Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
May 19, 2010     270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1.    Call to Order.

    7:30 p.m.
2.    Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.

3.    Manager’s Report.

Staff reported that water consumption continues to be at lower levels this year than during 2009; this is quite remarkable given that the district was under mandatory rationing at this time last year.  Overall, consumption in 2009 was 29.55% less than consumption in 2008 – a reduction of approximately 14.2 million gallons.  At present, the district’s water supply looks very good for 2010; it has continued to rain into May, which suppresses demand for landscape irrigation, and staff does not forecast any water shortages this year. 

The operations staff is continuing to run the aeration pilot plant to reduce chlorine disinfection byproducts in the district’s treated water and also is monitoring for the levels of these byproducts via the mandated Stage 1 and Stage 2 federal requirements.  Overall, the district generally is just above the maximum contaminant level (“MCL”) for total trihalomethanes and is generally under the MCL for haloacetic acids (with occasional spikes above the MCL). 

Staff is working on the district’s 2009 Annual Report and the update of the district’s Watershed Sanitary Survey is almost complete; staff plans to present the updated survey at the June meeting.  In addition, staff is drafting the district’s 2009 Consumer Confidence Report and Status Report for Stage 2 Chlorine Disinfection Byproduct Monitoring, which also will be presented to the Board at the June meeting. 

Staff has considered several alternative installation approaches for the extension of the water main north up Horseshoe Hill Road and has concluded that directional boring (rather than trenching in or next to the road) will be the most efficient, fastest and least invasive approach; this will be done by an outside contractor which leaves district staff available for their regular operational responsibilities.  The overall cost estimate is $75,000, although this project will go out to bid as a public works project.  After a brief discussion, the Board concurred and directed staff to contact the homeowner financing the project to arrange a meeting to discuss this recommendation and next steps. 

Staff is working on a fire hydrant replacement plan (prioritizing hydrants to be replaced over a 5-year timeframe) and distribution pipeline replacement plan per requests of the Finance Committee. 

Staff attended the ACWA/JPIA annual conference on May 3 – 4 in Monterey and participated in several training sessions offered at the conference. 

On the sewer side of operations, staff held a meeting on May 11th to discuss the minor spill the district experienced in the collection system (due to a blockage in a manhole on Terrace Avenue) on March 25, 2010.  Staff reviewed the district’s overflow emergency response plan and discussed the incident and lessons learned.  Staff also plans to purchase certain emergency response equipment and conduct additional training on spill response with the Bolinas Fire Protection District volunteers.  Staff also reviewed the district’s updated Illness & Injury Prevention Plan at this meeting. 

    The district has received estimates from Pacific Liner for the rehabilitation of the wetwell at the sewer lift station ($12,800); the sliplining of the collection main under Wharf Road ($84,100) and the rehabilitation of the overflow pipe at Woodrat #1 ($32,640).  There is a mobilization fee of an additional $5,100, as well.  At this junction, staff recommends proceeding with the wetwell rehabilitation; staff further recommends that the district video the Wharf Road collection main and the overflow pipe at Woodrat #1 to assess their condition and prioritize next steps.  Funding will be needed to finance the Wharf Road slipline project.

    The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last regular Board meeting, including but not limited to a letter from the State Water Resources Control Board concerning the classification of the district’s wastewater treatment plant .  The Board reviewed a draft welcome letter to the incoming superintendent of the Point Reyes National Seashore and directed staff to send it.  Staff recommended that a letter should be sent to the County Department of Public Works to inquire about when the median strip between the road and the bike path will be planted as the district has received numerous complaints about potential safety issues and cars parking on the bike path on Gospel Flats.  After a brief discussion, the Board concurred and directed staff to send a letter of inquiry.

--    Update on the BCPUD’s Application for Proposition 84 Grant Funds (in partnership with the County of Marin and the National Park Service) for Projects to Enhance the Duxbury Reef Area of Special Biological Significance (“ASBS”)

The district received word last week that the State of California has released the Proposition 84 bond money and that a meeting will soon be scheduled with the State Water Resources Control Board’s grant manager.  To prepare for this meeting, representatives of the County, Park Service and BCPUD will meet tomorrow to discuss the project and the upcoming meeting with the grant manager.  Given that it looks as though the district’s projects will proceed during the next two fiscal years, staff reviewed the draft operating budget for 2010-11 to reflect anticipated increased staff time on septic/drainage matters. 

-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.

The district’s engineer has completed the structural drawings and staff will prepare a request for construction proposals for the Board’s review at the next meeting.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover presented his report, including his recommendation that the district purchase a HurcoVac to clean culverts and exercise valves on the water distribution system.  The Board expressed support for the purpose and noted that a vote will occur on this topic later in the agenda.  Lewie noted that he is working on a 2-3 year plan for drainage at the request of the Board’s Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads’ committee; director Kimball requested that he specify in that plan which projects will be undertaken pursuant to the Proposition 84 grant funding.

4.  Community Expression.


5.  Report on Results of Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 140 Juniper (Stein).

    Staff presented a memorandum summarizing the water loss at 140 Juniper Road due to a hose left running; the amount of water used totaled 900 cubic feet.  A final determination as to the amount of financial relief will be made after the end of the current quarter (which ends on May 31, 2010).

6.      Proposed Increase in Fines (from $63 to $99) by the County of Marin for Parking in No Parking Zones in Bolinas, Stinson Beach and Muir Beach.

    The Board reviewed correspondence sent by Supervisor Kinsey’s office detailing a proposal to increase parking fines in Bolinas, Stinson Beach and Muir Beach from $63 to $99.  The fine increase was requested by Stinson Beach Fire Chief Kenny Stevens to deter illegal parking.  Director Amoroso expressed concern about an increase in parking fines given that the downtown parking plan has not been implemented.  Director Siedman noted that the section of Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook is not included in the increased fine zone, but is one of the biggest parking problem areas in town.  After further discussion, the Board then reviewed the language of the proposed County ordinance and determined that the increased fine zones are limited to specific area of Wharf and Brighton right near the entrances to the beach.  The Board ultimately determined that it supports the proposal to increase fines for these zones only (because it should not impact the downtown area, which is the focus of the parking plan) and that it would like the County to include the section of Terrace at Surfer’s Overlook into the increased fine zones.  The Board further directed staff to urge the County to proceed with implementation of the Bolinas Downtown Parking Plan (which will require the County to pursue a coastal permit to implement the plan on the downtown County roads).

7.    Request for BCPUD Letter to the California Public Utility Commission In Support of a Moratorium on the Installation of PG&E “Smart Meters” Within Bolinas and a Customer “Opt Out” Option.

Rachel Gertrude and several other local residents were present to request that the district send a letter to the California Public Utility Commission in opposition to the installation of Smart Meters in Bolinas due to concerns over health implications of the wireless technology, privacy concerns and potential meter malfunction resulting in erroneous billing.  Rachel provided copies of letters sent by other local governments around the state and noted that PG&E plans to commence Smart Meter installation in Marin County in July.  The Board discussed the request; director Smith agreed that wireless technology is unnecessary because the same data can be collected via telephone lines, which do not pose the same potential health threat.  The Board expressed support for sending a letter similar to the letters sent by Fairfax and by the County of Santa Cruz; director Kimball requested that all of the same people receiving courtesy copies of those letters be copied on the district’s letter, as well as the Marin County Board of Supervisors, Senator Boxer and Congresswomen Woolsey.

V. Amoroso/D. Smith        all in favor        to send a letter to the California Public Utility Commission in support of a moratorium on PG&E’s Smart Meters within Bolinas.

8.    Approve BCPUD’s Request for Proposal for Audit Services.

    The Board reviewed a draft request for proposal for audit services prepared by staff.  After some discussion, the Board determined that it would be most consistent with best practices to change auditors at this time and that the district’s current auditors should not be solicited to submit a proposal.  Staff was requested to notify the district’s auditors of this decision and make clear that the decision was not based on any dissatisfaction with service, but rather because the Board feels it is better practice to change auditors periodically.  Staff was further directed to revise the request for proposal consistent with these comments.

B. Kimball/D. Smith    all in favor    to approve the district’s request for proposal for audit services, amended per the Board’s direction.

9.    Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy:  Director Smith reported on on-going problems with the inverters at 400 Mesa Road; for unknown reasons, the fuses continue to blow, requiring technician replacement.  The district has complained repeatedly to SPG Solar and the inverter manufacturer; while the fuses are promptly replaced, this is not entirely satisfactory because the district loses rebate money while the arrays are down.  The inverters at this site were supplied by a different manufacturer than the inverters at 101 Mesa Road, which are not problematic; nor are the inverters at other installations in town.  The origin of the problem appears to be fluctuations in the power from the grid since Bolinas is at the end of the line. After discussion, the Board directed Director Smith and staff to pursue the matter aggressively with the inverter manufacturer and insist upon replacement of the inverters if the blown fuse problem cannot be definitely resolved.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:  Nothing to report.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Nothing to report.

-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing to report.

-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:  Director Siedman reported that a Memorandum of Understanding between the County, BCPUD and BFPD has been signed and the funds to finance the geotechnical engineering study therefore should be forthcoming.  As for the road failure at the top of Terrace, the County is still waiting for the rains to end to investigate whether it can repair the road. 

-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Director Kimball reported that the West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council met on May 3rd to discuss a new product the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control district would like to use in West Marin.  The Council also plans to write letters to the local newspapers to remind people of the importance of screening septic vents and rainwater catchment systems.  The Council is not scheduled to meet again until November.  The West Nile Task Force is scheduled to meet twice this year; June 21st will be the first meeting and it will be open to the public.

10.    Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance: Approve Purchase of Hurco-Vac (for exercising valves and cleaning culverts)

B. Kimball/K. Bender    all in favor    to purchase the Hurco-Vac.

Approve Purchase of Used Dump Truck:  Staff explained that there is a potential problem with the proposed purchase because the California Air Resources Board has issued new emissions rules for diesel trucks over 14,000 pounds.  The used dump truck under consideration is 17,500 pounds; accordingly, staff is trying to determine the impact of the new rules and recommended the district defer purchase of the dump truck until this is better understood. 

Draft FY 2010-2011 Budget:  Staff presented the draft budget and a draft mailing to customers explaining the draft budget.

Schedule Special Meeting to Discuss Allocation of Excess Funds:  After some discussion, the Board tentatively agreed to hold a special meeting on Friday, May 28, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m., subject to confirmation from director Bender as to her availability.

-- Legal:  The Board reviewed a communication from the Marin County Counsel’s office notifying the district that it has raised the hourly rates charged for its services. 

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Director Smith said that there is a large pile of ground asphalt at one of the pull outs on the lagoon that folks are hiring Don Murch to haul and spread on the unpaved roads; he said the BCPUD should contribute financially to this effort where neighborhoods have trouble getting people to contribute financially.  Director Smith said he believes the BCPUD should take over maintenance of the neighborhood access roads as everyone uses them.  Discussion ensued about the proper role of the district and the Board ultimately agreed to agendize the topic for discussion at the June meeting. 

-- Operations:  Staff requested that the committee hold a meeting to discuss with Mindy Marin the status of the project to extend the water main north up Horseshoe Hill Road.

-- Park and Recreation:  Director Siedman reported that an election will be held for the Mesa Park Board this November.  Mesa Park also is working on its CEQA update for the revised reclamation project; Mesa Park has hired Rob Gailey to assist with that effort.  As for the water meter currently for sale by Mesa Park, only one bid was received and it was unacceptable.  The meter is now for sale for $285,000.

-- Personnel:  Director Kimball reported that the district has ordered a copy of the ACWA salary survey in order to obtain information about how comparable districts are compensating their employees.
-- Sewer:  Director Smith requested that staff provide him with the contact information for Max Korten at Conservation Corps North Bay for possible work on the bike path.
b. Minutes of the April 21, 2010 Regular Meeting

Director Smith offered revised language for item 6.

D. Smith/K. Bender    all in favor    to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2010 regular meeting, as amended.

c. Warrants

K. Bender/B. Kimball        all in favor    to approve the revised April warrant list and the May warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    June 16, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.

11.  Adjournment.

    9:59 p.m.