Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting  Of  The Board  Of  Directors
September 19, 2012     270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.   Call to Order.

    7:32 p.m.

2.   Roll.

    Directors Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present; director Bender attending by telephone.  Director Siedman presiding.

3.   Manager’s Report.

-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project

Staff reported that a contract has been executed with Sanders & Associates Geotechnical Engineers (“SAGE”) for Phase 2 of the bluff stabilization geotechnical evaluation.  The work tentatively was scheduled for September 24-25, but due to sand loss and unfavorable tides the district and SAGE decided to postpone the work until next Spring.  Unfortunately, the tidetables indicate that there will not be any favorable day-time tides until April 2013 and optimal conditions are required to accomplish the 2 beach-level borings.  In the meantime, staff is applying for the necessary permits and the County’s Director of Public Works, Bob Beaumont, is assisting the district with permit fee waivers. 

--    Update on Terrace Avenue Water Main Relocation Project

This project went back out to bid on August 24th, a  mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on September 12th and bids are due September 16th.   The following changes have been made to the project for the re-bid process: (1) the micro-surfacing task has been eliminated as the County agreed to incorporate this into their paving next year in exchange for a payment of $8,000 by the district; (2) the district has an additional year of time to complete the project until December 31, 2012, (3) the contractor will have 40 “working days” to complete the work, so that rain days will not count as work days given how late in the season the project is starting, and (4) the order of work has been revised to start with the Park Avenue water line replacement.  Staff noted that Mesa Park Board graciously has agreed to allow the use of its parking lot for the parking of contractor equipment and the temporary storage of spoils.

Staff said that a special Board meeting will be needed during the week of October 1st to review and consider the bids submitted for the project.

-- Update on the Wastewater Treatment Plant Pump Station and Electrical Upgrade Project

Staff has contacted a second engineering firm, West Yost, about providing the specifications needed for the overflow piping details to complete the project drawings and staff is hopeful that a comprehensive response will be submitted soon.

On the water side of operations, water consumption in the district is up again slightly and the flows in the Arroyo Hondo dropped recently, so staff is running the water treatment plant with one of the filters on  reservoir water.  Staff noted that preliminary weather forecasts for a minor El Nino weather pattern this year. 

Staff reported that shift operator Scotty Hanks is doing an excellent job of repainting the water treatment plant, saving the district thousands of dollars it otherwise would have to pay an outside professional painting firm.  Scotty also is re-painting all of the trim on the main office building, including the windows recently replaced in the Bolinas Childrens’ Center, which were infested with termites.

The district’s insurer, ACWA/Joint Powers Insurance Authority, will be sending its representative John Haaf out to the district tomorrow for his annual inspection of district facilities.

On the wastewater side of operations, Ponds 2 and 3 are virtually empty and the disposal fields are in great shape with no standing water.  Staff commended Chief Operator Bill Pierce for his excellent management of the wastewater treatment plant, which has resulted in greatly improved operations.

Staff noted that some tree work needed on the district’s sewer pond property; specifically, the following trees should be removed -- the four cypress “sticks” that remain after the hazardous branches were removed last year, a  dead pine tree at the top of the steep paved hill, and a leaning eucalyptus in the area nearby where a similar leaning eucalyptus fell and knocked out power to the Mesa for eleven hours two years ago.  Staff stated that there are sufficient funds in the district’s hazardous tree account to pay the estimated $3,000 for the work;  there was no objection from the Board to using the funds for this purpose.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

The Board received a written report from Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover.

4.    Community Expression.

5.    Transfer of Sewer Service Connection. (L. Ferlinghetti)

Lorenzo Ferlinghetti and Ed Pohlman were present to request that the Board formally approve the transfer of a sewer service connection from 32 Wharf Road to APN # 193-102-17, located at the intersection of Park and Brighton Avenues.  Ed Pohlman acquired the sewer connection for 32 Wharf Road when he purchased the water service connection for this property from Mesa Park several years ago, but he transferred the water service connection to a parcel outside the sewer district, so he intends to sell the sewer service connection to Lorenzo (who owns APN # 193-102-17), subject to the Board’s approval of the transfer request.  In response to questions from the Board, Lorenzo acknowledged his understanding that he must have an approved water source at this parcel in order to physically connect to the sewer system.  

B. Kimball/D. Smith        all in favor    to transfer the sewer service connection from 32 Wharf to APN #193-102-17 , subject to all applicable requirements for an approved  water source at the property.

6.    Third-party Inspections of Homeowner Solar System Installations in Bolinas. (J. Pfeiffer).

Jennie Pfeiffer advised the Board that she has received confirmation from Liza Crosse, aide to Supervisor Kinsey, that homeowners may have third party inspections of their solar arrays conducted as an alternative to a County inspection.  To do so, a homeowner must complete a specific form at the same time he or she takes out a permit to install the solar arrays and then separately pay the third party inspector.  Jennie noted that the Bolinas Fire Protection District also inspects solar arrays on private homes and there is no third party alternative for that inspection.  There is an “express” permit process at the County on Wednesdays when homeowners can get same-day permits.  Jennie said she will submit an article explaining all of this to the Hearsay so that Bolinas residents are aware of these options.

7.    BCPUD Letter to Board of Supervisors Regarding the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council.

Staff presented a draft letter to the Board of Supervisors regarding the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council, which urges the Board to select Bolinas and Stinson Beach residents to fulfill the local seats on the Advisory Council, notwithstanding language in the County announcement about the Council which suggests that non-local residents may be selected for these positions.  Director Smith suggested that the word “suspect” in the final paragraph of the letter be changed to “believe.”

B. Kimball/V. Amoroso        four in favor, Bender abstains    to approve the letter to the Board of Supervisors, as amended.

8.    Amendment to BCPUD Resolution 247 - Water Service Termination Procedures.

    Director Smith reminded the Board that there is an old resolution pertaining to the termination of water service (247) and a new resolution (609) pertaining to the suspension of water meters;  the new resolution has provisions for the conditions of reinstatement of water service that he believes should be added to Resolution 247.  Specifically, he said that the Board should amend Resolution 247 to include a fee for the reinstatement of water service that reflects the district’s actual cost of a hearing and staff time to reinstate the water service.   After a brief discussion, staff was directed to draft specific language for the Board’s consideration at the October regular meeting.

9.     Proposed Revisions to the BCPUD’s Health Insurance Coverage for District Employees; Amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding between the BCPUD Board of Directors and Employees.

    Director Kimball said that over the last several years, the district’s medical premiums for employee health insurance have increased significantly.  As a member of the Board’s Finance Committee, she and director Siedman, a member of the Board’s Personnel Committee, conducted a study of other West Marin entities and their health care coverage to explore the options that might be available to reduce the district’s health care costs.  They interviewed two other water districts (Stinson Beach and the Inverness Public Utility District), the Bolinas-Stinson Union School District, the Bolinas Fire Protection District,  Commonweal and the Coastal Health Alliance.  They also evaluated the option of purchasing the district’s health care from CalPERs or from a newly formed entity: the ACWA-JPIA/Health Benefits Authority.  The district’s current premiums on its Kaiser small business plan are based on age; however, the directors’ analysis confirmed that if the district joins the ACWA-JPIA/Health Benefits Authority, it will be part of a larger pool with standardized rates that are not  based on age and allow access to Medicare-Advantage plans for Medicare–eligible employees and dependents, which could save the district as much as $30,000 per year.  In addition, directors Kimball and Siedman researched flexible spending plans and concluded the district also should establish one for employees to contribute pre-tax earnings for qualified expenses. Directors Kimball and Siedman then met with the district employees to discuss all of the potential changes, including additional changes that can be made for the district’s Medicare-eligible employees (and their dependents).   The district’s staff was then presented with proposed revisions to the Memorandum of Understanding to reflect the proposed changes and the staff is in agreement with all of the changes.  Two days ago, the district was formally accepted by ACWA-JPIA/Health Benefits Authority effective January 1, 2013, subject to the completion of all required documentation.

    Discussion ensued about the potential changes, including specific cost reimbursements, requirements for employee coverage and dependent coverage, and so forth.  Director Kimball pointed out that on a going forward basis, the district will not pay 100% of dependent health care cost, as it does for current employees – for all employees hired after July 1, 2012, the district will pay 50% of dependent health care costs.  Director Kimball then went over all of the proposed amendments to the language of the MOU for the Board’s edification.   The directors thanked directors Kimball and Siedman for their excellent work on this project.

K. Bender/V. Amoroso        all in favor    to approve the amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding between the BCPUD Board of Directors and employees.

10.    Update on Water Supply Augmentation Project.

Director Smith referred the Board to data in the Board binders from the previous month concerning the irrigation well at the Resource Recovery Center and said that at this point, there will be no new information to analyze until the winter rains begin.  Director Amoroso noted that the impact of the use of this water to irrigate the Mesa Park ballfields also will need to be evaluated once that project is installed.  Director Smith agreed, and said it likely will be many years before the district fully understands the dynamics of the aquifer that serves this well.

11.  Volunteer Committee Reports

-- Alternative Energy: Nothing to report.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:   Cela O’Connor requested that the Board include an item on the October meeting agenda to approve a letter objecting to the dissolution of the former Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee.  Director Siedman reminded Cela that when members of the public request letters from the BCPUD, they must provide a draft letter for the Board’s consideration; Cela said she will do so.  Director Siedman directed staff to include an item on the October regular meeting agenda for the Board to consider such a letter.

-- Community Path Update:  Director Kimball reported that the new irrigation system was used in August and September to deep-water the plants in the median next to the bike path.  Additional watering is planned for early October.  Unfortunately, many plants were damaged due to vehicle traffic in the area during a large birthday celebration; director Kimball is hopeful those plants will rejuvenate.  In the late fall, wildflower seeds will be seeded in the median strip, as well.

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:  Director Siedman reported that he was invited to attend a meeting on behalf of the Wharf Road residents who  live on between Smileys and the beach; these residents would like the County to install speed humps on this section of Wharf Road when it paves the road next summer. 

-- Resource Recovery:  Nothing to report.

-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  Director Kimball reported that there has been no West Nile Virus activity in Marin at all and no human cases in Sonoma County.

12.       Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports

-- Finance:  Staff reported that the district’s annual field audit is scheduled for October 4, 2012.

-- Legal:  Nothing to report.

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:  Nothing to report.

-- Operations:  Nothing to report.

-- Park and Recreation:  Staff presented the Board with a draft Project Status Report form to submit to the California Department of Parks and Recreation for the Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom Project.  Staff also reported on the status  of the efforts to locate documentation regarding the financial costs of installing the sewer lift station that will be used  by these restrooms.

-- Personnel:   Nothing to report.

-- Sewer:    Nothing to report.

b. Minutes of the November 8, 2011 Special Meeting; Minutes of the August 7, 2012 Special Meeting; Minutes of the August 15, 2012 Regular Meeting.

B. Kimball/V. Amoroso        three  in favor, directors Amoroso and Bender abstaining        to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2011 special meeting.

B. Kimball/V. Amoroso        four in favor, director Bender abstaining        to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2012 special meeting.

K. Bender/B. Kimball        four in favor, director Smith abstaining        to approve the minutes of the August 16, 2012 regular meeting.

c. Warrants

D. Smith/B. Kimball        all in favor    to approve the warrant list.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

    October 24, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

Director Kimball noted that the November regular meeting ordinarily would fall on November 21, 2012, which is the night before Thanksgiving.  She inquired whether the Board would be willing to meet the following Wednesday, November 28, 2012, instead.  There was no objection.

13.  Adjournment.

    9:35 p.m.