Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
August 15, 2012     270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.   Call to Order.

    7:32 p.m.

2.   Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Bender, Kimball, and Siedman; director Smith absent.  Director Siedman presiding.

3.   Manager’s Report.

-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project

Staff noted that the Board approved a new contract with SAGE at its August 7, 2012 Special Meeting and the geotechnical investigation work currently is scheduled for September 24 -25, 2012.  If need be, the work will be coordinated with the Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project if, in fact, the latter project is installed this Fall.

--    Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project

Staff said that at the August 7th Special Meeting the Board considered and rejected all bids received for the Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation project and directed staff to rebid the project.  Staff was successful in obtaining more time from the state (the California Department of Public Health or “CDPH”) to complete the project, which otherwise had an installation deadline of December 31, 2012.   In addition, the County’s Department of Public Works recently offered to remove the micro-surfacing paving requirement from the encroachment permit for this project and instead include the micro-surfacing of the project area in the County’s Summer 2013 road rehabilitation plan in exchange for a fee to be paid by the BCPUD.   The fee proposed by the County is $3 per square yard  and, based on the square footage of the project area, the total amount of the fee would be $8,300.  Staff noted that this is a tremendous cost-savings for the district as contactors are estimating the micro-surfacing portion of the project at more than $30,000.   After a brief discussion, staff recommended that the BCPUD pay the fee directly to the County as part of the encroachment permit costs, as long as CDPH agrees that this cost is reimburseable from loan funds (just as it would be if paid by the contractor as part of the construction costs).   There was no objection from the Board.  Finally, staff reported that the Mesa Park Board approved the parking of construction vehicles and staging of equipment at its parking lot during the course of the project installation.

-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade Project.

Staff met with the district’s electrical engineer, Dave Thomas, in late July for the purpose of finalizing the bid documents for this project.  One issue has arisen to complicate things:  the electrical control panels are located on a slab of cement adjacent to treatment pond 2, underneath which is an overflow pipe that needs to be replaced.  The cement slab on which the panels are sited will be demolished and replaced with expansion joints as a part of the project, so staff feels it makes sense to replace the overflow pipe, as well.  However, the overflow pipe is located inside the engineered pond perimeter and the district’s electrical engineer has advised that a civil or geotechnical engineer should evaluate and design the pipe replacement.  Staff met with Brelje & Race’s wastewater engineers and they will submit a proposal for the work soon.  Staff’s goal is to bid the project in September and have the work completed during the Winter.

Staff reported that the Wharf Road Service Saddle Replacement Project was completed prior to July 4th by Piazza Construction.  Piazza did a very good job and the construction crew interacted very well with the local community.  Staff complimented and thanked the downtown businesses for their incredible cooperation and understanding of the water outages that were necessary to install the project.  

The district’s computer upgrade project is underway and one snafu has been the migration of the old billing system over to the new hardware.  Staff noted that former General Manager Phil Buchanan graciously has assisted the district in its efforts to save and improve the old billing software.  If the software cannot be workable restored on the new hardware, staff will be forced to purchase new billing software, but that is an expense the district is hoping to avoid.

The Board reviewed the most recent water consumption statistics, which show a spike up consumption in the downtown area last month and on the mid-Mesa this month as compared to the same time last year, likely due to the dry spring and summer months.  A preliminary evaluation of the billing data indicates that this is an overall increase in consumption across the district, not an increase of specific users.  The district continues to be drawing from its preferred water source (the Arroyo Hondo creek) and staff does not expect to turn to the reservoirs until later in the Fall.

Staff reported that the district’s annual water license reports were submitted to the State Water Resources Control Board in July.  The license reporting has become more complicated in recent years as the state transitioned from a triennial to an annual reporting system and from a paper to an on-line reporting system. As such, the district’s outside counsel has prepared and submitted the reports (six in total) on the district’s behalf. 

The Board reviewed a letter from Cal-EMA relating to the 2006 Spring storm disaster assistance application made by the district in the wake of storms that year -- an application the district subsequently withdrew.  The letter notes that due to the application withdrawal, some funds are due to be repaid by the district to Cal-EMA for a small advance that was made.   Staff said the district will repay the requested funds in the near future. 

Staff inquired whether it would still be timely for the district to submit a letter of support for the Bolinas Rod & Boat Club’s letter expressing concern about the newly constituted Bolinas Lagoon  Advisory Council and the proposed reduction of the number of annual meetings and the imposition of term limits for Council members.  Director Amoroso said he thought the County already has acted to approve the new Council and the reduced number of annual meetings, but he does not believe term limits were included.  After a brief discussion, staff agreed to inquire with Ralph Camiccia and Rudi Ferris as to whether a letter of support from the district would still be helpful.

On the wastewater side of operations, staff reported that spray season is on-going.  The district is experiencing record low flows from downtown into the treatment ponds and the pond levels therefore are quite low for this time of year.  The staff has completed extensive mowing to maintain and improve disposal field treatment area.  As previously noted, staff is endeavoring to get the electrical control panel upgrade project out to bid and, later on the agenda, the Board will consider a staff audit of the district’s Sewer System Management Plan.  Finally, staff reported that the State Water Resources control Board just issued proposed amendments to the Sewer System Overflow Order (the order that established the requirement that district’s adopt sewer system management plans); staff will report on the proposed amendments at the next meeting.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

    The Board reviewed a written report submitted by Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover.

4.    Community Expression.

5.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Metered Water Delivery Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 34 Terrace (A. Thompson).

        Staff reported that Audrey Thompson is unable to be present at the meeting, but staff spoke with her and learned that when friends were staying at the house one weekend, water started to gush out of the ceiling.  A pipe had burst in the attic and it flooded the master bedroom below.  The friends called Charles Whitefield, who repaired the broken pipe immediately.   Director Kimball said that this appears to be a blind leak and based on other comparable circumstances, the Board has forgiven the amount of the bill attributable to the leak, based on the historical three year average use of water at the property during the same billing quarter in which the leak occurred.

B. Kimball/V. Amoroso        four in favor, director Smith absent    to forgive the amount of the bill attributable to the leak, based on the historical water use at the property over the last three years during the same billing quarter.

6.    BCPUD Sewer System Management Plan - 2012 Audit; Amendments to BCPUD’s Sewer System Management Plan.

Staff reported that the entire Sewer System Management Plan (“SSMP”) was evaluated by staff by implementing the audit procedures adopted by the Board.   As a result of the evaluation, staff is recommending small revisions to the SSMP and the Board reviewed the proposed revisions. 

B. Kimball/K. Bender        four in favor, director Smith absent    to approve the 2012 audit of and the proposed amendments to the district’s SSMP.

7.    Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.

Staff stated that there is no update on the project this month.  The district’s consulting hydro-geologist Rob Gailey is next scheduled for a site visit in September to download and analyze data from the irrigation well.

8.     Resolution 616: Cites Board of Directors’ Choices for Determining Fiscal Year 2012-13 Appropriations Limits.

K. Bender/V. Amoroso        four in favor, director Smith absent    to approve Resolution 616.

9.     Resolution 617:  States District’s Appropriation Limits for Fiscal Year 2012-13.

K. Bender/B. Kimball        four in favor, director Smith absent    to approve Resolution 617.

10.  Volunteer Committee Reports.

-- Alternative Energy:   Nothing to report.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:   Nothing further to report.

-- Community Path Update:  Director Kimball reported than on August 9, 2012, Cary Cherney supervised the installation of irrigation tubing (he donated his time and secured the materials from donated funds) in the planted bike path median along Olema-Bolinas Road.  John Bryant, Walter Hoffman and Bruce Bowser also volunteered their time to help with the installation.   Two sections of the planted median were then watered for approximately one hour.  Janine Aroyan and director Kimball watered two other sections of the planted median the following week; the water moisture was measured and it was determined that two hours of watering are necessary per section (there are five sections of tubing now installed in the median).   Director Kimball further reported that a vegetation management plan has been signed with PG&E to, among other things,  replant the plants destroyed by PG&E’s clearing last Fall.   In addition, the median will be planted with California wildflowers this Fall.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:   Nothing to report.

-- Resource Recovery:  The Board reviewed a contract with Living Systems Management Inc. to bring in goats to clear out vegetation on the hillside behind the Resource Recovery Center.

-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Director Kimball noted that aerial spraying is occurring in Texas to combat an epidemic of West Nile Virus there.

11.       Other Business.

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance:   Staff directed the Board’s attention to a revised fixed asset schedule, revised and updated by staff and the district’s outside bookkeeper in response to comments last year by the district’s auditors that the district should conduct an annual review of the its fixed assets.  Staff reported that the field work for this year’s audit is scheduled for October 4, 2012.

-- Legal:  Nothing to report.

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing to report.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

    -- Park and Recreation:   Director Siedman inquired about the status of the state grant to fund the installation of a public bathroom and irrigate the ballfields at Mesa Park.    Staff reported that the district has not heard back from the state in response to the district’s submission of its request to amend the grant contract.  Director Siedman suggested it might be time to ask the local Assemblymember, Jared Huffman, for assistance.   Staff said it would be preferable to continue to e-mail the project officer and/or have a Mesa Park representative visit the project officer in Sacramento (which was very effective in the past) before resorting to seeking help from Assemblymember Huffman.

-- Personnel:  Director Siedman and director Kimball are continuing to work on revisions to the district’s health care coverage and associated changes to the Memorandum of Understanding.  Director Kimball reported that they have met with staff and also have filed an application with the ACWA/JPIA Health Benefits Authority to move the district’s coverage there.  The open enrollment period takes place over the Fall, so the issues are timely.   The district also is working with a broker to help it set up a cafeteria plan as part of the changeover of the health care plan.  

-- Sewer:    Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the July 25, 2012 Regular Meeting.

        Directors Amoroso and Kimball offered small clarifying revisions to the draft minutes. 

V. Amoroso/K. Bender    four in favor, director Smith absent    to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2012 regular meeting, as amended.

c. Warrants

V. Amoroso/B. Kimball    four in favor, director Smith absent    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

September 19, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

    Jennie Pfieffer requested that the Board include an item on the September meeting agenda to discuss third –party inspections of homeowner photovoltaic arrays; there was no objection from the Board.

12.  Adjournment.

    8:30 p.m.