A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of
June 18, 2003 8 p.m.
270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Public Hearing: 2003-04 BCPUD Budget
6. Ordinance 33, Amending Ordinance 21, Setting Director Compensation
7. 2003-04 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding
8. Mesa Park: proposal to include tax revenue under BCPUD’s
Gann limit;
Resolution No. 488, approving an application for
Land and Water
Conservation Fund grant; 5/03 water bill; water
reclamation project
preliminary engineering report
9. Coastal Permit Application 03-34; Expanded Water Use Permit
Application: Harrison -- project location:
315 Mistle
10. Roads: proposed amendment of District Ordinance 30
11. Roads: Ad Hoc Committee Report: assessment district formation;
budget; wording for ballot measure; survey project
12. Road Maintenance Permit Application: Woods
project location: Birch, between Poplar
and Mesa
13. Ordinance 34, Placing Jane Blethen’s Measure on the November 4,
Ballot, or Resolution 489, Acknowledging Bolinas
As A Nature Loving Town
14. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Finance:
-- Legal:
-- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
-- Operations:
-- Park and Recreation:
-- Personnel:
-- Sewer: Resource Recovery
Project; Community Paths Group
-- Solid Waste:
b. Minutes of May 21, 2003 Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
15. Closed Session – Personnel Matters: Government Code §54957.6
(Labor Negotiations)
16. Report on Closed Session
17. Adjournment