue as he previously paid for the plumbing to the former meter location
behind his property. Staff said that the price of the new service
installation based on two bids received for the work (one from Don Murch
and one from B&W Plumbing) is approximately $2,660.00; staff noted that
B&W Plumbing is a licensed plumbing contractor.
Kim Bender moved that the district should pay for the cost of the new service
installation since this property owner paid for the original service installation
to the meter behind his property and director Kimball seconded the motion.
Director Siedman noted that in retrospect, it was an error for the district
to have located the meter behind the Lowe property. Discussion ensued
about past precedent in similar situations; director Kimball also noted that
a source of funds should be identified to pay for the work if approved and
suggested that the source should be the “capital expenditures” category of
funds from the Pine Gulch Creek property sale. Director Amoroso said
he would prefer to see the money expended from the district’s reserves.
Director Kimball moved to amend director Bender’s motion to pay for the new
service installation from the property sale proceeds “capital expenditure”
category of funds.
K. Bender/K. Kimball three in favor,
director Amoroso opposed to approve the BCPUD paying for
the cost of the new service installation at the Lowe property with the funds
to be expended from the property sale proceeds “capital expenditure” category
of funds.
7. Request for Information Concerning the Sale of the BCPUD’s
Pine Gulch Creek Property, Budgets and Related Financial Information. (M.
Director Kimball presented an accounting of all expenditures made by the
district from the proceeds of the sale of the Pine Gulch Creek property to
the National Park Service. She noted that the first was a payment to
the adjacent property owner per the terms of a 1979 settlement agreement.
She then methodically detailed each category of expenditure of funds per
the categorization established by the Board during a special Board meeting
in June 2010. Director Kimball noted that a column of “other” expenditures
included the pay-off of three existing loans as well as the balancing of
the budget so that the district did not need to raise the annual service
charges. In response to questions from other directors, director Kimball
made several clarifying notations to the accounting. Director Kimball
said that she had reviewed the data with director Smith prior to his departure
on vacation and that director Smith requested that she convey his opinion
that the district should expend all of the proceeds from the sale of the
Pine Gulch Creek property to pay for needed capital improvements, without
raising rates to customers.
Staff was asked to update the accounting based on the Board discussion and
send it to Matt Lewis with a copy of the minutes from the special June 2010
Board meeting.
8. Right-of-Way Permit Application: Replace Culvert
Across Iris on North Side of Elm Road; Install Culvert Across Sycamore on
North Side of Elm Road; Replace Culvert Across Birch on South Side of Elm
Road; Replace Culvert Across Aspen on South Side of Elm Road (BCPUD).
Staff explained that the district staff will install or replace the culverts
in-house, with an outside hire as necessary, to be paid from the drainage
B. Kimball/K. Bender all in favor to
approve the BCPUD’s right of way permit application.
9. Approve Memorandum of Understanding Between the BCPUD
and the County of Marin Regarding Phase Two of a Geotechnical Assessment
of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook in Bolinas; Approve Proposal from
Sanders & Associates Geostructural Engineers (“SAGE”)
Staff presented the Memorandum of Understanding and noted that the Bolinas
Fire Protection District (“BFPD”) also will be a signatory if so approved
by its Board of Directors on May 28th.
K. Bender/B. Kimball all in favor to
approve the Memorandum of Understanding.
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor
to approve the Proposal from SAGE for a second phase of the geotechnical
assessment of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.
10. Resolution 611: Approving Form of Contract Documents
for the Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project and Awarding a Contract
for the Project to the Lowest Responsible Qualified Bidder, Subject to Certain
B. Kimball/K. Bender all in favor
to approve Resolution 611 and award the contract for the
Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project to Piazza Construction for
11. Resolution 612: Establishing BCPUD Policy Concerning
Public Requests to Amend the Minutes of a Meeting of the BCPUD Board of Directors.
Director Amoroso requested that the policy be revised to require 14 days
(rather than 7) advance submission of a public request to amend the minutes
of a BCPUD Board meeting. There was no objection.
K. Bender/V. Amoroso all in favor
to approve Resolution 612, as revised.
12. Approve the BCPUD’s Accounting Controls Procedures
and Policies Manual.
Staff presented a draft Accounting Controls Procedures and Policies Manual
written by staff and the district’s bookkeeper in response to a recommendation
by the district’s auditors. Board members presented several suggested
revisions to the manual and to clarify existing language.
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor
to approve the Accounting Controls Procedures and Policies Manual, subject
to the addition of the clarifying revisions offered by Board members.
13. Amendment to BCPUD Resolution 247 (Water Service Termination
This item was deferred until director Smith’s return from vacation.
14. Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.
Staff reported that the pressure transducer was installed on May 8th and
that Chief Operator Bill Pierce, director Smith, Resource Recovery Manager
Mike Aitken and consulting hydro-geologist Rob Gailey were present.
All of the equipment and software were tested and a data collection form
was created; data will be collected and downloaded monthly. The
purpose of this data gathering is to establish the baseline conditions (including
barometric efficiency) in the aquifer. As time goes by, this data also
will help the district assess the impact of the use of the irrigation well
by Mesa Park.
15. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee: Director Amoroso said
that a meeting concerning the lagoon was announced and held at the Firehouse
Public meeting room; the only attendees were Ralph Camiccia, Rudy Ferris,
Cela O’Connor (who evidently announced the meeting) and himself.
-- Community Path Update: Director Kimball reported that she met with
Pete Maendle from the Department of Public Works about the damage to the
bike path median at the top of the hill and agreed that the BCPUD staff will
install rock at the damaged location (with staff time to be reimbursed from
the path funds) and the County will provide the rock. Director Kimball
further reported that she hired a laborer to do some weeding of the median
strip on May 21st .
-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Resource Recovery: Nothing to report.
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Director
Kimball reported that the Council met on April 30th and the meeting basically
was an organizing meeting for the Spring. The Council intends to focus
its public education efforts on communicating with the community about alternatives
to DEET for mosquito protection.
16. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: Report on Draft Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget.
Staff reported that Proposition 218 notices were sent out to customers on
May 3, 2012 to apprise them of the proposed increase of $67 (7.05%) to the
annual water service charge and the proposed increase of $24 (2.52%) to the
annual sewer service charge. A public hearing on the district’s proposed
budget is scheduled for June 20th and budget adoption tentatively is scheduled
for July 18th .
Staff noted that draft minutes of the Finance Committee meeting are in the
Board binders for review; beginning effective May 1, 2012, the district
will prepare formal minutes of all Finance Committee meetings. Staff
also noted that a proposal letter from Doran & Associates for the district’s
fiscal year 2011-12 is in the binders for a fee of $7,850 and will be included
on the June meeting agenda for approval.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
-- Operations: Nothing to report.
-- Park and Recreation: Director Amoroso reported that Mesa Park
would like to begin the permit process for the ballfield irrigation and public
restroom project, but the state has not yet responded to the district’s request
to amend its grant to change the water source from reclaimed water to the
water from the irrigation well. Mesa Park therefore will proceed with
a planning consultation with County staff, but will defer the actual permit
application process until the state has responded on the grant amendment
request. Director Siedman said that large olive trees will soon be
planted at the Downtown Park, along with fruit trees and sod in the next
few weeks.
-- Personnel: Approve Amended Memorandum of Understanding Re: Compensation
and Benefits between BCPUD Board of Directors and BCPUD Employees.
The amended MOU provides a 3% pay raise for staff for the 2012-2013 fiscal
year; a $50 per month cell phone reimbursement for the General Manager and
a $2.00 per hour increase for shift operator Scotty Hanks for the specialized
professional and industrial painting skills he contributes to the district,
which saves the district thousands of dollars annually.
K. Bender/B. Kimball all in favor
to approve the amended Memorandum of Understanding.
Director Kimball said that she and director Siedman have scheduled a meeting
with an insurance broker who works with both Commonweal and the Coastal Health
Alliance on their health insurance benefit plans. Director Kimball has interviewed
the Bolinas-Stinson School, the Bolinas Fire Protection District, the Inverness
Public Utility District, the Stinson Beach County Water District, Commonweal,
and the Coastal Health Alliance about their health insurance benefits.
All of these employers also are grappling with the rising costs of health
insurance. Both of the other utility districts obtain their Kaiser
coverage via CalPERS, which director Kimball intends to research.
As a preliminary matter, the insurance broker advised that the district likely
won’t do better than Kaiser in terms of cost, but the district can and should
look at other plans or options for funding.
-- Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the April 18, 2012 Regular Meeting.
Directors Smith (via e-mail), Amoroso and Kimball offered clarifying corrections
to the minutes.
B. Kimball/V. Amoroso all in favor to
approve the minutes of the April 18, 2012 regular meeting as amended
c. Warrants
K. Bender/B. Kimball all in favor to
approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
June 20, 2012 (public hearing on the budget); directors
Kimball and Bender will be absent
17. Adjournment.
9:25 p.m.