Call to Order.
7:30 p.m.
Amoroso, Comstock, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding. Director Siedman noted that director Godino is
attending the meeting by telephone.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.
Staff reported she and Fire Chief Anita
Tyrrell-Brown met with Supervisor Kinsey, his aide Liza Crosse and DPW Senior
Engineer Ernest Klock on June 3, 2015 to discuss next steps for this project in
light of the town’s incredible fundraising effort. Ernest reported that DPW is moving forward
“at a sprint” with the design of the project and has retained Miller Pacific
Engineering to prepare the project design documents. Ernest and the
engineers were out in Bolinas at the project site on June 2, 2015 to take
photos and assess site conditions. Ernest anticipates that the project
will go out to bid in August with construction estimated to occur between
September 15th – October 15th.
DPW continues to believe that the cost estimates for
the project are solid and Ernest said DPW plans to close the road during the
work day while the project is being installed.
The County reviewed the Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement between the Bolinas
Community Center (BCC) and the Fundraising Committee because it mentions the
County and its role in the project. The
County has no objection to the agreement; however, the County also would like
to have a letter agreement in place (between the County and the BCC as fiscal
sponsor) to set forth more specifically the County’s obligations upon receipt
of the funds and to detail how and when the funds should be conveyed to the
County. The County likely will draft the
letter agreement and pass it on to the district for discussion with the BCC
locally. After the agreement is in place
and the County is ready to receive the funds (after the bid process is
completed and the project costs are known), the Board of Supervisors will then
take formal action to accept the funds.
-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection
Byproduct Reduction Project: Report by Dr. Alex Horne re: Woodrat Reservoir 1
The Board received a report by Dr. Alex Horne
on recommended management methods for the Woodrat 1 reservoir to reduce the
precursors of chlorine disinfection byproducts.
Dr. Horne identifies two watershed management methods and four lake
management methods as possibly beneficial for the district, with oxygenation or
aeration and some inflow treatment most strongly recommended for
consideration. Director Smith noted that
a gaseous oxygen test will be relatively easy to do and will provide the
district with a lot of information; he said he has some specific questions
about the report that he will forward to staff to discuss with Dr. Horne. Director Comstock said he believes it is
important for the district to carefully manage the reservoir and said he favors
oxygenation (if successful) even if alum coagulation is used (as will be
evaluated in the district’s upcoming pilot coagulation study).
Update on Replacement of Sewer Pumps at the Wharf Road Lift Station.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to a preliminary
assessment by the district’s outside engineers which favors the installation of
either rotary lobe pumps by Vogelsang or non-clog centrifugal pumps by Flygt. Staff met today with a representative from Vogelsang
and were very favorably impressed by that pump as it is small and easy to work
on, so that staff likely can deal with most repairs in house, which is a
significant advanatage.
Staff reported that water consumption remains
at low levels from a historic standpoint; significantly, however, consumption spiked
up during the most recently completed billing cycle. Staff is concerned that this may be the
beginning of a trend during the summer months and recommended that the district
step up its conservation message to the community via articles in the Hearsay
News, notes in quarterly billing statements and newsletters, as well as
signs to be posted around town in prominent places. The Board had no objection.
Staff has prepared a draft Consumer
Confidence Report for 2014 and copies are in the Board’s binders; staff said
the report will be mailed out to customers on June 26th, so if Board
members have any comments on the text of the report, please submit them to
staff as soon as possible. Staff also is
working with the district’s attorneys to complete the district’s water license
reports for 2014 which are due on or before June 30th. The district has a total of six licenses for
its three water sources; production (approximately 90 acre feet during 2014)
was far below normal due to the drought and the town’s conservation efforts and
well below the licensed amount of 167 acre feet.
District operators repaired a relatively
significant leak on the service line for the Bolinas School during the first
week of June. Staff estimates the
district lost approximately 63,000 gallons of water due to the leak, including
flushing, which was caused by failed glue joints at fittings on the service
line (poor materials used when the line was installed by an outside contractor
after the school burned down several decades ago). Staff was able to repair the leak without
closing the school, but will need to replace the line entirely by boring under
the road later this summer when school is not in session.
Staff is preparing for year-end (June 30th)
and for the upcoming audit of the district’s FY 2014-15 financials. The BCPUD’s outside CPA, Sandy Reinhardt,
recently retired; accordingly, staff and the district’s bookkeeper interviewed the
CPA to whom Sandy sold her practice. The
CPA will send a proposed engagement letter for the district’s consideration. Staff also is preparing for the County’s
annual assessment process whereby the property tax rolls are reviewed to ensure
the correct placement of the district’s service charges, consistent with the
budget adoption and rates approved by the Board.
Finally, staff is working on the prepayment
of the outstanding balance due on the Department of Water Resources loan, as
approved by the Board at the April 2015 regular meeting. Approximately $300,000 will be paid to retire
this debt, which will save the district over $30,000 in interest and $55,000 in
annual debt payments that otherwise would be due through 2022. The prepayment of the loan is scheduled to
occur on June 26th.
On the wastewater side of operations, although
flows have been quite low for some time (reflecting the benefits of the recent
inspection of laterals on Wharf Road), flows have been trending up on weekends
due to the increase in visitors to town in the summer months. Spray season is underway and going well; staff
has posted signage to remind the community not to walk through the paths or
enter the fields when sprays are on.
The Board reviewed correspondence sent and
received since the last regular Board meeting, including a notice from the
Association of California Water Agencies about a “Marin Water Forum” on July 24th
at which staff will be a panelist; a letter from the Marin County Community
Development Agency about a new process for following permit
applications/issuances; and, an invitation to a water ritual and blessing at
the Arroyo Hondo hosted by Lea Earnhardt-Gold and Alethea Patton.
Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
The Board received a drainage report from
Lewie Likover.
Public Hearing:
Draft Fiscal Year 2015-16 District Budget.
Siedman opened the public hearing on the district’s draft fiscal year 2015-16
budget. Staff reported that the Finance
Committee conducted an extensive series of meetings this year to develop the budget, as well as the
district’s new Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan and Financial Reserve Policy;
she thanked directors Amoroso and Comstock for the considerable time and effort
they devoted to the committee process this year. Staff said the proposed budget establishes a
framework for the future: namely, the reduction
or elimination of debt, committed investment in capital infrastructure, financially
prudent management of the district, and the retention of employees. Staff noted that the district’s water and
sewer rates have not been raised in the last three budget years; the draft
budget proposes a 10% increase, which is
less than the cost-of-living increase for the San Francisco Bay Area over that
same time period. The proposed budget includes
a reduction in overall debt (annual debt payments will decline by $74,457 as
compared to last year), an increased commitment to bolstering reserves
(revenues going to reserves will increase by $48,172 as compared to last year),
and investment in the district’s infrastructure (capital improvement spending
will increase by $42,659 as compared to last year).
Lewis commented that the version of the draft budget posted on the district’s
website does not include a side-by-side comparison with the current year
budget, which makes it difficult to appreciate the differences. Staff promised to post a side-by-side version
as soon as possible. Matt noted that the
district’s mailer to the community highlights the planned capital improvement
projects as a reason for the proposed service charge increase and he asked how
previous capital improvement projects have been paid for. Director Comstock explained that the
district’s budget every year includes expenditures for capital improvement
projects. This year, however, for the
first time the district has prepared and adopted a five-year capital
improvement plan; this plan demonstrates that the amount of funds the district
has set aside for capital improvement projects is not sufficient given the
number and extent of necessary projects identified. Director Comstock said that the district has
not raised its service charges in three years, but the cost of living has
increased each of those years, so the district has not even been keeping pace
with inflation. Essentially, the planning
of future capital projects and the bolstering of reserves have been squeezed in
recent years by routine expenditures, so the district is undertaking the
necessary corrections to better position itself financially. Matt asked if the proposed 10% increase in
service charges is to pay for the five-year capital improvement plan; director
Comstock said that the increase is needed to catch the district up with where
it should be to keep up with inflation and that he doubts the district can
revert to holding the charges steady with no increases. Director Smith commented that former director
Bender suggested several years ago that the district consider an annual
incremental increase in the service charges rather than hold them steady and
then impose a more significant “catch up” increase, which he said makes a lot
of sense. Discussion ensued about the
district’s intent to repay an outstanding loan in order to retire approximately
$300,000 of debt (and save $30,000 in projected interest payments) and its
planned capital improvement projects, including the chlorine disinfection
byproduct reduction project, which could be quite expensive if the district is
not able to sufficiently improve its source water and reduce the precursors to
the formation of chlorine disinfection byproducts. Director Comstock explained that the district
may have no choice but to install nanofiltration at its treatment plant.
5. Community
directed the Board’s attention to a letter from a customer requesting the
district’s assistance with a water leak at her property. Staff noted that at a recent community
meeting, townspeople discussed the fact that many seniors and others of limited
financial means may need help with home projects and momentum seems to be
underway to organize a volunteer group of handymen and contractors to provide
pro bono help on small projects. Matt
Lewis said he would be willing to help and director Siedman thanked him for
6. Public Records Act Request re: Mesa Park
Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom Project. (M. Lewis).
Lewis said that he did not ask for his Public Records Act request to be
included on the meeting agenda, so he is not sure what he should say. Director Amoroso said that a Public Records Act
request seeks the production of records, but his recent letter poses specific
questions about the Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom project which
should be posed to the Board and that is why the item is on the agenda. Matt said that his concerns include the well
serving as the water source for the Mesa Park project, as well as the project
itself. He asked why the BCPUD imposed
water rationing in 2009 which is the same year the well was installed. Director Amoroso explained that although the
well is on BCPUD property, it was installed by Mesa Park pursuant to an
agreement with the BCPUD and all costs of the well have been paid by Mesa
Park. Matt said that the district paid
for the piping from the well to Mesa Park and that significant staff time was
spent on the project; director Amoroso said that the district did not pay for
the piping, Mesa Park did, and that the district was reimbursed for staff time
spent on the project by the funding agency (California Department of Parks
& Recreation). Matt said all of the
permits for the well and the project are in the BCPUD’s name so it is BCPUD’s
well and BCPUD’s project; director Amoroso agreed that the permits are in BCPUD’s
name, but only because the well and the project itself are located on BCPUD
land (which, in turn, is leased to Mesa Park, but the permitting agencies
require that permits be issued in the name of the property owner). All costs pertaining to the well and/or the
project have been paid for by Mesa Park via its own parcel tax funds and the
grant funds awarded by the State – the BCPUD has not contributed any funds
toward either the installation/development of the well or the installation of
the project.
asserted that BCPUD is placing the moratorium in jeapordy by providing free water
to Mesa Park. Director Siedman explained
that the BCPUD did not install the well and is not incurring any costs for
operating the well – all costs are paid by the users – so it has no basis on
which to charge for it. Director Amoroso
said that the Board has had a standing item on its agenda for many months
captioned “Water Supply Study” and it receives monthly reports from a
consulting hydrologist as the district studies the small groundwater system supplying
the well to determine if it is of acceptable quality and quantity to serve as a
supplemental water source for the BCPUD.
Director Smith said that the study to date suggests that there is reason
to think there is only a limited groundwater system serving the well. He noted that the watershed is small and in
the middle of a fault zone; in addition, the well is only ¼ mile from the
Bolinas Lagoon and the water table at the well site is below sea level, so sea
water intrusion also is a possibility.
Director Smith said the district is doing as much as it can and has spent
tens of thousands of dollars to determine whether this groundwater system is a
potential drinking water source. At
present, the district’s consulting hydrologist is working on a report that will
summarize three years’ worth of monitoring data which the Board requested to
inform a decision as to next steps.
Finally, he noted that the current use of the well is enabling the
district to conduct this water study in a meaningful way.
said that the water likely could be filtered and used by the BCPUD. He said that the Stinson Beach County Water
District relies on a well that produces 9 gallons per minute for the town
during the winter. Director Smith said
the BCPUD on average supplies approximately 60 gallons per minute to the town
from its water treatment plant. Matt
inquired whether Mesa Park would pay for the development of the well for
drinking water and director Siedman answered that it would not; director Amoroso said the BCPUD likely would
pursue grant funds for such a project.
Matt claimed that he “has a person there monitoring” the Mesa Park well
and it is currently producing 12,000 gallons per day. Director Siedman said that the well
production data gathered by the BCPUD on a weekly basis does not confirm this. Director Smith said that all records
pertaining to the project (including the well) are available for review at the
BCPUD office.
7. Local Agency
Formation Commission of Marin County (“LAFCO”) Countywide Water Municipal
Service Review: Request for Additional Information from the BCPUD.
presented a draft letter from the BCPUD to the Marin Local Agency Formation
Commission (“LAFCO”) which responds to a request from LAFCO for additional
information from the district in connection with its County-wide water study
concerning the well installed on BCPUD property by Mesa Park.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all in favor to approve the BCPUD letter responding
to Marin LAFCO’s request for additional information.
8. Transfer from the District’s Endowment
Fund Into a General Capital Improvement Projects Fund.
Director Amoroso moved that the district re-purpose
the “Endowment Fund” on deposit with the Local Agency Investment Fund (i.e.,
the remaining proceeds from the district’s sale of its Pine Gulch Creek
property to the National Park Service) as a fund for capital improvements and
that a 3/5 vote of the Board be required to authorize capital improvement
expenditures from the fund and a 4/5 vote be required if any other purpose for
these funds is to be authorized.
Director Comstock said he did not see a benefit of imposing the vote
requirement; director Amoroso said he wasn’t wedded to that provision and he
revised his motion to be that the district re-name and re-purpose the
“Endowment Fund” as a “General Capital Improvement Project Fund”.
V. Amosoro/D. Smith all in favor to
change the name and purpose of the district’s Endowment Fund to a General Capital
Improvement Project Fund.
9. Update on Proposed Sale of College of Marin
Properties in Bolinas.
Nothing to report.
10. Water Supply Update.
Director Smith noted that Rob Gailey is
working on a comprehensive report summarizing all of the well monitoring data
obtained over the last three years for the Board’s consideration. He said one thing that is striking about the
recent data is not so much the steep drop in the water level in the well during
October 2014 (when the Mesa Park ballfields were renovated), but rather the fast
rate of recovery of the water level thereafter.
He said he finds this rapid and complete recovery to be surprising and a
bit worrisome – where is the water coming from?
11. Volunteer Committee Reports.
Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Downtown Parking &
Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
Resource Recovery: Staff reported that the district continues to
work with Marin County’s Environmental Health Services Department to resolve
any concerns about the potential for groundwater contamination from the on-site
green waste facility. Director Smith
said there are rumblings in Sacramento about more regulation of compost
facilities because of the potential for nitrates leaching into groundwater
tables. He said there are rumors that
the groundwater tables under the compost piles will need to be monitored and
tested, which could put many green waste facilities out of business.
West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: The
Board reviewed an email from the West Nile Virus Task Force announcing that a
bird in Marin County has tested positive for the West Nile Virus.
Land Stewardship Committee: Nothing to report.
12. Other Business.
a. Board Committee Reports.
-- Finance: Engagement Letter from Doran &
Associates for FY 2014-15 Audit; Minutes
of the April 14, 2015 Finance Committee Meeting.
L. Comstock/G. Godino all in favor to
approve the engagement letter from Doran & Assocites for the FY 2014-15
audit of the district’s financial statements.
Director Amoroso noted a typo on page 2, last
sentence of the second paragraph, on the minutes of the April 14, 2015 Finance
Committee meeting.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all in favor to
approve the minutes of the April 14, 2015 Finance Committee meeting, as
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing
to report.
-- Operations: Nothing
to report.
-- Park and Recreation: The
Board reviewed a letter sent to Mesa Park by staff with a check for $50,000,
which is the final disbursement of grant funds for the Mesa Park Ballfield
Irrigation and Public Restroom Project.
Director Godino departed the meeting.
-- Personnel: Staff
reported that Shift Operator Scotty Hanks is scheduled to return to work on
July 6, 2015.
Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes
of the April 22, 2015 regular meeting; Minutes of the May 27, 2015 regular
Directors Amoroso and Comstock offered
clarifying revisions to the minutes of the April 22, 2015 regular Board meeting
D. Smith/V. Amoroso four in favor, director Godino absent to approve the minutes of the April 22,
2015 regular Board meeting.
L. Comstock/D. Smith four in favor, director Godino absent to approve the minutes of the May 27, 2015 regular Board
c. Warrants.
L. Comstock/V. Amoroso four
in favor, director Godino absent to
approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s):
June 15, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
13. Adjournment.
9:19 p.m.