Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
July 15, 2015    270 Elm Road, Bolinas




1.      Call to Order.


7:32 p.m.


2.      Roll.


Directors Amoroso, Comstock, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.  Director Siedman noted that director Godino is attending the meeting by telephone.


Director Siedman said that he would like the Board to acknowledge the recent passing of Shift Operator Scotty Hanks, a valued member of the BCPUD staff since 2008, with a minute of silence.   The BCPUD extends its condolences to Scotty’s family and friends. 


3.  Manager’s Report.


-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.


      Staff reported that the County has scheduled a hearing on the coastal permit application for the installation of the road-level retaining wall repair project at Surfer’s Overlook in August.  The County anticipates that the design and bidding will be coordinated such that construction can start in mid-September.  A six-week construction schedule is planned and Terrace Avenue will be closed at  Surfer’s Overlook during the project installation.  The Board requested that staff clarify whether the road will be closed during non-working hours only, or for the entirety of the project installation.


-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection Byproduct Reduction Project: Limited Duration Employment Agreement with Lewie Likover for FY 2015-16.


      The coagulation pilot project started this week; staff ran the pilot on water from the Woodrat #1 reservoir and took baseline tests and measurements.   Staff initially used too much coagulant, which caused the filter membranes to foul; staff made adjustments to inject just 0.3 ppm of coagulant and results improved.  Specifically, there was a big reduction in color from the raw water and also from the filtered water; sample results will verify whether total organic carbons were reduced, or not.   The next step is to run the pilot on water from the Arroyo Hondo creek.  If both of these steps are successful, staff will perform bucket dosing tests, using reservoir water from the warmest time of year plus storm water from the Arroyo Hondo.   Importantly, there was no carry-over of alum (i.e., coagulant) into the finished water during the pilot.


      Staff requested Board approval of a limited duration employment agreement for Lewie Likover for FY 2015-16, which is on the same terms and conditions as prior years with a 3% increase in his hourly wage.


L. Comstock/D. Smith         all in favor         to approve the limited duration employment agreement with Lewie Likover for FY 2015-16.


-- Update on Replacement of Sewer Pumps at the Wharf Road Lift Station: Lift Station Pump Evaluation Report by West Yost Associates.


The Board received a draft Lift Station Pump Evaluation Report from West Yost Associates wherein two 30 HP dual phase shaft (not belt) pumps manufactured by Vogelsang are recommended to replace the district’s failed pumps.  The report also recommends – although it is not mandatory -- that the district install grinders before the pumps if possible.  As there is insufficient space in the pump room to install grinders, they would have to be installed in the wetwell if the district decides to purchase grinders.  The estimated cost of purchase and installation of the pumps is $212,000 and the estimated cost of purchase and installation of the grinders is an additional $66,000, plus the cost of certain electrical upgrades.


Discussion ensued among the Board members about the costs involved, whether engineered drawings are necessary, whether one grinder can be used rather than two, and whether grinders are truly necessary at all, given that the district has operated without grinders for decades, and so forth.  Director Smith noted that West Yost appears to be recommending only two-stage pumps and he questioned whether single stage pumps would be sufficient (and less expensive).  After a brief discussion, the Board agreeds to hold a special meeting on July 22, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. to further consider the draft report and pose questions to the West Yost Associates engineer who prepared the draft report.

Staff reported that water consumption in the district declined in the most recent billing cycle (for the downtown area during the months of April, May, June) compared to this time last year and staff thanked and congratulated the community for its conservation efforts.


Staff directed the Board’s attention to the most recent public notice concerning chlorine disinfection byproducts, which was mailed to customers on July 13th.  Staff noted that the district’s results are improving (i.e., the level of disinfection byproducts in the district’s treated water is declining), but the overall annual running averages regrettably remain above the maximum contaiminant level. 


The Board reviewed a copies of the district’s 2014 Consumer Confidence Report, which was mailed out to customers on June 26th, as well as copies of the district’s 2014 license reports (for its 3 water sources), which were submitted by the district’s attorneys to the state prior to the June 30th deadline. 


Staff reported that the district needs to purchase a new air compressor to replace the existing compressor at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant, which is an essential piece of equipment that is not working well.  Staff recommends the purchase of an Ingersoll Rand compressor at a cost of approximately $6,500, to be paid for by funds allocated to the “plant” section of the budget.  The Board had no objection.


The Board reviewed a letter to the district from the Department of Water Resources confirming the district’s pre- payment in full of an outstanding water system improvement loan.  The Board also reviewed a Zero Waste Marin Grant application submitted by the district for $3,500 in grant funds to pay for the July 4th town clean-up, as well as increased trash and recycle pick-up at the beach entrances; the receipt of these grant funds will enable the district to significantly increase the diversion of recyclables during periods of high visitor presence in town.


The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last regular meeting, including a letter from the County’s Director of Finance concerning the charges allocated to the participating agencies in Marin LAFCO (the BCPUD’s annual allocation is $792.45), which is expected to rise given Marin LAFCO’s hire of a new full-time analyst, and various County communications regardings its efforts to study and plan for sea-level rise in coastal Marin.


-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.


The Board received a drainage report from Lewie Likover.


4.      Community Expression.




5.      Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  250 Kale Road, Bolinas  (J. Lalezari).


Alethea Patton was present to represent the property owner; she explained that the project involves the remodel of an existing kitchen and master bedroom, with the addition of 50 square feet for a sunroom.  The project also will include 632 square feet of new decking and a seismic upgrade.  Alethea confirmed that no additional plumbing or new bathrooms are included in the scope of work.  Director Siedman noted that the project does not appear to implicate any increase in water use; as such, an unconditional permit seems to be appropriate.


V. Amoroso/D. Smith                all in favor         approving an unconditional expanded water use permit.


6.      Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  222 Alder Road, Bolinas  (R. Bass).


Richard Bass was present and explained that his project is a new detached garage with no plumbing included.  Director Siedman commented that this project similarly does not appear to implicate an increase in water use. 


L. Comstock/D. Smith               all in favor         to approve an unconditional expanded water use permit.


7.      Marin Local Agency Formation Commission:  Proposed Revisions to Regulatory Policies and Procedures.


Director Smith reported that he reviewed the proposed revisions to LAFCO’s policies and procedures (which are specific to implementing its regulatory duties and responsibilities – the deadline for comments is July 27, 2015) and he noted two substantive issues.  First, the proposed revisions delete reference to “community plans” and second, the revisions also appear to eliminate references to the grandfathering of joint powers agreements between special districts.  He recommended the district comment on both of these proposed revisions.

D. Smith/G. Godino       all in favor         directing staff to submit a comment letter consistent with director Smith’s observations from the BCPUD on the Marin LAFCO proposed revisions to Regulatory Policies and Procedures.


8.      Five-Year Update and Recertification of the BCPUD’s Sewer System Management Plan.


Staff reported that the BCPUD is required to update and recertify its Sewer System Management Plan every five years.  The changes proposed by staff for the Board’s recertification are as follows:  updates to the district contact information in light of staff changes; revised definitions to comport with the most recent State Water Resources Control Board Order in September 2013; minor updates to projects and plans for sewer system improvements based on the 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan recently adopted by the Board; and a water quality monitoring plan to be followed in the event of a sewer spill to state waters (specifically, samples will be taken at the point of discharge, upstream and downstream until the County advises otherwise for total and fecal coliform, enterococcus, e-coli and ammonia).


L. Comstock/D. Smith               all in favor         to approve and recertify the BCPUD’s Sewer System Management Plan.


9.      BCPUD Resolution 637:  Approving the 2015-16 District Budget.


Staff stated that the district’s budgetary process begins usually in January of each year (as it did this year) with public meetings of the Finance Committee; all minutes of the Finance Committee meetings are available on-line.  After several months of meetings, the Finance Committee recommends a draft budget for the Board’s consideration and, if the budget includes revisions to the district’s service charges, the Board then approves a Proposition 218 notice which is sent out to customers to inform them of the potential service charge increases.   This year, the Finance Committee recommended a budget that included increasing service charges by 10% (after three years with no increases), so a Proposition 218 notice was sent out to explain the proposed increases and reasons therefore.  The Board then held a public hearing on the budget on June 17, 2015 and no protests to the draft budget were submitted.


L. Comstock/D. Smith   all in favor         to approve BCPUD Resolution 637 and the 2015-16 district budget.


10.  BCPUD Resolution 638:  Replaces Resolution No. 630, Stating the Current Rates and Charges for District Services and Authorizing Placement of Charges on the Marin County Property Tax Bill Where Appropriate.


L. Comstock/V. Amoroso          all in favor         to approve  Resolution 638, stating the current rates and charges for district services and authorizing placement of those charges on the Marin County Property Tax Bill.


11.  Update on Proposed Sale of College of Marin Properties in Bolinas.


Director Siedman reported that a local group interested in acquiring the Bolinas properties to be sold by the College of Marin is waiting for an RFP to be issued.  He explained that the BCPUD ultimately may acquire title to the lab property and/or the boat dock, which would then be leased to the Bolinas Community Land Trust (for affordable senior housing) and/or a local fishermens’ association (for a public dock), respectively.  The reason the BCPUD might acquire title is because of specific College of Marin  priorities for public use of these properties (affordable housing and public recreation).   Director Amoroso noted that the BCPUD would not be taking title to the College of Marin property currently leased as a private residence.


12.  Water Supply Update.


Staff confirmed that the district currently is supplying the town’s water demand exclusively from the district’s preferred water source, the Arroyo Hondo Creek.


As for the ongoing study of the irrigation well at the Resource Recovery site, the district is waiting for a report from consulting hydrologist Rob Gailey.  This report will evaluate the likely safe yield of the well, taking into account information gathered to date concerning recharge and, if possible, the potential for seawater intrusion.   Director Smith said he remains concerned about how to explain the relatively fast recharge of the well last Fall before the rains began following the intensive use to establish the fields at Mesa Park – where did the recharge freshwater come from and could it induce seawater intrustion?  He noted that Rob Gailey may not yet be able to derive definitive conclusions at this point, but may instead recommend additional data gathering and/or testing of the well water.   In any event, the report will help the Board assess whether it is worthwhile to continue to expend resouces to develop the well as a potential supplement to the district’s potable water supply. 


13. Volunteer Committee Reports.


-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee:  Nothing to report.


-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Nothing to report.


-- Resource Recovery:  Staff reported that the Resource Recovery Project is pursuing a potential grant to replace the tractor used at the site.  In addition, the RRP recently revised its site management plan to address County of Marin requirements for groundwater protection given the proximity of the greenwaste to the irrigation well.


-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:   Nothing to report.


-- Land Stewardship Committee:  Director Siedman reported that the Committee will next meet on July 24, 2015. 


14.  Other Business.


  a.  Board Committee Reports.


-- Finance:  Minutes of the April 20, 2015 Finance Committee Meeting.


Director Comstock offered two clarifying corrections to the draft mintues of the April 20, 2015 Finance Committee meeting.


L. Comstock/D. Smith                  all in favor         to approve the minutes of the April 20, 2015 finance committee meeting, as corrected.


-- Legal:  Nothing to report. 


-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing to report.


-- Operations:  Staff reported that Conservation Corps NorthBay will meet with staff next week and develop a cost proposal for its crews to clear encroaching vegetation adjacent to the district’s solar arrays.  Director Smith suggested that staff also discuss a potential bike path maintenance proposal and staff agreed to do so.


-- Park and Recreation:   Nothing to report.


-- Personnel:   Staff reported that the district has posted ads in local newspapers as well as on on-line job posting sites for a full-time shift operator and anticipates reviewing resumes during the last week of July.  Director Siedman inquired about the role of the Personnel Committee; staff suggested that the applications be screened first by staff, and then a slate of candidates to be interviewed will be recommended.   Director Siedman noted that director Godino will be out of the country until late August and that director Smith is the alternate on the Personnel Committee; he asked director Godino if she had any objection to director Smith participating in the interviews in her absence.  Director Godino said she would be very grateful. 


Director Amoroso suggested that at some point the district consider hiring two people and perhaps reorganize the staff to some extent.  For example, perhaps two staff members can be devoted to capital projects and two to operations.  He noted that the district’s chief operator likely will retire within the next few years, so the district should be looking to the future.  Although the district did have four operators in previous years, the district did not reorganize staff to dedicate half to capital projects – however, in light of the district’s new Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, perhaps it makes sense to do so now. 


   Director Siedman suggested that staff recommend a slate of five candidates for the Personnel Committee to interview in August.


-- Sewer:  Nothing to report.


b.  Minutes of the June 17, 2015 regular meeting.


Director Comstock offered revisions to the draft minutes of the June 17, 2015 regular Board meeting; director Amoroso noted that there is a typo on page 4 of the draft minutes.


L. Comstck/D. Smith           all in favor         to approve the draft minutes of the June 17, 2015, as corrected.


c. Warrants.


D. Smith/L. Comstock          all in favor         to approve the warrant list.


d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s):


July 22, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. – special meeting of the Board.


August 19, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. – next regular meeting of the Board.


15.  Adjournment.


8:55 p.m.