A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
May 21, 2003     8 p.m.    

270 Elm Road, Bolinas


  1.  Call to Order

  2.  Roll

  3.  Manager’s Report

  4.  Community Expression

  5.  Enforcement of Ordinance 30, Establishing Rules And Procedures
       For Governing The Use Of The Gridded Public Right Of Way                    
       Network On The Mesa

  6.  Road Maintenance Permit Application:  Woods
       project location:  Birch between Poplar and Mesa   

  7.  Mosquito Abatement

  8.  Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project:  status report; proposal to
       appoint BCPUD representative to project committee

  9.  Meter Transfer Request:  Hollander
        project location:  3 Spring Road

10.  Request for Variance on Schedule for Meter Transfer:  Smith/Mickelson
       project location:  38 Ocean / 191 Poplar

11.  Road Survey Project:  revised proposal

12.  Proposal To Increase BCPUD Directors Pay

13.  Other Business

   a.  Committee Reports
         -- Alternative Energy:
         -- Finance:  3rd quarter financial report; 2003-04 budget process
         -- Legal:
         -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:  SepTAC policy update
         -- Operations:
         -- Park and Recreation:  Mesa Park:  Grant Disbursement Request
         -- Personnel:
         -- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
         -- Solid Waste: 
   b.  Minutes of April 16, 2003 Meeting
   c.  Warrants
   d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

14.  Adjournment