Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular  Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors    

July 16, 2003     270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1.  Call to Order

    8:02 p.m.                                   
2.  Roll            

    Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, McClellan, Siedman present
    Director Kayfetz absent
    Director McClellan presiding

3.  Manager’s Report

The pipeline replacement project on Iris Road between Elm and Ocean Parkway is
on schedule with no unforeseen problems.  The installation includes 500 feet of 2” schedule 80 pvc pipe, with six new 1” services.  A tip of the hat to Bill Pierce for planning the project, and the entire crew for skillful execution.
Director Kayfetz arrived at 8:10 p.m.

 In response to calls from the National Park Service (NPS) real estate section regarding the sale of the District’s Pine Gulch Creek property to Point Reyes National Seashore, NPS was requested to make a purchase offer for the property that could serve as a basis for further discussions.   NPS will complete its appraisal of the property in the near future and mail a copy to the District.  BCPUD may seek independent review of the appraisal as a next step.

 The Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) has issued a call for nominations for Board President and Vice-President.  There were no calls for either position by BCPUD Directors.

On the August 20, 2003 agenda, in response to a request from the Fire District’s Capital Campaign Committee, there will be a Bolinas Community Firehouse & Clinic (BCFC) Project presentation.

4.  Community Expression

At the June 18, 2003 meeting, a motion carried to not adopt the proposed ordinance changing the basis for Board of Directors compensation.  Director Amoroso suggested that it is inappropriate to make a motion in the negative when dealing with proposed legislation.  He indicated he was not interested in rescinding the action, but pointed out that if a negative motion fails to get a majority vote,  it raises the question of whether the ordinance is therefore adopted because the motion to not adopt failed.  Amoroso noted his main purpose in raising the issue was to do it right in the future.

In response to a question regarding the condition of community member Candido Garcia, who sustained serious bodily injury around the 4th or July, it was reported that he is still in a coma at John Muir Medical Center and the Marin County Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident as a possible assault.

5.  Resolution 489, Adopting 2003-04 District Budget

Arguing that the proposal primarily benefits Mesa septic system owners, Director Amoroso stated his opposition to the inclusion of $3,000 under Roads in the Water budget for preliminary work by County of Marin on the Mesa Roads Survey Project.   Director McClellan said that any special benefit conferred on Mesa property owners would be incidental to the general benefit to all ratepayers.  McClellan contended the survey will help BCPUD to protect its property, determine responsibility for tree work and aid in the layout of the water distribution system, as well as assisting the implementation of the Mesa Drainage Plan.  Amoroso agreed that there were multiple benefits but contended that the driving force behind the road survey initiative is the Mesa’s drainage.  He suggested the $3,000 be split between Water and Septic.

Siedman/Bertsch       4 ayes, Amoroso opposed       to approve Resolution 489, adopting the 2003-04 District budget.

6.  Resolution 490, Stating The Current Rates And Charges For District Services And Authorizing Placement Of  Charges On The Marin County Property Tax Bill Where Appropriate.

    All rates are unchanged from Fiscal 2002-03.

Siedman/Bertsch        all in favor       to approve Resolution 490, stating rates and charges.
7.  Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  Barry
    project location:  38 Wharf

The applicant is converting an existing sunroom into two bedrooms and a bathroom.  

Amoroso/Kayfetz       all in favor      to grant a  conditional expanded water use permit.

8.  Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  Crane
     project location:  185 Kale

 The applicant is replacing a primary residence with a new structure.   A new mounded septic system will be installed. 

 Siedman/Amoroso     all in favor      to grant a conditional expanded water use permit.

  9.  Mesa Park:  water reclamation project; 5/27/03 water bill

 Director Siedman said he hopes the final draft of the project report, with appendices, will be ready for board consideration at the August meeting.   Director Amoroso urged that work begin as soon as possible on a letter seeking approval for the sewer connection from the Regional Water Quality Control Board.  Staff will begin work on the letter when the project report’s appendix making the case for the connection is in hand.

Mesa Park plans to pay the outstanding water bill with money it will be receiving soon from the West Marin Little League.

Director Kayfetz requested that Mesa Park adhere to the Joint Powers Agreement’s requirement for annual financial audits.  Staff suggested perhaps seeking a proposal from Bunker & Company, the firm that conducts the audits of the utility and fire districts.

10.     Other Business

a.  Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy:   

Bob Gold has reported that there is a possibility that used 250 kw wind turbines may be available soon, a size much better suited to the District’s needs.

-- Finance: 

The Board received the financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2003.

 -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage: 

Ad Hoc Committee Chair Andrew Blake reported on the roads/drainage/survey initiative.
The committee has devoted considerable attention to the process of implementing the drainage plan.  Blake noted that it should start with survey work, then go through the design submittal and permit approval stages.   He reported Don Murch’s concern that if the process gets too complicated, he can’t keep doing the work.

The committee consensus is that the first priority should be installation of culverts in the Larch swale between Aspen and Evergreen, with the next phase being improvement of drainage in the section crossing private property between Evergreen and Hawthorne.

Committee members Matt Lewis and Rob Rich will do the survey work for the culverts.  Blake noted that they will be paid for the work.    He emphasized that the  elevation figures in the drainage plan must be verified.  Blake urged adherence to the plan, not accepting every specification as verified, but essentially sticking to the basic concept, which is that all drainage work must be seen within the context of the entire Mesa-wide plan.

Blake commented that the political crux of the initiative is how to deal with needed improvements to drainage adjacent to unimproved properties.  And considerable discussion was devoted to facilitating drainage between Aspen and Evergreen, and then dealing with the obstructions on private property between Evergreen and Hawthorne, particularly at Fern and Grove.

Blake said there was nothing new to report on the proposed survey project but that the Ad Hoc  Committee feels its the key to success for the drainage improvements project.

-- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group

There was no discussion of the Resource Recovery project.  Regarding the Community Paths Group, the Board received a letter from Don Smith stating that reimbursement of contributions for the independent engineering opinion obtained for the Olema-Bolinas Road path project is available, thanks to a Neighborhood Achievement Grant from the Marin Community Foundation.  BCPUD had contributed $300.

Director Amoroso recommended accepting the reimbursement and making it available for future projects of benefit to the community.  
Bertsch/Siedman     4 ayes, Amoroso opposed     to decline the reimbursement, to note the committee offered to repay it, and to remain open to similar participation in the future.
b.  Minutes of June 18, 2003 Meeting

Kayfetz/Siedman      all in favor        to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2003 meeting.

c.  Warrants

Kayfetz/Bertsch       all in favor         to approve the warrants.

d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting

August 20, 2003, at 8:00 p.m.

11.  Adjournment

9:38 p.m.