Call to Order.
7:31 p.m.
2. Roll.
Directors Amoroso, Comstock, Godino, Siedman and Smith
present; director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.
Staff reported that the BCPUD’s Pipeline
newsletter is being mailed out to update the community about the status of the
bluff stabilization project. In
addition, Hillside Avenue resident Roger Kovach has created a website which is
a terrific work-in-progress, but not quite ready to be launched. At present, the Working Group is trying to
locate a community leader to take on leadership of the project and spearhead a
vibrant public-private stake holder group.
The Working Group is next scheduled to meet after the Labor Day holiday to
discuss project strategy and plan for a town meeting.
-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection
Byproduct Reduction Project.
district is close to starting the clarifier rehabilitation project and the
coagulation pilot test; information
requested by the district’s regulators at the State Water Resources Control
Board (“SWRCB”, formerly California Department of Public Health) has been
reviewed and approved. In addition, the
district’s reservoir management consultant, Dr. Alex Horne, is scheduled to
come for a field visit on September 4, 2014. Dr. Horne has prepared a draft report with
his assessment of and recommendations for the district’s reservoir which is
under review by staff; the report will be revised based on staff input and
presented to the Board after the September 4th site visit.
Update on BCPUD’s Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan.
Due to overlapping staff vacations during July
and August, the staff is behind schedule on providing the information requested
to the district’s engineers to complete their valuations for the Capital
Improvement Plan.
Staff reported that water consumption was down
considerably on the mid-Mesa as compared to this time last year. Staff participated in a KWMR radio program
earlier in the day concerning the status of the district’s water supply and commended
the community’s conservation efforts. Staff
noted that the district requested a 20% reduction in consumption in January
(with the imposition of a heightened voluntary conservation alert) and received
that (and more): consumption across the
district has held steady at about 120-130 gallons per day per property until
July, when consumption increased to about 164 gallons per day per property as the
weather stayed dry and summer visitors arrived.
Overall for the year to date, consumption has averaged 133 gallons per
day per property. Staff anticipates that
consumption levels will decline after Labor Day and noted the recent foggy
weather is very helpful.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to the
recent SWRCB emergency water conservation regulations, copies of which are in
the meeting binders. The regulations
took effect August 1st and the district sent a letter to all BCPUD
customers during the first week of August to alert them to the content of the regulations,
which focus on eliminating outdoor water waste. Staff noted that the regulations require that water
suppliers serving 3,000 or fewer connections must require customers to limit
outdoor irrigation to no more than two days per week OR implement other
“mandatory conservation measures” to achieve a reduction in water consumption
by it’s customers comparable to the amount consumed in 2013. Staff noted that the district’s customers
already have achieved the required consumption reduction via voluntary measures
and the district’s Dry Year Water Use plan contains a mandatory component of
rationing if/when necessary. After a
brief discussion, the Board members agreed with staff’s presentation as to why
the district is in compliance.
Staff reported that Liza Goldblatt called to
provide an update about the West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council’s efforts
to negotiate an extension of the non-toxic protocol with the Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito & Vector Control District (“M&VCD”). Liza believes it will be helpful to have
BCPUD host a community meeting to obtain public input on the topic, especially
on the M&VCD’s suggestion of amending the protocol to permit the use of
methoprene in septic tanks. Liza
suggested inviting the M&VCD Board and staff to the October BCPUD Board
meeting for this purpose; in addition,
Liza would like to appear at the Board’s September meeting to provide an overview
of the issues in contention. Director
Siedman directed staff to include an item on the September meeting agenda for
Liza to appear and update the Board.
Jack Liebster with the County’s Planning
Department is seeking the district’s assistance with recruiting a Bolinas representative
to serve on the C-SMART Stakeholder Advisory Committee. Director Siedman has agreed to serve on the
C-SMART Technical Advisory Committee (and director Amoroso will serve as the
alternate), but the Stakeholder Advisory Committee has a separate focus to
engage the community in the issues posed by projected sea-level rise in
Marin. The Board suggested staff reach
out to Ralph Camiccia and/or Burr Heneman to find out if either of them would
be willing to serve.
Staff directed the Board’s attention to
documentation in the binders confirming that one of the district’s outstanding
loans (for a past water system improvement) has been fully repaid.
the wastewater side of operations, the district experienced a small spill on
the collection system on July 20th.
The spill was caused by a break in the force main just outside of the lift
station on Wharf road (under the adjacent sidewalk). Roger Peacock noticed water running and
called it in at about 7:00 p.m. Staff
responded and turned the pumps off within 30 minutes; investigation revealed
that a maximum of 1,000 gallons was not contained and may have reached surface
water (via the sidewalk and nearby storm drain). Staff therefore called CalEMA and filed the
required electronic reports with the SWRCB; in addition, Rebecca Ng with the County’s
Environmental Health Services department called and requested the district
sample the surface water at three points and provide the results to the
County. Staff informed the Board that
the test results were within acceptable limits.
Staff also posted public notifications at the spill site and in the Hearsay
News. The Operations staff worked
with Coast Sanitary (for diversion pumping) and Piazza Construction (for the
repair work) and determined that there was a crack in the piping leaving the
lift station – the piping at this location and to a point where it turns to run
up Wharf Road was an inferior plastic pipe, so the district replaced it in its
entirety. The repair was complete and
the system back in full operation by the end of the day on July 22nd. Staff commended the prompt and professional
response by the district’s operations staff, and the representatives from Coast
Sanitary and Piazza Construction.
district is now in the midst of its annual spray season. Operations staff met with Point Blue
(formerly PRBO) staff earlier this week to review the district’s mowing
schedule and Point Blue staff provided valuable guidance on optimal mowing
times. In brief, mowing should take
place either before March or after July to minimize any impact on nesting birds.
Finally, the Board reviewed correspondence
sent and received since the last regular Board meeting, including but not
limited to letters sent to customers in response to their request for financial
relief due to leaks on their property.
Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover is on vacation.
4. Community
5. Expanded Water Use Permit Application – 210
Laurel Road, APN# 191-011-35 (A. Patton for
R. Donohugh).
Alethea Patton appeared on behalf of the
property owner and explained that she is preparing to submit coastal and
building permit applications for the legalization of a second unit in the lower
half of the existing house, as well as a 450 square foot guest house. As such, the property will increase from a two
bedroom home to a four bedroom home, to be served by a new septic system. Staff noted there is an existing expanded
water use permit applicable to the property which limits water use to 4,500
cubic feet per quarter.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor to
continue the terms of the existing expanded water use permit.
6. Request
to Install Donation Box at Brighton Beach Entrance (east side of street) and
Relocate Existing Signage (to west side of street) (Bolinas Community Center).
item was deferred to a future meeting of the Board.
7. Relocation and Improvement of Trash and
Recycle Bins on BCPUD Property at Entrance to Brighton Beach – Presentation of Final Design (J.
Janine Aroyan presented three alternative
designs for the trash and recycle bins at the entrance to Brighton Beach. Each of the designs accommodates a different
total number of bins and provides an asethic improvement over the existing
facility. The goal is to have more bins
at this location for beach visitor trash and recycling and to enhance the
entrance to the beach and nearby homes.
Janine emphasized that input will be sought from the neighbors and that
a final design is not yet ready for the Board’s approval. Discussion ensued among Board members about
the alternative designs, how to raise money for the project, how to pay for
more frequent trash/recycle pick-ups and so forth. Director Amoroso noted that these are really
decisions for the Bolinas Community Center (“BCC”) and how it would like to
operate its downtown clean-up effort.
The other Board members agreed that they would defer to the design
ultimately selected by the BCC and approved by the neighbors. The Board directed staff to notify neighbors
and agendize this item for approval when the final design has been identified.
8. Enforcement of BCPUD Ordinance 30 Governing
Use of the Gridded Public Right-of-Way Network on the Mesa; Request
for Extension of Time to Relocate Obstructions from the Zebra Right-of-Way (M.
Director Siedman stated that there is a
letter in the Board binders from Martino Magid detailing his efforts to date
and requesting a six-month extension of time to complete his removal of the
obstructions in the Zebra right-of-way.
Sue Verhalen, the property owner seeking to
use the Zebra right-of-way to access her home, has been in discussions with
County Code Enforcement and said she is very frustrated as that office has
agreed to provide a four month extension of time for Mr. Magid to address the
code violations on his property. She
said that nothing has changed in the Zebra right-of-way despite many BCPUD
staff hours of meeting with Mr. Magid and others at the property to secure
voluntary compliance. She said that it
isn’t clear that County Code Enforcement will address the obstructions in the
right-of-way and again expressed her frustration with the process.
John McCrea said that Mr. Magid was at the
site today and he was clearing a 2-foot swath in the Zebra right-of-way
adjacent to the McCrea’s fence. John
said he would prefer that the access road to Ms. Verhalen’s property not be
installed directly adjacent to his fence if it is possible to locate it further
to the east, as he is concerned the fence could be undermined. However, he believes Mr. Magid is trying to
avoid moving the studio (which is also in the public right-of-way) and that Mr.
Juniper (who built the structure and installed many of the obstructions) has
lost all interest.
Board and staff then discussed the possibility of having the BCPUD remove the
obstructions and billing Mr. Magid for the work. Director Siedman noted that if Mr. Magid does
not then pay the BCPUD, the BCPUD can record a lien against his property. All Board members expressed a lack of further
patience for this work to be completed and their support for the removal of the
obstructions as soon as possible.
V. Amoroso/D. Smith all in favor directing
staff to confer with legal counsel concerning any required notification/timing
requirements, then to write a letter to Mr. Magid providing him with a deadline
by which the obstructions must be removed to the BCPUD’s satisfaction, or the
BCPUD will do it and bill him for the work, which may result in a lien against
his property.
On a somewhat related topic, director Smith said
that he would like the district to try and reach an agreement with the
Sheriff’s Office to establish a system whereby the BCPUD first will attempt to
resolve complaints about people living in their cars parked on non-County
public roads in Bolinas. He noted that
such people typically are living in marginal circumstances and interactions
with law enforcement can be very stressful for them. He said the BCPUD can refer any cases not
resolved locally to the Sheriff’s Office and questioned why the Sheriff’s
Office is so quick to act on vehicle habitation complaints, but not
obstructions. Director Siedman noted
that the state vehicle code provides authority for the deputies to cite
vehicles parked on public roads, which is distinct from the BCPUD’s ordinance
on right-of-way obstructions, which is not in a state code.
9. Expanded Water Use Permit Application – 100
Mesa Road, APN ## 193-020-45, 47 & 59 (B. Lee for Mesa Park).
The Board previously approved Mesa Park’s
application to transfer its water and sewer connection from the downtown park,
but deferred determination of the amount of water to allow pending an
application by Mesa Park for an expanded water use permit. Director Amoroso noted that BCPUD Resolution
627 is applicable because of the lack of recent historic use of the meter and
recommended that the Board approve a conditional expanded water use permit of
not more than 50% more than the community average water use, or 500 cubic feet
per month, whichever is less.
V. Amororo/L. Comstock all in favor to
approve a conditional expanded water use permit with a maximum quarterly amount
equal to the community average usage plus 50% of such usage, or plus 500 cubic
feet per month, whichever is less.
Resolution 631: Approving Form of
Contract Documents for the Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom
Project and Awarding a Contract for the Project to the Lowest Responsible
Qualified Bidder, Subject to Certain Conditions.
Staff reported that two bids were received
for this project and the lowest responsible qualified bidder was Bauman
Landscape and Construction at $375,000. Staff
recommended the district/Mesa Park apply for an 80% advance of the grant funds
in order to timely pay the contractor per the proposed installation schedule;
the state will withhold the final 20% of grant funds until it conducts its
inspection of the project. After a brief
discussion, the Board directed staff to add a condition to Resolution 631 that
the award of contract is subject to staff’s approval of a payment schedule
consistent with the state’s grant requirements.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all in favor to approve Resolution 631, as revised.
11. BCPUD Response to Marin County Civil Grand Jury
Report : The Scoop on Marin County Sewer
Staff presented a proposed response of the
district to the Marin County Civil Grand Jury report which responds to the
findings and recommendations therein. Discussion
ensued about the specific responses and director Amoroso suggested the district
add a sentence to clarify that the collection system was functionally replaced
in the 1990’s via the slipline project, so even though the original collection
mains are much older, the system has been almost completely rehabilitated. There were no comments from the public.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all in favor to
approve the district’s response to the Marin County Civil Grand Jury
Report: The Scoop on Marin County Sewer Systems.
12. BCPUD Sewer System Management Plan - 2014 Audit;
Amendments to BCPUD’s Sewer System Management Plan.
Staff presented the results of an audit of
the district’s Sewer System Management Plan, which is required every two years
per state regulations. All of the
proposed amendments to the plan are highlighted in yellow. In particular, staff noted that the sewer
system overflow section of the plan has been significantly revised in light of
a new SWRCB executive order which revised sewer spill categories and updated
reporting requirements.
V. Amosoro/G. Godino all in favor to
approve the 2014 audit of the district’s Sewer System Management Plan.
Directors Smith and Godino offered comments
on the proposed amendments to the Sewer System Management Plan.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all in favor to
approve the proposed amendments to the Sewer System Management Plan, as
Resolution 632: Cites Board of
Directors’ Choices for Determining Fiscal Year 2014-15 Appropriations Limits.
D. Smith/G. Godino all in
favor to approve Resolution 632.
14. Resolution 633: States
District’s Appropriation Limits for Fiscal Year 2014-15.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all in favor to
approve Resolution 633.
15. Water Supply Update.
Nothing further to report.
16. Volunteer Committee Reports.
-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory
Committee: Nothing to report.
Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: Director Amoroso stated that
Michael Rafferty does not want to lead the effort to deal with the downtown
parking problem; without a leader, director Amoroso said he doubts the problem
effectively can be addressed.
-- Resource Recovery: Nothing
to report.
-- Water Conservation
Assistance Committee: Nothing to report.
-- West Marin Mosquito Control
Coordinating Council: Nothing further to report.
Land Stewardship Committee: Director Siedman reported that the committee
has its next meeting scheduled for September 12th; it has developed
some good maps and is making progress on developing a recommended policy for
the stewardship of BCPUD lands. Director
Amoroso noted that there is strong interest in the use and development of paths
on the property; as such, the district should be encouraging the use of the
path that was installed several years ago for pedestrians/bicycles. He said that some on the committee are advocating
the development of a path from Overlook Road and then down to the back of
Resource Recovery, but he noted that would present safety and erosion control
17. Other Business.
a. Board Committee Reports
Finance: Staff reported that work is
proceeding with the district’s bookkeeper and outside CPA to prepare for the FY
2013-14 audit, and the field work for the audit is scheduled for September 18,
Legal: Staff requested a meeting of the committee to
prepare for negotiations with North Bay Corporation concerning a new franchise
Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Nothing to report.
Operations: Nothing to report.
Park and Recreation: Nothing further to report.
Personnel: Nothing to report.
Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the July 16, 2014 Regular
Meeting; Minutes of the August 12, 2014 Special Meeting.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all in favor to
approve the minutes of the July 16, 2014 regular meeting of the Board.
L. Comstock/D. Smith all in favor to
approve the minutes of the August 12, 2014 special meeting of the Board.
c. Warrants
D. Smith/L. Comstock all
in favor to approve the warrant
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
September 17, 2014 at 7:30 p.m.
10:37 p.m.