1. Call to
7:32 p.m.
2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Kimball and Smith present; directors Bender
and Siedman absent. Director Amoroso
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Water Main
Relocation Project.
Staff reported that the district received its
second reimbursement check from the California Department of Public Health
(“CDPH”) today, approximately two months after submitting all of the required
documentation, and payment therefore was made immediately to the district’s
contractor, W. R. Forde. Staff thanked
W. R. Forde for its patience and its good work thus far on the project. As of now, the project is nearly complete,
with only the paving and a short “punch list” of items remaining to be done.
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project
Sanders & Associates Geostructural
Engineers (“SAGE”) submitted its final geotechnical investigation report yesterday. Staff will circulate the report and include
an item on next month’s agenda for the Board to accept it. Staff presented a short summary of the
payments made to SAGE by the County, the BCPUD and the Fire Protection District
for its investigation work and final reports on the condition of the bluff
below Surfer’s Overlook. In brief, the
County has expended $57,386.94, the BCPUD has expended $52,386.92 and the Fire
Protection District has expended $5,000.
Director Kimball requested that the staff report on the source of the
BCPUD’s expenditures (whether from reserves or operating funds) at the next
Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade
Staff reported that the district’s engineer
is revising the bid documents to include an alternative installation concept as
discussed at last month’s meeting.
Update on Shared Personnel Between BCPUD and Bolinas Fire Protection District.
Nothing to report. Staff said the two districts likely will
begin their joint training after the summer due to vacation schedules.
Staff reported that consumption in downtown
Bolinas during the quarter ending in May 2013 was the highest since water
rationing was imposed in early 2009.
However, consumption since then has declined as customers have adjusted
their water use in response to the district’s requests for conservation; staff thanked the district’s customers for
their response to these requests.
Although the Arroyo Hondo creek received a nice recharge as a result of
the late rains in June, the creek flows since have fallen and the district is
increasingly reliant on its emergency stored water sources in Woodrat
reservoirs #1 and #2.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to the
district’s 2012 Consumer Confidence Report, which was mailed out to all
customers last month, as well as two notices concerning haleoacetic acid levels
in the district’s treated water. Staff
noted that the district has begun its pilot study to determine whether
nanofiltration is a viable solution to reduce chlorine disinfection byproducts
in the district’s drinking water; staff will update the Board as results of the
study become available.
As directed by the Board last month, staff
faxed letters opposing the relocation of the state’s drinking water program
from the CDPH to the State Water Resources Control Board and copies of the
letters are in the Board books. Staff
noted that CDPH also responded to the federal EPA’s notice of non-compliance
and a copy of the CDPH’s corrective action plan is in the Board books, as
Staff has updated the district’s “new
customer” mailer and requested the Board submit any comments or revisions as
soon as possible. Staff reported that
ACWA/JPIA provided a Defensive Driving class at the BCPUD on June 13, 2013 and
conducted a risk assessment; a copy of
the follow-up letter summarizing the site visit is in the Board binders. ACWA/JPIA also sent out a memorandum
concerning the renewal of the members’ workers compensation insurance, and
there are no changes in rates this year.
On the wastewater side of operations, staff
is focused on completing the bid documents for the control panel replacement
project. Flows into the collection
system continue to be low. Mowing of the
sprayfields is scheduled to occur after the first of August.
Director Bender joined the meeting by
telephone at approximately 7:55 p.m.
Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
Board received a written report from Drainage Project Manager Lewie
4. Community
5. Request
for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553
– 288 Larch Road (J. Mattingly).
Staff reported that this customer, who cannot
be present due to medical issues, submitted a written request for financial
relief due to leaks at her home caused by a broken hot water heater.
D. Smith/K. Bender four in favor, director Siedman absent to grant full financial relief and reissue
the bill in an amount based on the historic average use at the property for the
past three years during the same quarter.
6. Request to Suspend Sewer Connection (L.
Lorenzo Ferlinghetti submitted a request to
suspend his sewer connection until such time as he is able to obtain a potable
water supply at his property. After a
brief discussion, the Board referred the matter to the Board’s Sewer Committee.
7. Expanded Water Use Permit – 270 Laurel Road
(F. Vietor).
Greg Schank appeared on behalf of the
homeowner and explained that the project is limited to a 189 square foot
addition to an existing 209 square foot studio; the studio will be improved to
include a bathroom and small kitchen.
The homeowner currently has an expanded water use permit which limits
quarterly water use to 2340 cubic feet.
The Board briefly discussed the project and the amount of water allowed
pursuant to the community average of 2260 cubic feet per quarter.
B. Kimball/D. Smith four in favor, director Siedman absent to approve an expanded water use permit
with a maximum quarterly usage of 3390 cubic feet, which is the community
average plus 50%.
8. Request for Community Discussion re: Items
Left on Public Roads In and Around Bolinas (I. Hartmann).
Hartmann was present and said she asked for this agenda item as she would like
people to be more respectful of the community and stop leaving trash along the
side of the road. She also expressed
concern about people dumping greenwaste over the bluffs. Jim Marcus expressed support for Ilka’s
concerns and noted that garbage frequently is left on Elm Road under the trees
adjacent to the BCPUD property.
Discussion ensued about the nature of items left on the side of the
road; sometimes the items are not garbage, but often they are (e.g. used
mattresses and the like). The Board
directed staff to submit a notice in the Hearsay News asking people not
to leave garbage on the roads or dump greenwaste over the bluffs. Staff also was directed to install signage
along the trees on the BCPUD property stating that no dumping of garbage or
other unwanted items is permitted.
9. Concerns re: Lease between the BCPUD and
Gospel Flat Farms (J. Aroyan).
Janine Aroyan and several other community
members were present to discuss concerns they have about the lease between the
BCPUD and Gospel Flat Farms. Janine said
that she is not opposed per se to the farming activity allowed under the lease,
but that she does have concerns (which she wrote down and provided to the
Board) about how those activities are being conducted. Janine said that she wants to be sure that
the public’s right to a beautiful aesthetic experience when walking the
property is preserved and she suggested that the BCPUD increase it’s oversight
over the leased property. Discussion
ensued, with various community members adding input. Director Amoroso suggested that the Board
form an ad hoc committee of people interested in the management of the sewer
pond land; he said the committee should consist of two Board members, BCPUD
staff, Mickey and/or Don Murch, and interested community members. The following persons volunteered to serve on
the committee: Ken Masterton, Genie
McNaughton, and Tish Brown. Director
Bender supported the concept of a committee; she said Janine raised good points
and that perhaps an addendum is needed to the lease to ensure her concerns are
addressed. Ken Masterton said he thought
BCPUD was well-intentioned when granting the lease, but that it needs to
exercise more oversight to ensure its land is properly managed. Ken suggested that some of the farming
activities conducted to-date may exceed the permission granted under the
lease. Bill Pierce said that the staff
has begun to address these concerns with Mickey Murch and he feels significant
progress has been made. Director Amoroso
encouraged the committee to approach the concerns in a cooperative spirit.
10. Firehouse Community Park Agency (Mesa
Park) – Water Use at the Downtown Park.
Director Amoroso said that he regularly
attends the Mesa Park Board meetings and there was an intense debate at the
last meeting over water use at the downtown park. Director Amoroso reminded the other Board
members that when the Board issued an expanded water use permit for the
development of the downtown park a couple of years ago, it did not impose a cap
on water usage at that time but rather specifically reserved doing so until a
representative water use was established. Director Amoroso said that the Mesa Park Board
members had said that a representative would attend tonight’s meeting to
discuss this topic, but that no one is present; as such, he recommended the
Board continue this item to a future date.
There was no objection.
11. Continued Review of Expanded Water Use Permit
Limits and Historical Actual Water Use.
Director Smith said that he presented a
one-page graph at last month’s Board meeting which depicted the district’s current
overall water consumption based on the quarterly water use data of all
customers for the last four years. At
that meeting, director Kimball asked if there were differences in consumption between
expanded water use permit holders and other customers; in other words, she
asked if customers without water use limits are using a lot more water than
those with limits. Director Smith
therefore plotted additional data to compare the water usage of permit holders
and of non-permit holders and concluded that the consumption patterns are
nearly identical, particularly on the high end; he noted that almost no permit
holders are exceeding their limits, which is good news. Director Bender thanked director Smith for his
detailed analysis and said it was very encouraging.
12. Resolution
620: Approving the 2013-14 District Budget.
B. Kimball/D. Smith four in favor, director Siedman absent to approve
Resolution 620.
13. Resolution 621: Replaces
Resolution No. 614, Stating the Current Rates and Charges for District Services
and Authorizing Placement of Charges on the Marin County Property Tax Bill
Where Appropriate.
B. Kimball/D. Smith four in favor, director Siedman absent to approve
Resolution 621.
14. Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.
The Board reviewed the latest analysis from
consulting hydro-geologist Rob Gailey.
15. Volunteer Committee Reports.
-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory
Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Community Path Update: Nothing
to report.
-- Downtown Parking &
Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
Resource Recovery: Nothing to report.
-- West Marin Mosquito Control
Coordinating Council: Nothing to report.
16. Other Business.
Committee Reports
-- Finance: Nothing
to report.
-- Legal: Nothing to report.
Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
-- Operations: Nothing
to report.
Park and Recreation: Nothing to report.
-- Personnel: Nothing to
Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the June 19, 2013 Regular
Kimball and Smith offered clarifying corrections to the draft minutes.
D. Smith/K. Bender four in favor,
director Siedman absent to approve the minutes of the June
19, 2013 regular meeting, as amended.
c. Warrants
B. Kimball/D. Smith four in favor, director Siedman
absent to approve the warrant list.
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
August 21, 2013 at 7:30 p.m.