Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
June 16, 2004 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order: at 8:05pm
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman and Smith present.
Director Bertsch presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
Board members received a recap of the Hazard Mitigation Plan meeting held
by FEMA and the California Office of Emergency Services. Bolinas may be eligible
to receive funding to mitigate local hazards such as the erosion on Terrace
Avenue. Continued to the July 14, 2004 meeting agenda.
Board members received Governor Schwarzenegger’s financing reform information.
The Schwarzenegger tax reform package shifts an additional $350 million to
the state this year and next (2004-05 and 2006-06). In exchange, special districts
have a commitment from the Governor to support a constitutional initiative
that would protect local agency’s future funding.
Amoroso/Siedman all in favor for Staff to write a letter supporting
the Governor’s proposal and encouraging private citizens to do the same.
Board members received an announcement of a meeting with Steve Kinsey to
discuss creating Bolinas Lagoon Watershed Council. The meeting will be held
Monday, June 28th, 2004 at 7pm at the Stinson Beach Community Center. Director
Amoroso volunteered to attend the meeting and report back to the Board.
Board members received a response letter from Bob Beaumont, Chief Assistant
Director, Marin County Public Works that staff had written alerting the county
to the serious erosion occurring on Terrace Avenue. Beaumont replied that
the County doesn’t have the monies to finance repairs. Directors Bertsch,
Smith and Siedman proposed that BCPUD continues its focus on exploring ways
to preserve access for all properties served by Terrace Avenue. Director Smith
underscored that repairs will be less costly if the erosion is mitigated now
rather than waiting until Terrace Avenue falls and a complete rebuilding is
Staff pointed out that BCPUD is re-routing water utilities, thereby
preserving water service to Terrace Avenue customers should erosion destroy
existing water lines. Staff also suggested maintaining focus on ensuring continued
water and sewer service on lower Terrace Avenue.
Staff submitted a draft of Bolinas Pipeline and requested feedback by June
25th, 2004.
4. Community Expression
Andy Blake requested that committee reports be heard earlier in the Board
Amoroso/Siedman all in favor to move the Drainage
Committee report to item 8a in the current meeting.
Joyce Clements, representing the Agate Beach Neighborhood Association (ABA),
objected to the county’s new plan to charge fees to use the Agate Beach parking
lot. The ABA also objects to the impending installation of an “iron ranger”
at Agate Beach to accept these fees. The ABA further stated that the county
has not heard local input into changes at Agate Beach, such as installing
trails on the eroding cliffs and the placement of large informational signage
on the hillside. The ABA wants to be certain that the County hears local community
input regarding these changes at Agate Beach. The ABA is concerned that drivers,
wishing to avoid parking fees, will park in the surrounding neighborhood,
thereby interfering with residential parking availability. Additionally,
the ABA does not wish the neighborhood to undergo an atmosphere of ticketing
and general parking enforcement activities.
Directors also received a letter from Don and Joan Lyon further objecting
to parking fees at the Agate Beach Parking lot.
Director Amoroso/McClellan all in favor to put this
item on the July 14th 2004 Board Meeting.
5. Notice of Pending Resignation by Director Joan Bertsch/Announcement
Concerning Appointment to Fill Board Vacancy.
Director Bertsch announced that she would be resigning from the Board effective
September 1, 2004.
Directors Amoroso, McClellan, Siedman, Smith and Staff noted the invaluable
service of Director Bertsch to the entire Bolinas Community.
Amoroso/McClellan all in favor to invite applicants
for the Board vacancy by placing a notice in the Hearsay News and to place
the action on the appointment on the August 18th, 2004 agenda.
6. Parking and Traffic: Lower Terrace Avenue Issues:
proposed minor changes to Wharf Road parking restrictions on Upper Terrace
Avenue; general plan update.
Bolinas Fire Protection District (BFFD) Chief Anita Tyrrell-Brown stated
that parking at the curb in front of the Bolinas Museum and Kaleidoscope should
be signed parallel parking. Additionally, at least three spaces at the tennis
court should also be signed parallel parking. Perpendicular parking in these
areas causes obstructions and traffic bottlenecks that prevent emergency personnel
from passing through the right of way. BFFD has received permission to stripe
and sign these areas parallel parking. Tyrrell-Brown also stated that vehicles
both stopping and parking also regularly block traffic on Terrace Avenue
at “surfer overlook”.
Director Amoroso agreed that the museum/store and “surfer’s overlook” areas
should be striped and signed right away. He felt that the parking at
the tennis court would be handled in the general parking planning currently
Jason Nutt, Marin County Department of Public Works Traffic Engineer, stated
the curb at the Museum and Kaleidoscope store could be signed right away.
However, he advised that property owners on Terrace Avenue would need to be
notified and community feedback gathered before signs and striping can be
installed at “surfer overlook.” He noted this process would take at least
three months to complete.
Liza Crosse, Supervisor Steve Kinsey’s Aide, noted an important difference
between “no standing” and “no parking” that should be considered in making
parking decisions. For example, vehicles can legally “stand” in “No
Parking” zones in order to unload, sightsee or for any other purpose. However,
where a zone is signed “No Standing,” it is illegal for vehicles to park or
“stand.” “No standing” is the broader term that includes both parking and
General comments supported “No Standing” signage because standing in many
areas causes a traffic bottleneck and impedes the flow of traffic.
Director Smith spoke on behalf of himself and his neighbors requesting that
some parking on upper Terrace Avenue be allowed for the guests of residents
on Ocean Avenue. Ken Masterton objected to adding parking on upper Terrace
Avenue. He suggested that Ocean Avenue residents could clip back some curbside
hedges in order to create parking directly on their street. He
further stated that the land near the proposed parking sites on Terrace Avenue
is part of a protected butterfly zone. Matt Lewis stated he supports letting
Ocean Avenue residents park on Terrace Avenue. He is often unable to park
on Ocean Avenue service to his customers. Director Amoroso pointed out pull
outs exist on Terrace Avenue for parking. Director McClellan objected to opening
up any more parking on Terrace Avenue. Director Siedman agreed that some
parking for Ocean Avenue residents should be allowed on Terrace Avenue. He
cautioned that there is a tradition of abuse in this location such as long-term
recreational vehicle storage which is not intended use for this area. Andy
Blake mentioned the difference between parking for tourists and parking for
local residents. He noted that an overall parking plan would take care of
overall parking issues. Jason Nutt noted that he has received complaints
about parking from Little Mesa residents.Director Bertsch suggested that
Little Mesa parking issues not be included in this letter.
Amoroso/ Siedman 3 ayes McClellan no, Smith abstain
to write a letter asking the county to create parallel parking at the museum/store
curb, to prevent parking on Lower Terrace and to open 200 feet of parking
on Terrace Avenue, and to create “surfer overlook” No Standing.
7. Expanded Water Use Permit: Gallagher, project
location: 10 Mesa Road
Applicant proposes to restore a detached accessory structure. The sole plumbing
fixture, a sink, will be removed.
Amoroso/McClellan all in favor to approve an unconditional
8. Public Hearing: 2004-2005 District Budget
Staff reported adding $600.00 to the draft budget for work to comply with
new auditing regulations and an additional two tenths of one percent to employee
Staff also reported reducing the ad valorem tax by $75,000 to make up for
the proposed tax shift and recommended raising the annual water charge to
cover the loss of tax revenue.
Amoroso/Siedman all in favor to distribute information
to BCPUD customers regarding the possible changes to the budget.
8.a. Committee Reports: Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads
Andy Blake noted that Joan Bertsch’s participation on this committee was
invaluable. Director Bertsch stated that she will continue to serve on this
committee until her departure from Bolinas.
The Dogwood and Evergreen Roads projects are progressing. A bid to perform
this work from Bill Campoy is expected soon. Evergreen Road’s culvert
will be replaced first and then Dogwood Road’s culvert will be replaced.
Al Hettich, who’s property is adjacent to Evergreen, recommended that the
if the culvert is lowered as a part of this project, downstream work should
also be done to prevent ponding on his property.
A Neighborhood Walk will be held July 17,2004 at 10am to inspect Alder Creek
from Agate Beach to Elm Road to determine where the creek is blocked and to
gather community input regarding routine drainage maintenance.
Director Bertsch suggested that neighbors along the creek be brought into
this process.
The committee, with the Department of Public Works, will create a culvert
and road maintenance schedule that will help ensure that county-owned roads
and culverts are properly maintained.
9. 2004-2005 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding
Staff advised that BCPUD employees would like a meeting with the personnel
Item continued to July 14, 2004 board meeting.
10. Mesa Park: Waste Water Reclamation Project: Resolution
502, adopting a negative declaration
of environmental impact.
The only comment received, since the Notice of Intention was published,
was from the Department of Fish and Game informing BCPUD of the requirement
to pay a fee when the Notice of Determination is filed.
McClellan/Siedman all in favor to adopt Resolution
11. Terrace Avenue Pipeline Relocation Project: Resolution 503,
designating general manager as
authorized representative to
execute easement agreement and contract documents
Director Smith was concerned about the additional workload this item may
cause and wondered if additional staff time might be needed. Staff replied
that additional time would not be necessary.
McClellan/Siedman all in favor to adopt Resolution 503.
12. Pine Gulch Creek Property (AP# 188-090-14): easement
Director Bertsch reported a phone call she had with Michael Moritz noting
two important results of the conversation. First, Mr. Moritz is interested
in purchasing this property should it be put up for sale. Secondly, Mr. Moritz
wishes a cooperative tone in reaching agreements with all involved parties.
Director McClellan reiterated that Mr. Moritz must grant BCPUD this easement.
Director Bertsch suggested that Director Siedman speak to Mr. Moritz.
Director Siedman will call Mr. Moritz and report back on results. Director
Smith pointed out that access should be preserved to appropriate agencies
for the specific purpose of Pine Gulch Creek protection such as for fence
and other repairs and that it not be open for general public access. Continued
to next month.
13. Coastal Permit Application: Moritz
Project location: 5675 Horseshoe Hill Road
Director McClellan suggested making the Item 12 easement a condition of
granting the permit. Directors Siedman and Bertsch disagreed. Staff pointed
out various letters raising issues about the project. Director Amoroso suggested
this item not be commented upon at this time because of Item 12.
14. Draft Policy Re: Hazardous Trees in BCPUD Rights-of-Way
Director McClellan presented the document Hazardous Trees in the BCPUD Rights-of-Way
to be added to Ordinance Number 30. A brief discussion ensued regarding the
language used to describe how tree removal will be funded and about making
the administrative decision subject to Board review.
McClellan/Siedman all in favor to improve as amended.
15. Marin Countywide Plan Update
Bobbi and David Kimball called to the Board’s attention to a letter they
wrote supporting affordable housing and the concept of an urban village. They
stated that the Silvera property development on the Highway 101 corridor in
northern San Rafael continues to be a controversial issue.
Following general discussion regarding the Bolinas Gridded Mesa Plan (BGMP),
Bobby and David Kimball will draft a letter, to be issued on BCPUD letterhead,
requesting that the (BGMP) be incorporated into the County Plan.
Amoroso/Siedman all in favor to send letter.
16. Resolution 504, Establishing a Sister City Relationship
with Town of San Francisco, Nayarit, Mexico
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to approve the resolution.
17. Meter Transfer Extension Request: Smith/Mickelson
Project location: 38 Ocean/191 Poplar
McClellan/Siedman all in favor to extend meter transfer for
2 years. Director Smith abstained.
18. Coastal Commission Letter Re Seadrift Revetment
The Board received the Costal Commission letter regarding the recent
work. The letter notes the
extent of the work, and that the matter is being investigated, but
indicates that there is no evidence of non-permitted work occurring. Director
Smith commented that it was quite obvious to him at a distance of several
hundred yards
19. Meter Suspension Request: Amoroso 17 Brighton
McClellan/Smith to suspend meter Director Amoroso
abstained. 4 ayes.
20. Waste Management/Teamsters Labor Agreement Status
Director Smith is concerned about the treatment of Waste Management (WM)
workers by WM managers and he has written a letter to them requesting a response
to his concerns.
Staff pointed out a letter received from WM District Manager Rob Zakor concerning
the labor dispute and indicating their willingness to negotiate with WM workers.
Director Amoroso suggested that Director Smith meet with WM managers to
to pursue the issue and report back. The item will be placed on the agenda
as needed based on the results of that meeting.
21. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
--ACWA JPIA Spring Conference Report
Nothing to report
--Alternative Energy:
BCPUD consultant Bob Gold has recommended installing the anemometer now
located at Woodrat 2, on Woodrat 1 property. Staff will indicate that the
work is approved for a not-to-exceed cost of $1000.00, and that the device
should be erected on the knoll above the reservoir, subject to there being
no problems with ownership or access.
--Downtown Parking and Traffic:
Director Amoroso reported that the committee had an encouraging meeting
with Liza Crosse and Jason Nutt and that a written report of the results
will become available soon.
--Finance: 2004-05 budget process
Nothing to report
Director Siedman will meet with Staff regarding Hadden Roth’s invoice for
legal work.
--Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
Moved to Item 8a
Nothing to report
--Park and Recreation:
Director Siedman reported that 4th of July parking in Mesa Park will be
increased to $10.00 per vehicle. The actual total number of parking spaces
available will not be increased this year.
Nothing to report
--Sewer: Resource Recovery Project:
WM has paid all bills on time. Director Amoroso pointed out there has been
increased work at the RRP due to Madelyn Sobel’s recent illness and that Mike
Aitken has been filling in and should be compensated for his time. Staff pointed
out that Madeline Sobel is back on the job and that since staffing at RRP
is back to normal, no further substitute manpower will be needed.
All stated that Mike Aitken does a tremendous volunteer job managing the RRP.
--Community Paths Group
Director Smith and other members of the Community Paths Group met with Jason
Nutt to review the path entryway to the Mesa/Olema-Bolinas Road intersection
and receive Nutt’s feedback and expertise on creating its design. The Group
will get cost estimates for the path’s creation and prepare a written package
for community input. Due to the extensive time required to prepare this information,
it is unlikely the matter will be taken to vote in the November 2004 election.
--Solid Waste:
Nothing to report
b. Minutes of April 21, 2004 Meeting
Smith/Amoroso all in favor to approve the May 21,
2004 minutes
c. Warrants
Siedman/Amoroso all in favor to approve the warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting
July 14th, 2004
16. Adjournment -- 11:05pm