A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of
June 15, 2005 8 p.m
270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Beach:
-- Community Paths Group:
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic:
-- Mesa Drainage: staffing; budget;
timeline; indemnification request: Hettich
-- Mosquito and Vector Control
Committee: final recommendations; Stacey Henderson letter
-- Resource Recovery: May financial
report; Coastal Permit application status
-- West Nile Virus Task Force:
review of representation to the task force
6. Public Hearing: 2005-06 BCPUD Budget
7. 2005-06 District/Employees Memorandum of
8. Expanded Water Use Permit Application:
Hart. 14 Terrace
9. Expanded Water Use Permit Application:
Bettini. 50 Crescente
10. Resolution 519, declaring an emergency exists and authorizing
to distribution system at intersection
of Mesa and Olema-Bolinas Roads
11. 2004-05 Financial Audit: Bunker & Company Engagement
12. BCPUD's Pine Gulch Creek Property: access easement
- next steps
13. Board Policy Re Approval Of Outgoing Correspondence
14. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance:
-- Legal:
-- Mesa Septic,
Flood Control and Roads:
-- Operations:
-- Park and
-- Personnel:
-- Sewer:
b. Minutes of May 18, 2005
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
15. Adjournment