Bolinas Community Public
Utility District
A Regular
Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
June 18, 2008 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order
7:31 p.m.
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman and Smith
present; director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
Staff reported that the chlorine disinfection
byproduct pilot project had been going well until this week: a few
days ago, the pilot column unit cracked apart during a routine backwash.
Thankfully, no one was hurt. Staff is researching the costs of replacement
on the unit (likely about $2,000) and discussing next steps with the outside
engineer. Prior to this event, staff was in discussions with the engineer
and state regulators about the initial lab tests results from the pilot unit;
briefly stated, the tests designed to predict whether or not chlorine disinfection
byproduct levels would decline post-GAC treatment were indicating nonsensical
results, yet the Total Organic Carbon (“TOC”) removal rate was very good.
Staff told the engineer and state regulators that using only Woodrat reservoir
water in the pilot unit did not seem advisable or realistic because the district
is almost never solely using reservoir water. Staff also located a
study showing that the pre-filtration addition of alum coagulant could be
extremely effective in lowering chlorine disinfection byproduct levels (probably
in combination with GAC unit) and the district’s outside engineer concurs.
Staff is in the process of scheduling a meeting next week with Siemens representatives
to discuss this and other possible approaches.
A draft version of the district’s 2007 Consumer Confidence
Report was presented to the Board for review and comment. It is scheduled
to be mailed to customers on or before June 30, 2008.
Staff noted that a new federal rule known as the “ Long-Term
2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule” requires that the district prepare
a sampling plan for e coli bacteria. The BCPUD is seeking a waiver
of this requirement from the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”)
because the district’s microfiltration treatment process already eliminates
cryptosporidium, which is what the new federal rule seeks to address.
CDPH has indicated it is amenable to working with the district to grant a
The field staff repaired a large leak on Wharf Road last
week; the district hired in outside contractors to assist in order to expedite
the repair and minimize inconvenience to customers.
On the wastewater side of operations, it seems that one
of the two pumps at the downtown lift station has ceased to operate (fortunately
not the pump that was replaced three years ago). Staff conferred with
an outside repair service and diagnosed a broken shaft; the pump either must
be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Staff will obtain estimates
for either option and present them to the Board. The compressor at
the lift station also malfunctioned recently, but staff was able to repair
it on site.
Now that spray season underway , it is clear that some
repair work in the spray fields is needed, including the replacement of several
valves, which staff is attempting to schedule for the next two weeks.
Some mowing will first need to be done to clear the area around the spray
heads and clear the work areas.
Staff noted that a significant number of maintenance and
upgrade projects for the sewer system are planned for the upcoming 2008-09
fiscal year.
Finally, staff noted that the campers previously
located on the sewer property appear to have left in response to the “no
camping” notices posted by the district.
-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”)
Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.
Staff reported that the district is in the process of finalizing the building
plans for the renovations necessary to improve the accessibility of the BCPUD
building; the plans will be submitted sometime after July 1st so that
the costs of the permit fees and related costs fall into the district’s next
fiscal year.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
There is no drainage report this month. Staff awaits
a response from the State Water Resources Control Board to the Proposition
84 Concept Proposal for stormwater managements projects submitted by the
BCPUD, County of Marin and National Park Service in May.
4. Community Expression
Janine Aroyan told that Board she was asked to speak by Marcella Robinson,
General Manager of the Bolinas Community Center; Marcella has prepared
a letter she intends to send to the Board, but asked Janine to speak at tonight’s
meeting about the current problems downtown with the amount of garbage being
generated at the beach. The BCC does not have sufficient space in its
dumpster for the amount of trash and would like to request that a second
dumpster be rented and located at Mesa Park. Marcella would like
the BCPUD to negotiate with Redwood Empire for a reduced rate dumpster.
Director Siedman noted that Marcella approached Mesa Park about this issue
previously, and Mesa Park worked out a deal with Empire Waste Management,
the prior garbage company, for the company to pick up Mesa Park garbage at
no cost in exchange for the ability to use the parking lot area as a transfer
Janine said the existing arrangement is no longer sufficient for the amount
of garbage. The BCC is spending more than $1200 every year in gas alone
to drive to the beach and collect all the garbage. She inquired whether
the BCPUD, as owner of the Brighton Beach easement, can contribute to solving
this problem. Director Amoroso noted that when dumpsters have been
placed at the beach entrance in the past, they attracted an overwhelming
amount of garbage and the situation quickly got out of control. Director
Siedman said that it seems the BCC is endeavoring to take care of the trash
problem downtown, but there is simply no space for it all and it is not fair
for this burden to fall solely on the BCC. He asked the Board members
what they think should be done.
Director McClellean said the BCPUD should contribute toward another dumpster,
but not bear the entire cost. Director Kimball said she agrees it should
be a more broadly–based community effort and that it is unfortunate that
dumpsters near the beach entrance are so problematic. Director Smith
said that the BCPUD should contribute up to half of the costs (depending
on the ultimate costs involved) and should initiate discussions with the
garbage company for a second dumpster at Mesa Park He suggested that
the State of California should provide some funds since it is the state’s
Coastal Act, with its requirements of public access to the coast, which creates
a burden that should not fall entirely on the people who happen to live at
the coast. Director Amoroso required a written request and justification
from the BCC for the second dumpster.
Director McClellan requested that the Board include an agenda item at the
July meeting to discuss possible amendments to Resolution 152 regarding water
meter transfers. He also requested that the BCPUD obtain the appropriate
advice to determine whether Director Amoroso has a conflict of interest in
participating in such a discussion of the Board in light of the fact that
he personally owns a property with two water meters.
5. Public Hearing: 2008-09 Draft Budget.
Staff presented an overview of the proposed 2008-09 District operating budget,
which reflects an overall 4% increase in employee services costs based on
the most recent CPI for the San Francisco Bay Area; a 25% increase in the
premiums charged by Kaiser for medical insurance coverage; planned capital
expenditures (including repaying the cost of the retrofit at the Woodrat
Treatment Plant, the first phase of the district’s ADA remodel, as well as
water and sewer system improvements), and on-going debt-service repayment,
among other things. The district does not expect to receive any increases
of its property tax revenues or water sales; therefore, it is necessary to
raise water and sewer annual charges by $123 and $87, respectively, to fund
the district’s on-going operations.
There was no public comment on the draft budget.
6. Request for Second Financial Contribution from the BCPUD to the
Bolinas Beach Entrance Project.
Janine Aroyan requested a contribution of $800 from the BCPUD to help fund
on-going improvements to the Bolinas Beach Entrance project; she noted that
the project has received generous donations from the community, but immediate
funds are necessary to ready the garden for the fall.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor to contribute
$800 to the Bolinas Beach Entrance Project.
7. Right –of-Way Permit Application: Legalize Driveway
to 270 Laurel Road; Install Drainage Pipes Under Laurel Road Right-of-Way
(west side) and North to Alder Road. (Vietor)
Director Siedman recused himself from any participation in this agenda item
and director Amoroso therefore presided.
Alethea Patton said that she and the property owners’ civil engineer met
with BCPUD staff to discuss a drainage plan for the property, which includes
the legalization of an existing driveway. BCPUD staff has approved
the plan in concept and Alethea requested the Board’s approval. She
explained that there currently is a ditch along the upper reach of Laurel
Road; it then crosses via a culvert under Laurel Road and daylights across
from 270 Laurel Road. BCPUD staff advised that this drainage should
be connected down to Alder as it presently is degrading the improved road
surface on Laurel. Alethea proposes that the drainage from 270 Laurel
be similarly diverted under Laurel Road via an 8-inch collection pipe which
will then “T” to a pipe heading north down the west side of Laurel to the
existing ditch on Alder Road. Staff added that due to the presence of
BCPUD facilities in this right-of-way, the district should condition any
permit approval on an agreement with the property owners that the district
is not responsible for any damage to the drainage system in the event it
is necessary to conduct any repairs or install and improvements to the water
lines in the vicinity. Staff noted that the County has requested that
this agreement be recorded.
B. Kimball/D. Smith 4 in favor, 1 abstention (Siedman)
to issue a permit to install the requested drainage pipes
under the Laurel right-of-way, subject to a recorded agreement between BCPUD
and the property owners.
8. Letter of Comment by BCPUD re: Bolinas Lagoon Ecosystem Restoration
Project -- Recommendations for Restoration and Management (Draft Locally
Preferred Plan).
Director Amoroso stated that he has reviewed the draft plan and feels that
while it places considerable emphasis on the Pine Gulch Creek Delta and floodplain,
almost no attention is given to the Seadrift lagoon. He would like
the district’s letter of comment to make three points: (1) the initial
focus on the Pine Gulch Creek Delta should be on publicly owned lands – per
the “adaptive management” approach favored by the draft plan, work should
be done there first and then assessed before proceeding with projects on
private property (director Amoroso expressed concern about possible implications
for some of the oldest and most historic buildings in the district);
(2) the plan should include a “two-channel solution” – in addition to restoring
the Pine Gulch Creek channel, the channel in front of the Bolinas boat dock
also should be restored. With two channels, better scouring and flow
can be established. The continuing growth of Kent Island is a big problem
and can be mitigated by improving the Bolinas boat dock channel; and (3)
the plan should place equal emphasis on evaluating the Seadrift lagoon as
it does to restoring the Pine Gulch Creek delta.
Director Smith added that the letter should include an additional point –
namely, given that the Williams report on the condition of the lagoon says
that 80% of the sediment entering the lagoon is from the sea and the plan
itself says it is trying to redress human-caused interference with the lagoon
natural process, the plan also should assess the impact of the Seadrift revetment
to determine just how much sediment it is pushing into the mouth of the lagoon
via its on-going sinking and the re-amouring that is presently permitted
under the applicable coastal permit.
Director Amoroso agreed and said that the letter perhaps also should state
that the BCPUD may chose to place an item on the ballot to assess the local
response to the draft plan – he noted it is called a “locally-preferred”
plan, yet it hasn’t actually been vetted by most locals.
Director Siedman directed staff to prepare a letter of comment for Board
review and approval.
9. BCPUD Solar Projects: Resolution 564: Authorizing
the Bolinas Community Public Utility District to Execute An Amended Agreement
with SPG Solar, Inc. which Supersedes the Agreement for Water Treatment Plant
and Wastewater Treatment Facilities Photovoltaic Generation Systems between
BCPUD and SPG Solar, Inc. dated December 28, 2007; Authorization to Sell
Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (“CREBs”)
Director Smith stated that coastal permit delays have compressed the schedule
allowed for the construction of this project, so the BCPUD needs to amend
its contract with SPG Solar and adjust the liquidated damages provisions
in the event the contractor fails to meet the new schedule. Director
Smith noted that if the contractor fails to meet the installation deadlines,
the BCPUD will lose its current state rebate position and will be delayed
in the start of its electricity sales back to PG&E’ accordingly, the
contract needs to be adjusted so that the BCPUD does not bear these costs
if the contractor misses its deadlines. SPG Solar has indicated it
is willing to amend the agreement in this manner. Director Smith requested
that the Board approve Resolution 564 and delegate the authority to himself
and staff to finalize the amended agreement, with the understanding that
any major additional revisions will be brought back to the Board for determination.
J. McClellan/BK all in favor move to
approve Resolution 564 and delegate authority to director Smith and staff
to finalize an amended agreement, subject to the requirement that any material
additional revisions must be brought to the Board for determination.
Director Smith said that the current schedule states that the appeal period
for any challenge to the district’s coastal permits will expire on June 30th.
Accordingly, he would like to alert the bond brokers that we would like to
sell the Clean Renewable Energy Bonds as soon as possible after June 30th.
The Board previously approved a limited notice to proceed to SPG Solar for
the design work, which the district will issue once the amended agreement
has been signed.
B. Kimball/J.McClellan all in favor
to authorize the sale of the district’s Clean Renewable Energy Bonds as soon
as the amended contract is finalized and the coastal permit appeal period
has expired (with none filed), subject to the advice of the brokers as to
appropriate pricing/timing
10. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing further to report.
-- Bolinas Community Plan Review Committee: Appointments Requested:
Ian MacLaird; Larissa Conte. Director Amoroso commented that Ian MacLaird
is Lynn MacLaird’s son; he and Larissa both work with the Regenerative Design
Institute and would be great additions to the committee.
V.Amoroso/B. Kimball all in favor to
add Ian MacLaird and Larissa Conte to the committee roster.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee: Nothing further to report.
-- Community Paths Group: Director Smith reported that the district
is about to get underway with this project; staff has made minor modifications
to the contract which are amenable to the contractor. As soon as the
contract is finalized, the contractor intends to start work.
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic: Nothing to report.
-- Resource Recovery: Nothing to report.
-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee: Director Smith reminded
the Board that the Terrace Avenue committee has been pressing the County
Department of Public Works (“DPW”) for months to repair the seawall below
Surfer’s Overlook. This morning, Craig Parmley, head of DPW’s road
maintenance, came out to assess the seawall. Craig consulted with Ernest
Klock, DPW’s head engineer, and Ernest is now scheduled to come to Bolinas
next Tuesday morning for a site visit. The committee has concluded
that the seawall pilings are still fairly sound – only 6 had hollow cores;
the committee would like the County to replace the planking as soon as possible,
which would be an inexpensive fix to get the seawall through some more winters.
-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:
:Director Kimball reported that the West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating
Council met the prior week to review more data and launch community education
11. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: Revised Third Quarter Financial Report; Approve Engagement of
Bunker & Company for FY 2007-08 Audit; Approve Engagement of Sandra Reinhardt
for FY 2007-08 Audit.
The Board received the revised third quarter financial
V. Amoroso/J. McClellan all in favor
to approve the engagements of Bunker & Company and Sandra Reinhardt in
connection with the FY 2007-08 audit.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
-- Operations: Nothing to report.
-- Park and Recreation: Director Siedman reported that the Mesa Park
parcel tax passed by 69.73%. The Mesa Park Board now plans to resume
efforts to determine whether it is possible to dig a productive well.
As for the downtown park project, the design committee had a second meeting
with the landscape designer and plans to call for a town meeting soon to
review the plans. Finally, director Siedman reported that the San Francisco
Mime Troupe will perform at Mesa Park again this year, likely in August.
-- Personnel: Staff reported that the district’s new shift operator,
Scotty Hanks, started work this week..
-- Sewer: Director Amoroso requested that staff meet with the Sewer
Committee when it is time to decide upon/prioritize the planned capital improvement
projects to the sewer system.
b. Minutes of the May 21, 2008 Regular Meeting.
Director Kimball offered minor corrections.
D. Smith/B. Kimball all in favor to approve
the minutes, as corrected.
c. Warrants
D. Smith/B. Kimball all in favor to approve
the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s).
July 16, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
12. Adjournment
9:52 p.m.