Bolinas Community Public
Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
September 15, 2004 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order: 8:00 pm
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, McClellan, Siedman, Smith present
3. Manager’s Report
Board members received a letter from William J. Carmen, Ph.D., project manager,
Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project. The project’s scope includes a 50-year
projection of the hydrological and ecological evolution of the lagoon and
will describe how various actions and non-actions may effect general lagoon
Board members received a letter from Bob and Joan Finnegan complimenting
BCPUD’s personnel on their professionalism in handling a major leak in downtown
Staff reported that the recent hot weather has resulted in critically low
water reserves. Customers were asked for a 15% reduction in water usage.
Customers complied with this request immediately. Whereas the reserve water
depth had been 9-10 feet, it rose to two feet within 24 hours of the shortage
alert. BCPUD will leave the conservation request in force until the reserves
reach 17 feet.
Board members received a notice of hazardous tree conditions in the central
Overlook Dr. area with a petition from residents asking that the trees be
trimmed. Director McClellan observed that the trees in question are on private
property, not in district-owned rights of way. Director Amoroso suggested
the letter be forward to County. Staff noted a general survey of all hazardous
tree conditions is underway and mitigation work will be completed in order
of priority, budget permitting. The community and BCPUD crew will continue
giving feedback on the locations of hazardous trees.
Staff reported that 9 windows in the BCPUD building were shattered during
a Labor Day weekend vandalism incident.
Staff received a draft copy of the BCPUD Pipeline and requested feedback
and article ideas by September 22nd, 2004.
Manager Phil Buchanan will be on vacation October 5th, 2004 to through October
8th, 2004.
4. Community Expression
Matt Lewis reported that members of the Briones Lions will be going door
to door to educate Bolinas residents about West Nile Virus.
Cela O’Connor presented a document, Statewide Interpretive Guidelines, concerning
the types of recreational activities allowed within the California Coastal
Zone. The document and additional information regarding the legal use of
the Brighton Beach will be forwarded to the Beach Committee.
5. Election of Board of Directors to Complete Term Expiring November
30, 2005
Matt Lewis withdrew his candidacy for the Board.
Joel Braverman, Bobbi Kimball and Jim Sequeira are the current candidates.
A show-of-hands vote was taken resulting in Bobbi Kimball’s election to the
Board by 4-0.
Directors McClellan and Smith thanked the candidates for their participation
noting their highly qualified backgrounds and the difficulty of picking one
person from such a high-caliber group of contenders.
6. Election of Board of Directors Vice President; Committee
The following are the results of the election of the Board Vice President
and the changes to Committee Assignments: Vice President: Vic Amoroso.
Finance: Bobbi Kimball. Mesa, Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Don
Smith; Alternate: Bobbi Kimball. Personnel: Bobbi Kimball.
7. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Bolinas Community
Land Trust (BCLT).
Project Location: 6 Wharf Road
The applicant proposes to convert the former garage to a mixed-use affordable
housing project.
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to approve a
conditional Expanded Water Use Permit with the stipulation that the BCLT
retain one of its water meters for two years after the date of achieving
full occupancy to be deployed for the project should water use exceed the
permitted allotment during that period.
Matt Lewis noted that this project provides living units but eliminates commerical
services space, specifically an auto repair garage.
Director Amoroso expressed similar concerns and suggested that Mr. Lewis’s
take these issues to the BCLT for their consideration.
8. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Cirincione-Coles
Project Location: 71
Nymph Road
The applicants are remodeling an existing single-family dwelling.
McClellan/Smith all in favor to approve
an unconditional Expanded Water Use Permit.
9. Formation of Ad Hoc Beach Committee
Applicants for the committee are: Magi Barror, Bruce Bowser, Joel Braverman,
Baraca Broek, Lou and Jeffrey Commons, John Glavis, Mary Patterson, Jesse
McCullum, Susannah Mills and Rick Sherman
Amoroso/Smith all in favor to appoint
all applicants to the committee
10. Pine Gulch Creek Property: appraisal proposal
Amoroso/Smith all in favor to approve
the Norman Orr proposal to appraise the Pine Gulch Creek Property, not to
exceed $6,000.00, and subject to the understanding that it be appraised as
if the parcel is accessible and viable for development as a single family
residence. The appraisal engagement letter will be amended before singing
to strike restrictions on the District’s use of the final report.
11. Andrew Blake Letter Regarding Location of Committee
Reports on Agenda
Smith/McClellan 4 in favor Amoroso no
to put reports from BCPUD committees comprised of community volunteers at
number five on future agendas.
12. Resolution 510, approving actions taken by district
manager to ensure that all BCPUD fees and charges comply with the restrictions
and rate calculation requirements of Proposition 218
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to adopt Resolution
13. Resolution 511, supporting Proposition 1A on November,
2004 ballot, preventing state for taking further local government revenues
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to adopt Resolution
14. Resolution 512, supporting a November, 2004 ballot
initiative to ban the cultivation of genetically modified organisms in Marin
Kimball/Amoroso all in favor to adopt Resolution
15. BCPUD Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: discussion
concerning desired level of detail
Board members wish for succinct minutes stating votes and major points. The
recordings of the meetings are available for details. Should a director wish
for detail, he or she will request it on a case-by-case basis.
16. Roads: maintenance/repair permit application: Poplar
between Evergreen/Iris plus
Fern near Poplar; agreement between County of Marin and BCPUD-Mesa surveying
McClellan/Kimball 4 in favor Smith abstaining
to approve maintenance/repair permit.
17. Marin Countywide Plan Update
Bobbi Kimball will attend a September 28th, 2004 meeting to give testimony.
18. 2004-05 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding
McClellan/Amoroso all in favor to approve the 2004-05
19. Other Business
Committee Reports
--Alternative Energy: Bobbi Kimball is joining this committee
--Downtown Parking and Traffic: Directors received copies of the draft parking
plan. The plan will be presented to County on October 4, 2004
--Finance: 2004-05 budget process. The recently completed financial
audit of BCPUD may be available for the October, 2004 meeting
--Legal: A search is underway for a new BCPUD attorney. Hadden Roth’s August,
2004 bill will be paid.
--Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: Director Smith stated there is no
liability for the channeling upstream surface water into the existing watercourse
per California Supreme Court ruling.
--Operations: nothing to report
--Park and Recreation: Director Siedman reported the County is approving
the skate park.
--Personnel: nothing to report
--Sewer: Resource Recovery Project; The Board received the August financial
report for Resource Recovery.
--Community Paths Group: nothing to report
--Solid Waste: Directors noted Solid Waste should be deleted from the
list of committees since it does not exist.
b. Minutes of April 21, 2004 Meeting: Continued
c. Warrants: Amoroso/Smith all in favor
to approve
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s): October 20th, 2004
16. Adjournment 11:30pm