A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
May 18, 2005     8 p.m.     

270 Elm Road, Bolinas

7:30 p.m.  Closed Session – Personnel Matters  (GC §54954.5(e))


  1.  Call to Order

  2.  Roll  /  Announcement Re Closed Session

  3.  Manager’s Report

  4.  Community Expression

  5.  Volunteer Committee Reports
    -- Alternative Energy:
    -- Beach:  status report; recommendation re OTD acceptance
    -- Community Paths Group:
    -- Downtown Parking and Traffic:
    -- Mesa Drainage:
    -- Mosquito and Vector Control Committee:
    -- Resource Recovery:
    -- West Nile Virus Task Force:

  6.  Mesa Drainage:  staffing; budget; timeline;
        indemnification request: Hettich

  7.  Firehouse / Medical Clinic Project: 
       approval of sewer lift station plans and specifications;
       solar electric utility financing

  8.  Policy Re Publication of Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

  9.  BCPUD’s Pine Gulch Creek Property: 
       access easement – DPW letter

10.  Solid Waste:  Waste Management /
       Operating Engineers Union labor issues

11.  Emergency Tree Work:  Poplar/Cedar; Alder/Ocean Parkway;
       Fern and Evergreen near Larch

12.  Mobile Radio Upgrade Proposal

13.  Other Business

    a.  Board Committee Reports
        -- Finance:  3rd Quarter Financial Report; bookkeeping
        -- Legal:
        -- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
        -- Operations:
        -- Park and Recreation:
        -- Personnel:  management transition update; interim staffing
        -- Sewer:   
    b.  Minutes of April 20, 2005 Meeting
    c.  Warrants
    d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

14.  Adjournment