Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
September 16, 2009     270 Elm Road, Bolinas

1.    Call to Order.

    7:31 p.m.

2.    Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Kimball, McClellan, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.

3.    Report on September 10, 2009 Closed Session of the BCPUD Board of Directors.

    Director Siedman reported the Board had held a closed session on September 10, 2009 and no action was taken.

4.    Manager’s Report.

Staff reported that the Mesa Road Pressure Reducing Valve (“PRV”) Station Reconstruction Project is out to bid; the mandatory contractor site visit was held earlier in the day and was the opportunity for contractors intending to bid on the project to see the site and ask questions.  The project involves reconstructing the existing PRV station at the intersection of Mesa and Olema-Bolinas Road and installing associated piping to valves across the street; a new, additional PRV will be installed, which will enable the district to separately control water flow and pressure to downtown and along Gospel Flats.  Bids are due on September 23, 2009 and staff hopes the contract will be awarded soon thereafter, assuming the district receives qualified bids that are in the best interest of the district.  Staff noted that there is an item later on the agenda for the Board to approve the Contract Documents and authorize the award of the contract.

The district is moving quickly with the PRV station project due to the installation of the County’s bike path on the east side of Olema-Bolinas Road, which is back on schedule.  The district has not yet been provided with a set of the final plans for the bike path project; however, district staff has a very good relationship with the County’s Department of Public Works road crew and will be providing mutual assistance.  District staff will replace services and move hydrants along Gospel Flats next week; as such, notice has been issued to affected customers that the water will be off intermittently all week.  The Bolinas School will be affected by the water shut-off and has made the necessary arrangements for porta potties and handwashing stations. 

Staff noted the district currently has two other projects pending with its engineers:  (1) the water main extension 150 and 190 Horseshoe Hill Road and (2) the relocation of the sewer collection main under Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.  Staff expects to receive design plans and specifications for the first project at the beginning of October and for the second project in mid-November.

Over the past weekend, the district received 0.4 inches of rain at office building and 0.7 of rain at the Woodrat Water Treatment Plant.  This rain should be very helpful as the creekflows have dropped in recent weeks;  in fact, the district has been operating one of the filters at the treatment plant on reservoir water due to the low creek flows.  The recent rains should reduce demand for landscape irrigation and recharge the creek. 

Staff reported that recent discussions with representatives from the State Office of Emergency Services confirm that the district has been approved for full reimbursement by FEMA of the funds it expended to restore the Arroyo Hondo reservoir and road after the 2005-06 Winter Storms.  On a separate topic, the district’s 2008-09 audit is underway, with field work scheduled to begin on September 18, 2009.

On the wastewater side of operations, staff reported an emergency at the lift station occurred over Labor Day weekend:  the main breaker switch tripped and set off the alarm.  When staff investigated, the breaker would trip, the alarm would signal and the generator would start up.  Bill Pierce worked with Reiner Altermann to diagnose the problem and determined that the district’s breaker had failed.  PG&E was called to pull its meter out of the way and a replacement breaker was installed.  

At the sewer ponds, a second new irrigation pump was installed the prior week without incident.  The district is discharging wastewater (i.e., spraying the in the fields) intensely right now as staff had delayed any spraying at the start of the season last spring to allow conditions to stay sufficiently dry to mow and conduct additional vegetation management activities. 

The Board reviewed correspondence sent and received since the last Board meeting, including a letter from staff to the California Department of Public Health (“CDPH”) setting froth a timeline to reduce TTHMs and HAA5s in the district’s drinking water.  The district also received a notice from CDPH about a regulatory fee increase and a letter from Redwood Empire Disposal requesting a rate increase based on the terms of the existing franchise agreement.   Staff directed the Board’s attention to insurance documentation verifying that the district’s new Ford 250 is covered under its policy; staff thanked the Board for approving the purchase of the new vehicle.

Staff presented a draft memorandum from the district to the Bank of Marin directing the banking transactions approved by the Board at the September 10, 2009 special meeting; staff has scheduled a meeting with the bank on September 21, 2009 to conduct the transactions, which must be approved by the Board and authorized by two signatures.

V.Amoroso/B.Kimball        all in favor    to approve the draft memorandum from the district to the Bank of Marin and to authorize director Siedman and staff to sign the memorandum.

Finally, staff noted the annual Coastal Cleanup is scheduled for this Saturday.  The Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention staff will be at Agate Beach; those interested in helping should meet at the beach by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, September 19, 2009.

-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.

Staff plans to put the project out to bid as soon as possible after bids have been received and a contract awarded for the Mesa Road Pressure Reducing Valve Station Reconstruction Project.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover is on vacation.

5     Community Expression.


6.    Dwaileebe Coastal Permit (CP 10-11), APN # 191-031-33, 210 Elm Road, Bolinas (single family residence and two-car garage)

    Director Siedman said the applicant evidently applied to the County to convert existing agricultural wells on the property to domestic water wells; director Siedman said it is his understanding that the application to convert the wells may already have been granted -- if so, the district did not receive any notice about the application per the terms of the existing Well Permitting Agreement with the County’s Environmental Health Services (“EHS”) department.  Director Siedman noted that the Board is in receipt of a letter from Joseph Grodin, an adjacent property owner, which states that he was not previously aware of Mr. Dwaileebe’s project and does not have sufficient time to determine if it adversely affects his property.

    Director Smith said he was concerned about the apparent lack of notification from EHS, so he called the EHS office.  He said EHS staff apologized for the oversight and advised him that EHS has not issued a domestic well permit for this project; rather, the application has been referred to the Coastal Permit process.  For a domestic water well to be permitted in the Coastal Zone, either the well must be located at least 100 feet from all of the applicant’s property lines, or a finding must be made that allowing the wells to be permitted within the 100 foot setback will not impose any development constraints on neighboring properties.  (Wells must maintain a 100 foot setback from all existing and future septic systems.)  Director Smith noted that Mr. Dwaileebe’s wells are not located at least 100 feet from his own property lines; director Smith therefore analyzed whether there are any development constraints posed by the proposed water wells on neighboring properties and he concludes that several properties would be developmentally constrained if Mr. Dwaileebe’s proposed water wells are approved.  Director Smith detailed the extent of encroachment posed by Mr. Dwaileebe’s proposed wells on neighboring properties and said his concerns about this project are based on the known marginal condition of many septic systems on the Mesa and the district’s long-standing efforts to help residents improve their site conditions with better drainage.  Director Smith said he feels the district has an obligation to advise the County that the proposed wells will pose a development constraint on neighboring properties. 

    Discussion ensued about the apparent lack of notification to the BCPUD from EHS about the domestic water well permit filed by Mr. Dwaileebe.  Director Siedman said that if the County approved the permit without following the notice requirements, then neighbors have been deprived of their opportunity to be heard and any approval granted should be rescinded; director Amoroso agreed.  

    Director Smith focused on the development constraints posed by the location of the proposed water wells; he noted that EHS implemented a policy in April 2007 regarding water wells on the Gridded Mesa and that policy specifically sites development constraints on septic systems as a reason why a 100 foot setback from property lines must be enforced for all wells on the Gridded Mesa.  Director McClellan stated that as long as this is factually correct, he does not object to pointing it out, but he said the district should not be taking any positions supporting one class of property owners over another.  Residents commented that the County would be setting a bad precedent in this case to waive the 100 foot setback; there are implications for the entire Gridded Mesa if exceptions are granted. 

V.Amoroso/J.McClellan    all in favor    to send one letter to EHS to complain about the apparent lack of notification about the well permit application and asking EHS to withdraw any approval given without the proper notice and to send one letter to the Planning Department to point out the development constraints posed by the proposed water wells.

7.    Hodge Coastal Permit (CP 10-10), APN # 192-121-32, Alder Road between Cedar Road and Dogwood Road, Bolinas (relocation of single family residence to property site).

    Steve Hodge explained that he plans to move an existing 40 x 16 square foot house to his property; the current owners of the structure were planning to tear it down but agreed to sell it to Steve to move to his lot.  Directors noted an apparent typo in the County’s transmittal memorandum, which identifies the house as a 2411 square foot house.  Steve confirmed that the house is only 640 square feet – one bedroom, one bath.  After further discussion, staff was directed to inform the planner that there was no comment on this application.

8.    Request for the BCPUD to Accept Three Undeveloped Parcels from the Bolinas Community Center.

    Marcella Robinson was present on behalf of the Bolinas Community Center and explained that the Center has endeavored to gift three parcels of property to a number of different entities, including the County’s Open Space District and the Bolinas Community Land Trust but, for various reasons, the gift does not meet the criteria of these organizations.  Simply stated, the Center cannot afford to carry the property taxes on these parcels.  The Center does not wish to see the property go to private hands but rather would prefer that a tax-exempt public entity such as the BCPUD accept the parcels as a gift.  Discussion ensued about any increased liability exposure the district might face if it were to own the properties and staff was directed to contact County Counsel for a legal opinion and continue the matter to the next month’s agenda.

9.    Request from the Bolinas Fire Protection District (“BFPD”) for Approval for BCPUD Employees to Voluntarily Train With and Assist the BFPD in Responding to Emergency Calls on As-Needed Basis.

    Staff noted that Fire Chief Anita Tyrrell-Brown is not yet in attendance and requested to defer this item until she arrives; there was no objection from the Board.

10.    BCPUD Letter of Comment on the Light Brown Apple Moth (“LBAM”) Draft Environmental Impact Report.

    Director Kimball reminded the Board that residents requested at the prior meeting that the  BCPUD Board write a letter of comment on the LBAM draft EIR.  Director Kimball and staff prepared a letter for the Board’s consideration, which relies heavily on information developed by interested environmental groups and others with concerns about the LBAM eradiation program.  She noted that the deadline for public comment in September 28, 2009.

D. Smith/V. Amoroso    all in favor    to approve the BCPUD letter of comment on the LBAM draft EIR.

    Director Smith said that he finds it appalling that the California Department of Food & Agriculture is spending millions of dollars on a deficient EIR and an ad campaign in support of the LBAM program when the state is in dire economic straits and he requested that this comment be added to the letter of comment;  there was no objection.

11.   November 3, 2009 Election:  Special Mailing of Advisory Measure H Ballot (re: Camping on Bolinas Beach) to Registered Voters Located Within the Boundaries of the Bolinas Fire Protection District And Outside of the Boundaries of the BCPUD; Schedule Community Meeting to Discuss  Measure H; Schedule Candidates’ Night for BCPUD Board Candidates.

    Director Smith reported that he spoke with the Registrar of Voter’s office about the district’s desire to conduct a special mailing of Advisory Measure H to registered voters who reside outside the boundaries of the BCPUD but within the boundaries of the Bolinas Fire Protection District.  Director Smith purchased voter roles for both districts and identified the target group of voters.  The Registrar’s office concurs that since this is an Advisory Measure the process does not to be as rigorous as in a contested election – thus, if the district conducts the special mailing and requires that votes be returned in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided (one vote per envelope only), that would be sufficient to ensure the integrity of the vote.  It will not be necessary or practicable to verify voter signatures.  The Board reviewed the draft special mailing; staff inquired whether the ballot arguments and rebuttals should be included and the Board said that they should.

    Director Amoroso said he thought the Board had voted not to hold a community meeting on Measure H.  Director Smith said that was true, but he asked for the agenda item to reconsider the issue.  He said he believes the Board voted not to hold a meeting because the directors could not figure out how to conduct it neutrally or who should host it; he felt that was unfortunate so he called the mediation board for a recommendation for an out-of-town mediator.  He ultimately located Rae Levine with Levine Consulting; she is well-respected and she agreed to facilitate a community meeting on Measure H if the BCPUD wants to hire her.  Rae is available on October 8th and director Smith recommended the BCPUD hire her to facilitate a public meeting on Measure H that evening at the Firehouse & Clinic public meeting room.  In answer to questions about the cost of engaging Ms. Levine, director Smith said she agreed to a fee of $500, which covers the meeting, travel and preparation.

    Discussion ensued about the possible meeting format, the advisability of an out-of-town facilitator vs. local facilitator, the location of the meeting (Firehouse meeting room vs. Bolinas Community Center), and whether the meeting would be well-attended.  Kim Bender suggested that the meeting should occur after the sample ballots have been sent out; director Smith said the Registrar’s office told him that sample ballots will be mailed out during the last week of September, so the BCPUD special mailing should go out the same week.  He said that the meeting can be advertised on local blogs, in the Hearsay News and posters downtown.   After further discussion, director Siedman summarized by saying all Board members agree that a community meeting is desirable, that someone needs to run it and that the person running the meeting needs to be unbiased.  Cela O’Connor suggested that director Siedman run the meeting as he is well known as fair and neutral; director Siedman said he would only be willing to do so if there was no objection – if there is any objection, he does not wish to serve as facilitator.

    Director Smith moved that the Board reverse its prior decision not to hold a community meeting on Measure H in favor of holding a meeting at the Firehouse & Clinic Public Meeting room facilitated by Rae Levine on October 8, 2009.  There was no second to the motion. 

    Director Smith moved that the Board reverse its prior decision not to hold a community meeting on Measure H in favor of holding a meeting.  Director Amoroso said he seconded the motion for discussion purposes – he still wants to know who will organize the meeting and who will speak.   Director McClellan said he has no opinion on those issues.  Director Kimball said she voted against having a community meeting previously because it did not seem as though the community wanted a meeting; now, however, it is clear that there is interest in such a meeting and she supports the community consensus.  Directors Siedman and Smith each said they support holding a community meeting.

    Director Amoroso said the he feels that someone from the former Beach Committee should step up to a role in the meeting.  Cela O’Connor said that Bruce Bowser did lots of hard work on the Committee report and that he should present it;  she said that she will commit to presenting the Committee report at the meeting if Bruce declines to do so.  After further discussion about whether to engage the facilitator, director Amoroso asked director Smith to reintroduce his first motion and said that he would second it.  Director Smith moved to hold a community meeting on Measure H at the Firehouse & Clinic Public Meeting room on October 8th at 7:30 p.m. and hire Rae Levine to facilitate the meeting.  Director Amoroso moved to amend the motion by specifying that time will be set aside during the meeting for a presentation of the Beach Committee report.  Director Smith agreed and added that the ballot arguments should also be read.  Director Siedman repeated the entire motion, adding that the cost of hiring Rae Levine shall not exceed $500.  Director Amoroso seconded the motion.

D. Smith/V. Amoroso    all in favor    to hold a community meeting on Measure H at the Firehouse & Clinic Public Meeting room on October 8, 2009 at 7:30 p.m., to be facilitated by Rae Levine at a cost not to exceed $500.

Discussion then turned to Candidates’ Night for the BCPUD Board candidates.  Ultimately, it was agreed to hold Candidates’ Night on Tuesday, October 20, 2009 beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehouse Meeting Room, 100 Mesa Road.

    Director Siedman, noting that Fire Chief Anita Tyrrell-Brown was now present, called agenda item 9.

9.    Request from the Bolinas Fire Protection District (“BFPD”) for Approval for BCPUD Employees to Voluntarily Train With and Assist the BFPD in Responding to Emergency Calls on As-Needed Basis.

    Anita Tyrrell-Brown explained that fire department volunteers historically live and work in their community;  hence, if there is an emergency call during the workweek, volunteers are available to respond.  Now, however, the fire district is often very light on volunteers during the week as an increasing number of those volunteers work out of town.  Anita proposed that BCPUD operations staff cross-train with the fire department and be available to respond to emergency calls on an as-needed basis during the workweek.  Anita has confirmed with the fire department’s insurance carrier that BCPUD operations staff would be fully covered as authorized fire department volunteers under both the workers compensation and liability policies.  She noted that the Inverness Public Utility District is a joint water and fire district – the arrangement is not unusual.  In response to questions, Anita said the BCPUD operations staff likely would need to cross-train one hour per month and she estimated that they would be asked to respond to emergency calls approximately six times per year.  She emphasized that this would be on a voluntary basis only and that BCPUD staff would not be expected to respond to a call if the utility district itself was coping with an emergency situation.  BCPUD staff said that there are details to be worked out regarding compensation and overtime, but if the concept is approved by the Board, staff from both districts will prepare a formal written agreement to address all details for review and approval by both district Boards of Directors.  The Board had no objection.

12.  Local Coastal Plan and County Housing Element Updates:  BCPUD Comments on Housing (including Second Unit) Component.

    Director Smith spoke first to the County Housing Element Update.  He noted that there is a provision in the County Development Code which states that there can be no new second units in Bolinas until the BCPUD certifies that water is available for new primary units.  In light of the current and very serious shortage of affordable housing, it seems that second units are the County’s best answer to the problem.  The County currently is updating its housing element; director Smith and Lisa Kramer, Executive Director of the Bolinas Community Land Trust (“BCLT”) have spoke with the responsible County planner, Leelee Thomas, and she has agreed to propose language to amend the County Development Code to eliminate the problematic provision.  As noted in prior meetings, the BCPUD’s water use permit process is one of the means by which the community’s limited water supply is monitored and managed; prohibiting second units is therefore unnecessarily restrictive.  Director Smith proposed that the BCPUD write a letter of support for the Planning Department’s proposed language. 

V. Amoroso/J.McClellan    all in favor    to write a letter to the County Planning Department concurring with Planning staff’s recommendation to amend the County Development Code to eliminate the provision prohibiting new second units in Bolinas.

    Director Smith then spoke to the Local Coastal Plan update process.  He met recently with Steve Matson, Lisa Kramer and Turk Kauffman, who is an architect on the Little Mesa; they discussed possible comments on the housing issue as presented in the Local Coastal Plan draft Update.   The consensus was to acknowledge (and seek BCPUD support for) the fact there is insufficient low cost housing for those working on behalf the community and its visitors.  Director Smith said that easiest way to create additional low cost housing is to loosen up on the restrictions imposed on uses of developed properties; he noted that the existing LCP essentially says that low cost housing won’t work in West Marin it should all be located in East Marin.  Director Smith said that the LCP provisions on housing should be updated to be consistent with the County’s Housing element and to promote water conservation.  Director Smith said he would like to draft a letter of comment for the BCPUD’s review, which will then be forwarded to the County’s Planning staff.  Discussion ensued about who should have input on the content of the letter;  ultimately it was agreed that director Smith will circulate a draft letter to the Bolinas Planning Group for its review, followed by submittal to the BCPUD Board for approval.

13.  Amendment of Road-Grading Policy for Bolinas Mesa Dirt Roads.

Director Smith proposed amending BCPUD Ordinance 30 to include the following language into the definition of “obstruction”:  “Any irregularity exceeding 4 inches in height or depth as measured against a straight span of 10 feet anywhere along or across a road is considered an obstruction.”    Director Smith acknowledged that whether or not to improve the roads is a contentious issue, but he pointed out that the roads can deteriorate so badly that it is difficult to impossible for emergency vehicles to get through.  On the other hand, if the roads are improved, some people drive dangerously fast.  Property owners then often install speedbumps to slow drivers down, but that is also problematic and the BCPUD does not have the expertise to set specifications for speedbumps.  Director’s Smith’s suggested definition of obstruction therefore seeks to create a minimum standard for the road grade on the Gridded Mesa.

Kent Khtikian said he appreciates director Smith’s efforts to balance competing concerns and he agrees that 4 inches is a reasonable definition.  However, he said the height or depth of a particular speedbump or pothole is not the problem – rather, the problem is how many speedbumps or potholes can be installed on one road?   He observed that if each property owner on west Poplar installs a speedbump of less than 4 inches in height adjacent to their property, there would be 29 speedbumps on this stretch of road; if each property owner installs 2 or 3 or more speedbumps, there could be hundreds.

Andy Blake said many people drive too fast on Poplar Road and speedbumps are necessary;  however, the question of how many speedbumps to install is a real concern.  Andy wishes the community could simply put up speedlimit signs that would be observed and eliminate the need for any speedbumps; unfortunately, this is neither possible nor practicable.  Andy said the only approach that really seems to work is installing speedbumps at each intersection so that cars slow dramatically before proceeding. 

Director Siedman said he agrees the number of speedbumps is a problem, but that people should be entitled to slow traffic near their property.  Director McClellan said the amended language should contain a rebuttable presumption, such as “unless otherwise shown” at the end of the definition so that people can make arguments on a case-by-case basis.  Director Smith said the roads should be smooth enough to ensure the safe passage of emergency, garbage and utility vehicles.

After further discussion, Director Siedman directed staff to include an item on the October agenda to amend BCPUD Ordinance 30 to include the definition proposed by director Smith, as amended by director McClellan.

14.  Request to Amend Mesa Park Water Reclamation and Irrigation Grant.

Director Siedman presented a draft letter to the California Department of Parks and Recreation requesting an amendment to the Mesa Park Water Reclamation and Irrigation grant to use ground water, rather than partially treated water from Pond 3, as the source of water for the grant-funded project.  Several clarifications were offered by Director Amoroso and Andy Blake.

J. McClellan/B. Kimball    all in favor    to approve sending the letter to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, as amended.

Staff requested that representatives of Mesa Park and the BCPUD attend the next meeting of the Resource Recovery Project on September 28th to discuss the irrigation well and next steps in the grant process.  There was no objection.  Directors Siedman and Amoroso agreed to attend, as did Andy Blake.

15.  Fire House Community Park  Agency (aka “Mesa Park”):  Completion of Facilities; Extend Term of Appointment of BCPUD-appointed Commissioner(s).

Director Sieman requested the item be deleted from the agenda because it is not necessary for the BCPUD to make a finding about the completion of Mesa Park facilities;  rather, Mesa Park can make the required finding.  He recommended that the term of the current BCPUD-appointed commissioner(s) be extended until the November 2010 election.  Staff noted that this would impact the term of Andy Blake and that the terms should be extended to January 2011 as that will be the effective date of newly elected commissioners. 

J. McClellan/B. Kimball    all in favor    to extend the term of Mesa Park Commissioner Andy Blake until January 2011.

16.  BCPUD Letter in Opposition to Governor Schwarzenegger’s Suspension of 2009 Subventions to California Counties for Williamson Act Properties.

V. Amoroso/J. McClellan    all in favor    to approve the BCPUD letter in opposition to Governor Schwarzenegger’s suspension of 2009 subventions to California counties.

17.  Resolution 585:  Approving Form of Contract Documents for Mesa Road Pressure Reducing Valve Station Reconstruction Project and Authorizing  General Manager to Award Contract to Lowest Responsible Qualified Bidder.

J. McClellan/D. Smith        all in favor    to approve Resolution 585.

18.  Association of California Water Agencies (“ACWA”):   Region 1 Election for the 2010-2011 Term:   Official Ballot re: Officers and Board Members.

    Director Kimball said that she has researched the slate of candidates recommended by the Association of California Water Agencies and that the slate is acceptable.

B. Kimball/J. McClellan     all in favor    to vote in favor of the ACWA-recommended slate of Officers and Board Members.

19.  Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy:  Nothing to report.

-- Bolinas Planning Group:  Nothing to report.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:  Director Amoroso reported the committee met the prior month and resolved to take action to stop species harvesting in the lagoon and surrounding areas.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Staff was directed to e-mail committee members and schedule a meeting for purposes of submitting the committee’s parking plan to County Planning staff for consideration in connection with the Local Coastal Plan Update.

-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing further to report.

-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:  Director Smith reported that the County DPW road crew is planning to re-seat the guard rail on Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.  Director Siedman expressed strong concern about the condition of the south side of Terrace Avenue at Overlook Drive – as the County adds additional asphalt to this section of road, the drop-off next to the bluff is getting very deep and poses a danger to vehicles.  Staff was directed to inform the County DPW about this dangerous condition.  Staff confirmed that Anita Tyrrell-Brown is in communication with Supervisor Kinsey’s office about the status of funds to pay for an engineering solution to stabilize Terrace Avenue at Surfer’s Overlook.

-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:   Nothing to report.

20.    Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance:  Staff was directed to schedule a committee meeting to discuss the status of the district’s reserve funds and review a prioritized list of possible district expenditures.

-- Legal:  Nothing to report.

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing to report.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

-- Park and Recreation:  Staff reported that “Toxic Away Day” will be held on September 26, 2009 at the Mesa Park parking lot.

-- Personnel:  Nothing to report.

-- Sewer:    Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the August 19, 2009 Regular Meeting; Minutes of the August 3, 2009 Special Meeting.

      Director Amoroso stated that the minutes should identify director Bobbi Kimball on page two given that BFPD director David Kimball also was present.

D.. Smith/ B. Kimball    all in favor    to approve special minute meetings, as amended

Discussion turned to the August 19th regular meeting minutes and amendments were offered.

D. Smith/V. Amoroso     all in favor    to approve the regular meeting minutes, as amended.

c. Warrants

B. Kimball/D. Smith    all in favor    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    October 21, 2009 at 7:30 p.m.

21.  Adjournment.

10:58 p.m.