A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
September 17, 2003       8 p.m.        
270 Elm Road, Bolinas


  1.  Call to Order

  2.  Roll

  3.  Manager’s Report

  4.  Community Expression

  5.  Downtown Parking and Traffic Committee: 
       appointments; calendar; agenda

  6.  Resolution 173, §6, Expanded Water Use:  evaluation
       of applicability to 46 Wharf Road – Coast Café

  7.  Mesa Park:  water reclamation project; proposed sewer hookup

  8.  Ad Hoc Committee On Mesa Drainage: 
       establishing sight lines along Larch Road right of way
       from Overlook to Evergreen; pilot project implementation;
       purchase of laser level

  9.  California Independent System Operator’s Identification of Bolinas
       As Potential Site For Gas  Powered “Peaker” Electrical Generation
       Plant (Dogtown Substation); resolution in support of Marin County
       application to become Community Choice Aggregator

10.  Complaint Regarding Cleanup Status At 315 Hawthorne:  Bass

11.  Mosquito Abatement

12.  Visibility Obstructions at Overlook and Poplar: 
        responses to 8/27/03 BCPUD letter

13.  Contract Award:  270 Elm Road Exterior Painting Project

14.  Proposed Date(s) for Meet-The-Candidates Night(s)

15.  Bid Award:  1988 Toyota pickup

16.  Other Business

a.  Committee Reports
      -- Alternative Energy:  report on September 10 meeting
      -- Finance:  draft audit
      -- Legal:
      -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
      -- Operations:
      -- Park and Recreation:
      -- Personnel:  temporary hire proposal
      -- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
      -- Solid Waste: 
b.  Minutes of August 20, 2003 Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

17.  Adjournment