Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

May 17, 2006     8:00 p.m.      270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order

2.    Roll

3.    Manager’s Report

      -- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

4.    Community Expression

5.    Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Beach: 
-- Bolinas Community Plan Review Committee:
-- Community Paths Group:
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic: 
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Committee: 
-- West Nile Virus Task Force:
-- Resource Recovery: 

6.    Mohn/Gade Expanded Water Use Permit – 550 Overlook Drive, Bolinas  APN: 192-061-10.

7.    Firehouse & Clinic Project:  PG&E Transformer #0243 Upgrade and Mesa Park Easement;  Memorandum of Understanding with BCPUD regarding Connection to Sewer System.

8.    Presentation of Proposed Ranch Management Plan -- Moritz Stream Conservation Area Stewardship Plan - 875 (formerly 5675) Horseshoe Hill Road (A.P. No. 189-090-03) (former Vierra Ranch).

9.    Bolinas Community Land Trust Request for Sewer Discharge Permit.

10.  BCPUD Road Maintenance and Improvements Projects:  Permit Requirements; Contractor Performance; Appropriate Materials, Speed Bumps and related issues.

11.    West Poplar Road Maintenance Group:  Road Maintenance/Repair/Improvement Permit Application (affects Poplar Road, Yucca Road, Ocean Parkway South, and Kale Road).

12.    Resolution 531:  Accepts Offers to Dedicate Public Recreational Easements

13.    Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: 
-- Legal:  Authorize Legal Committee to retain legal counsel for advice as to Marin County’s responsibility to repair or reroute Terrace Ave.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
-- Operations:
-- Park and Recreation:  Acceptance of Redesign of Sewage Lift Station
-- Personnel:
-- Sewer:   
b.  Minutes of April 19, 2006 Regular Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
