Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
June 20, 2012     270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.   Call to Order.

    7:34 p.m.

2.   Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Siedman and Smith present; directors Bender and Kimball absent.

3.   Manager’s Report.

-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project

The County of Marin, the Bolinas Fire Protection District and the BCPUD all have approved and signed a Memorandum of Understanding to govern the second phase of geotechnical investigation of the bluff below Surfer’s Overlook to be performed by SAGE this Fall.  The next step will be to prepare and execute a contract for the work between SAGE and the BCPUD.

--    Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project

This project will go out to bid next week.  The mandatory pre-bid meeting for interested contractors will be July 18th and bids will be due thereafter.  Staff hopes that work can begin on this project immediately after the Labor Day holiday.

 -- Update on the Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project

This project is underway.  The contractor, Piazza Construction, started work on June 11th and staff hopes the work can be completed prior to the July 4th holiday.  As of today, two new shut-off valves have been installed (which will enable the district to better isolate sections of the water main system when work needs to be done) and all of the service saddles have been replaced between the intersection of Brighton and Wharf to a point just past John’s store.  Staff showed the Board members one of the service saddles that had been removed, which was extremely corroded, as well as one of the new saddles to be installed

-- Update on Video Inspection of Sewer Laterals on Wharf, Park and Portions of Terrace Avenues

Thus far, on the basis of the video reviewed to-date, staff has identified problems with three laterals and the customers are being informed of the need to make repairs.

-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade Project

No update at this time.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover submitted a written drainage report.

Staff noted that the district received a letter from Max Korton with the Conservation Corps North Bay concerning the close-out of the fire fuel reduction project.  Staff noted that the district has been asked to sign and submit a letter acknowledging the completion of the work.  The Board had no objection.

On the water side of operations, staff reported that water consumption was down slightly in the most recent quarter as compared to the same quarter in 2011.  On May 30th, the district hosted an inspection of the water system by the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”); CDPH staff interviewed BCPUD staff at the offices and then inspected the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant.  The day included a discussion of chlorine disinfection byproduct issues and the district’s desire to shift its strategy away from aeration and toward operational adjustments as a means by which to permanently reduce the chlorine disinfection byproducts in its treated water.  Staff provided extensive data to the CDPH personnel (copies of which are in the Board binders) and explained that the district also plans to collect data to conduct computer modeling of chlorine disinfection byproduct reaction rates in its treated water to determine whether moving the point of chlorination in the water treatment process will lower the byproduct levels.  Finally, the district is considering whether injecting powdered activated carbon into the raw water pre-filtration (i.e., at the period of high organic loading) would be beneficial.  Staff commended shift operator Lewie Likover and Board member Don Smith for their diligent work on the development of these new strategies.

The Board reviewed a copy of the district’s 2011 Consumer Confidence Report, which was mailed to customers on June 1, 2012. 

Staff noted that the district received a referral transmittal memorandum from the County of Marin’s Planning Department concerning a proposed development at 280 Mesa Road, which is outside of the district boundaries.  Staff asked if the Board would like to include an item to receive public comment on this project on the agenda for the next regular meeting.  After a brief discussion, during which Board members noted that the district in the past has received public comment on other projects outside the district but within the Bolinas Planning area (such as projects on Horseshoe Hill Road), the Board directed staff to include an item on the July meeting agenda for this project.

    On the wastewater side of operations, staff reported that spray season is underway and going well.  The flows into the wastewater treatment facility at this time are low. 

    Finally, the Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last regular meeting.

4.    Community Expression.
Director Amoroso noted that Supervisor Steve Kinsey was re-elected to his position on the Marin County Board of Supervisors at the June 5th election and that Bolinas had the highest percentage of votes for him of all of the West Marin communities.

5.    Public Hearing:  2012-13 Draft District Budget.

    Staff reported that notices about the budget hearing were published in the local newspapers and in the Hearsay News.  In addition, Proposition 218 notices were sent to all property owners and customers to apprise them about the proposed increase in annual service charges for water and sewer; one protest letter was submitted.  The proposed annual increase for water service is $67 (7.05%) and the proposed annual increase for sewer service $24 (2.52%).   BCPUD is trying to keep rate increases low by paying for capital improvement projects from the proceeds of the sale of its Pine Gulch Creek property and also from reserves.  Staff noted certain highlights about the budget, including the fact that there is a 5% increase in employee services costs, primarily due to the increase in health care costs imposed by the district’s provider; there is a  5% increase in maintenance costs, as well, primarily due to increases in costs to maintain the district’s building and grounds and to secure legal services, tools and supplies; and, there are increases in the district’s capital costs, primarily because the repayment of the Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation loan will start up this fiscal year.

    Director Siedman noted that there were no members of the public present to comment on the budget and thanked staff for the report.  Staff was instructed to include an item on the July regular meeting agenda for the Board to approve the proposed budget.

6.    Expanded Water Use Permit Application - 76 Altura Avenue (N. Wagner).

    Director Smith noted that this property has a relatively high history of water usage, but the district’s expanded water use permit procedures allow the Board only to determine whether the specific project proposed will result in increased water use at the property, which is not the case here.  Director Siedman agreed and asked director Smith if he was saying that the Board therefore should approve an unconditional expanded water use permit for this property.  Director Smith said that he is, but added that he would like staff to advise the applicant that the Board is concerned about the high summer water use at this property and to offer to advise the applicant on water conservation measures.

D. Smith/V. Amoroso        all in favor        to approve an unconditional expanded water use permit to applicant Nina Wagner.

7.    Response to Marin County Civil Grand Jury Report:  Pre-Schoolers Learn to Share – Can Local Government?

Staff stated that the district has received a copy of this civil grand jury report and has been asked to provide responses to recommendations R3, R4 and R5 within 90 days of May 29, 2012.  Director Siedman suggested that staff and any interested directors meet to review the grand jury report and recommend specific responses at the July regular meeting.  There was no objection.

8.    Update Project List for Submission to the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan.

Staff explained that the district was contacted by the Tomales Bay Watershed Council about whether the district would like to submit the projects it previously included as part of the Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan to the San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Watershed Management Plan for consideration.  Staff noted that several of the district’s previously proposed projects already have been completed and the others would be of questionable interest to the San Francisco Bay Area planners.  Director Siedman concurred and suggested staff respond by thanking the Tomales Bay Watershed Council, but saying that the district respectfully declines to participate.

9.    Discuss Possible Role for the BCPUD re: Inspection of Photovoltaic Array Installations in Bolinas.

Director Smith said he asked for this item to be placed on the agenda; he reminded the Board that Jennie Pfeiffer previously inquired whether the district would be willing to inspect solar arrays installed on homeowners’ roofs as some people may not want the County to conduct such inspections.  Jennie subsequently spoke with Supervisor Kinsey and he is willing to try and help if the community would like to have local inspections.  Director Smith spoke with Fire Chief Anita Tyrrell-Brown as the fire district already is involved with these inspections to confirm that there is adequate roof access post-installation for fire district personnel in the event it should ever be necessary.  Director Smith is exploring whether it might be possible to combine the fire district inspection with the electrical inspection currently performed by the County building department.  He suggested that a BCPUD operator could be trained to perform the electrical inspection. 

Director Siedman said he supports the concept of the Fire Protection District conducting the entire inspection since they already are involved in the process.  Discussion ensued about a possible role for the district given it’s status as the utility district for the community.  All directors expressed support for local inspections if that would encourage solar array installations in town, but most expressed a preference for the fire district to conduct or coordinate such inspections.  Director Smith said he would coordinate with the fire district and report back to the Board.

10.    BCPUD Sewer System Management Plan - 2012 Audit.

Staff stated that this item is on the agenda as a reminder to the Board that the district must audit its Sewer System Management Plan in August.  Staff inquired whether any Board members would like to be involved with the audit.  After a brief discussion, staff was instructed to conduct the audit and present it to the Board for approval at the August meeting.

11.    Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.

Staff reported that data collection is underway via the pressure transducer installed at the irrigation well and a report will be forthcoming as soon as there is sufficient data to analyze.

12.  Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy:  Nothing to report.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:  Director Amoroso said he missed the last meeting and therefore has nothing to report.
-- Community Path Update:  Nothing to report.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Nothing to report.

-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing to report.

-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Nothing to report.  Director Siedman said he read that two birds with West Nile Virus were found in the Tahoe area recently.

13.       Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance:  Approve Audit Engagement Letter from Doran & Associates for FY 2011-12 Audit.

V. Amoroso/D. Smith    all in favor    to approve the audit engagement letter and retain Doran & Associates to perform the district’s FY 2011-12 audit.

-- Legal:  Nothing to report.

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing to report.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

-- Park and Recreation:  Director Siedman reported that there was a fantastic turn-out of volunteers to help with the planting at the downtown park.

-- Personnel:  Nothing to report.

-- Sewer:  Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the May 16, 2012 Regular Meeting.

V. Amoroso/D. Smith        all in favor        to approve the minutes of the May 16, 2012 regular meeting.

c. Warrants

D. Smith/V. Amoroso        all in favor    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    July 25, 2012

14.  Adjournment.

    8:43 p.m.