2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, Siedman and Smith
present; director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Water Main
Relocation Project.
Staff reported that the project is nearly
complete and the new water line is in operation. The California Department of Public Health
(“CDPH”) local district office in Santa Rosa has signed off on its inspection
of the project; only a short “punch list” and restoration paving remains to
complete. To date, the district has received
reimbursement for the engineering and permitting costs it has incurred on the
project ($37,254.35). However, the
district’s request for reimbursement of construction costs of approximately
$308,600, which was submitted at the end of May, remains outstanding. The contractor has requested to complete the
remaining work on the project after it is paid for work to-date and staff has
agreed. Staff has confirmed that the
CDPH district office approved reimbursement of the district’s claim for
construction costs and the claim is now under review by the CDPH headquarters
office in Sacramento; CDPH staff estimates that reimbursement will issue
approximately 45 days from the claim submittal date, which would be July 11,
2013. Finally, staff reported that the project
has incurred cost overruns of approximately $50,000 due to changes required to
the project installation as a result of conditions in the field.
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project
Sanders & Associates Geostructural
Engineers (“SAGE”) has submitted its draft geotechnical investigation report
based on the field work completed in April.
Staff has forwarded it to the County of Marin (who has paid the district
for its 50% share of the cost of the work) and the Bolinas Working Group for
review. The Working Group is scheduled
to meet tomorrow to discuss the report and formulate comments.
Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade
Staff noted that the Regional Water Quality
Control Board (“RWQCB”) has urged the district to install its flow meters at
the sewer ponds as soon as possible; staff therefore expressed concern about
the additional time needed to revise the bid documents for the alternative
approach with powder-coated steel panels inside a protective structure (as
discussed at the May meeting) and recommended that the district put the project
out to bid with the stainless steel panels only as soon as possible. Discussion ensued among the Board members;
director Smith voiced strong opposition to foregoing the opportunity to bid the
project with a less expensive alternative.
After some discussion, the Board expressed support for director Smith
and directed staff to continue with the alternative bid approach. Staff and director Smith agreed to meet with
the Chief Operator to refine the details of the alternative approach as soon as
Staff reported that the district experienced
a large increase in consumption during the most recent quarter as compared to
the same time last year; in fact, it was the largest jump up in consumption since
2007. As a result of the rise in
consumption, the district has started to draw on its emergency back-up water
from the Woodrat reservoirs, which likely will prompt customer complaints about
water quality. The district also is
experiencing unconventional draw-downs in the Arroyo Hondo creek; staff has
notified the National Park Service about this as staff suspects that there may
be illicit upstream diversions. Staff
plans to issue community-wide conservation notices beginning next week.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to a draft
2012 Consumer Confidence Report which will be mailed out next week; staff asked
the Board to submit any comments or suggested revisions to the report as soon
as possible. Staff noted that the
district currently is in violation of the maximum contaminant levels (“MCLs”)
on haloacetic acids (HAA5s) right now due to an unusually high result from
December during a storm event. Staff
also directed the Board’s attention to a letter agreement between BCPUD and Inverness
Public Utility District (“IPUD”) regarding the terms of a transfer of a Nano
filtration unit to Bolinas, which is scheduled to take place tomorrow. The district will use this unit to conduct
its own pilot study as to whether nano filtration after microfiltration will
reduce chlorine disinfection byproducts below the applicable MCL. IPUD is very pleased with the operation of the
unit and resulting water quality and has issued an RFP for the installation of new
filters and new nano filtration units to retrofit its treatment plant.
Staff reported that a homeowner on Canyon
Road recently requested that the BCPUD replace the culverts under Canyon at
Terrace. However, this is outside the
district’s drainage assessment area, the district has never accepted
responsibility for Canyon Road, and staff can find no evidence that the culvert
is the district’s responsibility. Staff
reviewed available records at the County and could not find any indication that
the district is responsible for the culverts.
Staff inquired whether any of the Board members had any knowledge of the
district installing the culverts in the past; no one had any such knowledge.
The Board reviewed correspondence sent and
received since the most recent Board meeting, including information from the
County’s Election Office about the November election (at which three BCPUD
Board seats are up); a notice from the County’s Department of Finance regarding
upcoming assessments; a call from the Association of California Water Agencies
for nominations; and a request from U.C. Davis for financial support for its
graduate program in Hydrologic Sciences.
On the wastewater side of operations, the
flows into the collection system are low right now. The customer repairs of sewer laterals in
Wharf Road are proceeding, with three remaining to complete. The district received a report of a “smell of
sewage” on Terrace Avenue late last week.
Staff investigated immediately and, although there was no spill of any
kind, staff noticed low flows between two manholes on Terrace Avenue. Staff hydro-jetted the section of the main
between the two manholes the following day and removed Fats, Oils and Grease (“FOG”)
build up; unattended, this build up could have led to a blockage or even a
Staff has been trying to mow the areas
adjacent to the bike path on the sewer ponds, but encountered a wasp nest buried
in the path near the goat farm; mowing activities will not be continued until
the nest is eradicated. For now, the
path is closed to bike and foot traffic with warning signs about the wasp nest.
Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
The Board reviewed a written report from Drainage Project
Manager Lewie Likover. Staff noted that a
new culvert has been installed under Sycamore adjacent to Elm Road.
4. Community
Aroyan expressed concern about the impact of the Gospel Flats’ dry farm on the
sewer pond land above the Sun Pond.
Janine presented photos of the site and noted that a former well-used
footpath through the area has been lost.
Ken Masterton said that the BCPUD has done a great job of managing the
land, especially in the last ten years, but he supports Janine’s concerns and
asked the BCPUD to make sure it is adequately monitoring the use of its public
lands. After a brief discussion, the
Board members agreed that an item should be included on the July agenda to
discuss Janine’s concerns.
Kimball announced that she will not be running for re-election and asked staff
to revise the election notice currently running in the Hearsay News
5. Public Hearing: Draft Fiscal Year 2013-14 District Budget.
Staff reported that notices were mailed to
all residents on May 24, 2013 to inform them about the public hearing on the
district’s 2013-14 draft operating budget; notices also were published in the Hearsay
News, The Point Reyes Light and the West Marin Citizen. No comments have been received to-date. Staff noted that the budget does not propose
to increase any of the annual service charges.
Rather, increased operating costs have been off-set by reductions in
employee and benefits costs (a staff retirement plus recent changes to the
employee health care plan) and capital projects are schedule to be paid from
reserves. Staff further noted that beginning
in August 2013, the Board will begin a five-year budget/planning process.
Director Siedman noted that there were no
public comments on the draft fiscal year 2013-14 District budget.
6. Expanded Water Use Permit Application – 3
Marin Way (C. Gussis).
Roger Peacock was present on behalf of the
homeowner. He explained that the current
house is 830 square feet and the planned remodel project consists of shuffling
the floor plan around. The house will
remain a 2 bedroom house, but a bathroom will be added. Discussion ensued as to whether the Board
should issue a conditional or an unconditional expanded water use permit. Ultimately, the Board found that the house is
extremely small in size, the number of rooms is actually decreasing by one, and
the footprint of the house is not changing.
Based on these findings, director Bender moved that the Board grant an
unconditional permit.
K. Bender/B. Kimball all in favor to
grant an unconditional expanded water use permit in light of the small size of
the house, the fact that the number of rooms is decreasing, and because the
footprint of the house is not changing.
7. Expanded Water Use Permit – 170 Ocean Parkway
(J. Ladd).
Roger Peacock again appeared on behalf of the
homeowner and explained that the project is limited to window replacement and
siding repair; there is no foreseeable impact on water use.
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor to
approve an unconditional expanded water use permit.
8. Report on Chlorine Behavior and Byproduct
Formation in BCPUD’s Water System (D. Smith and L. Likover).
Smith hypothesized that if the district could carefully control its chlorine
detention time in the distribution system, it might be possible for the
district to reliably produce water with chlorine disinfection byproduct levels
(“DBPs”) under the applicable MCLs. To
that end, he and Shift Operator Lewie Likover designed a controlled experiment
to analyze the formation of DBPs in the district’s treated water; unfortunately, the news was bad -- half of the
DBPs form in the district’s treated water within the first 6 hours (e.g.,
within the 6 hours after the initial chlorination of the water). The experiment further indicated the chlorine
regularly used by the district is not reliable in its concentration. Two years of data were plotted to compare the
levels of chlorine at the storage tanks and the levels of chlorine at the end
of the distribution system; mysteriously, there was no correlation at all
between the data. Flushing the
distribution system did not improve anything in terms of the correlation of
data. Director Smith said that the
experiment and all other evidence indicate that the district must remove the
organics in the water before
chlorination as the best means by which to reduce DBPs below allowable limits. As such, Lewie conducted an experiment
whereby he ran the district’s water through a nano filtration unit, and it
reduced the DBPs to 1/7th of their prior level. Although this is an expensive solution, it is
chemical-free and there may be ways to reduce costs in the future; for now,
however, the next step is to run the four-month pilot study to evaluate the
performance of the nano filtration unit on the district’s water over a
representative set of time and differing water sources.
9. BCPUD Comment Letter on AB 145 (proposing to
move California Drinking Water Program from the Department of Public Health to
the State Water Resources Control Board).
Director Kimball reported that AB 145 passed
the Assembly by a large majority vote and has been forwarded to the Senate; the
Senate’s Environmental Quality Committee has passed on it and the next hearing
will be before the Health Committee. AB
145 proposes to move responsibility for the state’s Drinking Water Program from
CDPH to the State Water Resources Control Board (“SWRCB”). One goal of the bill is to consolidate
responsibility for funds dispersed by the federal EPA via the Safe Drinking
Water State Revolving Fund (“SDWSRF”) and the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
(“CWSRF”) into one agency (the SWRCB already has responsibility for the
CWSRF). Director Kimball said that her
concerns about the bill are from a public health standpoint: does it make sense to remove responsibility
for the Drinking Water Program from the CDPH?
CDPH primarily is focused on public health, whereas the SWRCB has many
pressing regulatory concerns. Director
Kimball said she does not have an opinion about consolidating the funding
programs; rather, she feels the district should submit a letter to the Senate
Health Committee opposing the bill generally as currently drafted. She noted that all of the state’s county public
health officers oppose the bill.
V. Amoroso/K. Bender all in favor approving
a comment letter to the Senate Health Committee in opposition to AB 145.
10. Amendments to the BCPUD’s Accounting Controls
Procedures and Policies Manual.
Staff explained that the proposed amendment
is to page 8 of the manual which makes clear that the Chief Operator will
review and approve the hours worked by operations staff on a daily basis and
that the General Manager will review and approve all hours worked and all staff
time off on a monthly basis. This is an
amendment recommended by the district’s outside auditors.
K. Bender/D. Smith all in favor to approve the amendments to the
BCPUD’s Accounting Controls Procedures and Policies Manual.
11. Continued Review of Expanded Water Use Permit
Limits and Historical Actual Water Use.
Director Smith presented a one-page graph he
created to depict the district’s overall water consumption. To create the graph, he reviewed the quarterly
water use data of all customers for the last four years. He eliminated all quarters with anomalously
high readings under the assumption that those readings were the result of leaks
or other unusual conditions at the customer’s property. The bottom line is that very few of the
district’s customers are using a lot of water and those specific users (mostly
downtown businesses) account for approximately 25% of the district’s annual
water sales. Director Smith said he was
pleasantly surprised at how few high-end users there are in the district. He noted that this analysis was prompted by
the Board’s concern about the disparities in the maximum quarterly limits of
the various expanded water use permits (e.g., because the limits are based on
historic water use, some limits are quite generous whereas others are much less
so). Director Kimball asked if there
were differences in consumption between expanded water use permit holders and
other customers; in other words, are customers without water use limits using a
lot more water than those with limits? Director Smith explained that his data was not
broken down that finely. The Board
agreed to continue this item to the next month’s agenda and asked staff to
include information in the Board binders about the consumption rates of
expanded water use permit holders as well as overall district customer
12. Call for Nominations – LAFCO Alternate Special
District Member.
There was no motion to nominate a candidate
for the LAFCO Alternate Special District Member.
13. Resolution 620: Approving Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Memorandum of Understanding re Compensation and Benefits between the BCPUD
Board of Directors and BCPUD Employees.
Staff apologized for the fact that the agenda
incorrectly identified this item as a resolution when only a vote of the Board
is needed to approve the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”). Staff explained that the MOU includes a 3% pay
increase for staff (to approximately match the Bay Area CPI increase), a $5 per
month increase in cell phone reimbursement (e.g., from $30 to $35 per month per
employee); and, a 3% increase in stand-by pay (e.g., from $50 to $51.50 per
B. Kimball/D. Smith all in favor to approve
the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 MOU.
14. Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.
The Board reviewed the latest analysis from
consulting hydro-geologist Rob Gailey, and director Smith noted that the
district will not learn much more about the aquifer for the irrigation well
until the rains begin.
15. Volunteer Committee Reports.
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory
Committee: Nothing to report.
Community Path Update: Director Kimball reported that PG&E came
and trimmed around the power poles adjacent to the bike path on Olema-Bolinas
Road and that she had manually trimmed the native plant median strip per
PG&E agreement in May. She said in
light of the current need for water conservation, she has no plans to irrigate
the path.
-- Downtown Parking &
Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
Resource Recovery: Nothing to report.
West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Director
Kimball reported that the County’s Public Health officer has issued a notice
about the first dead bird with West Nile Virus found in Marin (San Anselmo) in
many years. She said a subcommittee of the
Council will be meeting with the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control
District before the end of the year to negotiate a new “non-toxic” protocol
agreement and other efforts are on hold until this is accomplished.
16. Other Business.
Committee Reports
Finance: Nothing further to report.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Director
Smith reported that samples were taken of the asphalt on Wharf, Olema-Bolinas
and Horseshoe Hill Roads and the lab test results of the material were all
below applicable contaminant limits. As
such, the district has agreed to accept the grindings from the County when
these roads are repaved this year.
Director Smith noted that an open issue is how to control the
disbursement of the materials. Director
Bender suggested a sign at the storage site (Mesa Park parking lot) stating
that the material is intended for improvement of the unpaved roads on the Big
Mesa. Director Smith agreed, and said
local contractors (who may be hired to haul and spread the material) also
should be informed about the intended use of the material.
-- Operations: Nothing
to report.
Park and Recreation: Nothing to report.
-- Personnel: Nothing
further to report.
Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the May 15, 2013 Regular
Amoroso, Smith and Kimball offered clarifying corrections to the draft
D. Smith/B. Kimball all in favor to approve the minutes of the May 15,
2013 regular meeting, as amended.
c. Warrants
K. Bender/V. Amoroso all in
favor to approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
July 24, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.