1. Call to Order
8:00 p.m.
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Bertsch, Kayfetz, McClellan, Siedman present. Director McClellan presiding.
3. Manager’s Report
The Resource Recovery Project has received grants from the National Park Service that cover four-fifths of the cost of a three-yard front-loader. BCPUD has the opportunity to become a part purchaser of the loader for the remaining $9,000. In view of the savings to be expected from avoiding loader rental costs, not only in emergencies but also in the ongoing turning of the compost piles at the wastewater treatment, plus the avoided cost of wear and tear on the backhoe, staff recommended becoming part-owners of the loader with the RRP. Director Amoroso asked if other member agencies are contributing any funds. Bolinas Fire Protection District is not contributing actual dollars, since it essentially secured the grant and Mike Aitken has put in so many hours of unpaid time on the project, but Aitken will recommend that BFPD pay the estimated $6,000 for replacing the tires in a year or so.
-- Amoroso/Bertsch unanimous to use $9,000 from the equipment fund for part-purchase of RRP’s front loader.
A copy of the revised environmental assessment for the Wilkins Ranch is available for review at the BCPUD office and on the Internet.
The recent work at the lift station was very satisfactory. The suspected leak was, in fact, due to groundwater infiltration. A special sealant was applied and the stabilizing pipes were replaced so that no movement occurs when the pumps start up. The repair cost about a thousand dollars less than expected.
Draft documents of an agreement proposed by the American Land Conservancy for purchase of the Pine Gulch Creek property by the National Park Service should be ready for the November meeting. The ACL has indicated that the acquisition of the property is a very high priority for the Park and is asking for an extension of the purchase deadline until Federal funds are approved in the 2002-03 budget. The ACL has stated that it will guarantee the purchase.
Any changes to the draft response to the Civil Grand Jury survey of Special Districts should be submitted before next Wednesday. Director Kayfetz noted that the Joint Powers Agreement with Mesa Park and the Bolinas-Stinson School was not included.
Manager Buchanan will be attending an insurance workshop on risk transfer on November 8, 2001.
Only one bid was submitted for the treework adjacent to the children’s playground behind the BCPUD office.
-- Bertsch/Kayfetz unanimous to accept Pacific Slope Tree Cooperative’s bid to remove the four standing and three fallen trees at 270 Elm.
Bolinas Museum has requested the suspension of its second water and sewer connections, stating that it fully understands that any reactivation would require the payment of the accrued charges and penalties incurred during suspension.
-- Siedman/Kayfetz three ayes, Amoroso and Bertsch abstained to notify the County of Marin not to collect property taxes on the Bolinas Museum’s suspended second water and sewer connections
A letter from Bob Gold indicated that efforts by himself and Tom Williard to locate a used anemometer have not been successful. He recommended proceeding with the purchase of a new model, as approved at the October meeting.
Manager Buchanan will be on vacation on October 19, 2001.
4. Community Expression
Jill Whitcroft notified directors that the November meeting is the deadline for approval of ballot wording for the March election advisory measure on the bicycle/pedestrian paths along Olema-Bolinas Road. Director Siedman added that he has talked to Judy Molyneux who is waiting for an engineering report on an alternative proposal. Siedman indicated that he expects the “alternative” to be more or less ready for presentation at the November meeting. Whitcroft noted that such an alternative proposal should include funding sources equal in value to the “Marin County” proposal. Siedman indicated that he believed the alternative proposal would qualify for the County funding.
Cela O’Connor noted that the latest Environmental Assessment for the Wilkins Ranch, despite Nattional Park Service Superintendent Don Neubacher’s assertions to the contrary, falls far short of including the recommendations of the Bolinas Committee on Park Planning. She stated that BCOPP considers it to be very important that the Park Service does not accept any capital funds from its “Park Partners” until the General Management Plan Update is completed. She will draft a letter to be sent by BCPUD, outlining the concerns of BCOPP. Director Kayfetz asked that mention be made of the reference in the 1978 National Parks and Recreation Act to observance of input from local residents.
5. Expanded Water Permit Application: Bolinas Community
project location: 14 Wharf Road
Staff stated that the library remodel project includes the addition of a bathroom for the use of the librarians and would only be redirecting present usage.
-- Kayfetz/Siedman unanimous to grant an unconditional expanded water use permit, subject to the proposed new bathroom remaining exclusively for the use of the librarians.
6. Marin Draft Development Code and Marin Countywide Plan Update
The Board received a copy of the letter written by staff to Brian Crawford, Deputy Director of the Marin County Community Development Agency stating the issues identified by directors at the September meeting as being of local concern. Director Bertsch reported that the members of the Housing Committee have been contacted but no meeting has taken place yet. She has completed and returned the housing survey.
7. Roads: policy concerning tree maintenance within unpaved rights-of-way
Director McClellan proposed adding $15-20,000 to the 2002-03 budget to make a start on dealing with the more obviously dangerous trees In District rights-of way on the Gridded Mesa. Director Amoroso said he would be interested in developing a program for sharing the costs with adjacent property owners. No procedure for identifying priorities was settled on but there were no objections to adding the item to the draft 2002-03 budget.
8. 2001-02 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding: revising job titles to conform to job descriptions in District Resolution No. 470
-- Bertsch/Amoroso unanimous to approve the revised 2001-02 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding
9. Mesa Park: Resolution 472, approving the applicant to apply for grant funds for the Roberti-Z’Berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program under the Safe Neighborhood Parks, Clean Water, Clean Air, and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2000
Director Siedman outlined the three components of the Mesa Park grant proposal: installation of a wastewater reclamation facility to provide irrigation water for park playfields, provision of public restrooms, including sewer hookup to the sewage treatment facility which would be shared with the Bolinas Fire Department and the proposed Medical Clinic, and creation of a skatepark.
Director Kayfetz queried the source of water for the restrooms if handwashing facilities would be required. Siedman responded that purchased water, as is provided now, would be supplied in that eventuality. There were no objections to amending the narrative of the grant application to state “no municipal drinking water will be available for sinks”.
Director Amoroso established that no-one is receiving a grant fee. He asked how the funds would be spent. Siedman explained that the Fire Department will pay more than the cost of its share of the sewer hookup, due to the amount it will save by not installing a new septic system, and that difference will be contributed to the overall costs. The reclamation project will not cost as much as originally projected and the difference will be diverted to the skatepark. Siedman assured the Board that, as has always been the understanding, the District would be able to use the irrigation system to reduce excess load on the sewage treatment ponds in the winter.
Director Kayfetz objected to the item in the contract that stated that BCPUD agrees to maintain and operate the park. In response to the suggestion to add “Mesa Park as an agency is responsible for funds to operate and maintain the project(s)”, Siedman stated that, as the owner and applicant, BCPUD refusing responsibility might not be acceptable. Amoroso suggested adding, “as allowed by law” to the original language, since a vote by the community would be needed before the District could spend funds on the Park. He noted that if paragraphs 2 and 3 are removed from the resolution, the contract can still be signed, since the Mesa Park parcel tax will be in place by that time. If the resolution is not acceptable in its amended form it can be revised and accompanied by the Joint Powers Agreement.
-- Kayfetz/Bertsch four ayes, Siedman abstaining to approve Resolution 472, with the removal of Paragraph 2, stating that the applicant has or will have sufficient funds to operate and the maintain the project, and Paragraph 3, agreeing to the General Provisions contained in the Contract
Director Siedman noted that his abstention was involuntary.
10. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Downtown Parking:
Director Bertsch reported that the Downtown Parking Committee will not be meeting again until after the November vote.
-- Finance:
The Board received the first quarter finance report with no other comment than Director Bertsch’s commendation of staff’s handling of the recent changes to the bookkeeping and financial reporting.
-- Legal:
All points in the Martinelli v. Johnson cross complaint have been dropped except for the contention that, as franchisor, BCPUD should have known of, and is responsible for, the toxic content of the garbage taken by Shoreline to West Marin Landfill.
-- Septic: SepTAC update
Director McClellan reported that refining of the committee’s recommendations is still under way. Final recommendation should be ready towards the end of the year. Although inspections throughout Marin County will be mandatory, Bolinas is not the highest priority area needing attention. McClellan supports the idea of the inspections being conducted by the District. He notes that although the inspections are inevitable, the homeowner cost for repair and/or replacement of a failing system will be substantially less than under the current ordinance.
-- Sewer: Eucalyptus Containment Subcommittee report
The outcome of a walk around the area under consideration by Director Amoroso, Dale Polissar and Meg Simonds was to recommend some mowing and cutting and the planting of some native plants. No work will begin until the monarch butterfly overwintering season is over in April. Amoroso recommended continuing to budget in future years for maintenance of the area, and hiring someone to identify plants to be saved.
b. Minutes of September 19, 2001 Meeting
-- Kayfetz/Siedman four ayes, Amoroso abstained to approve September minutes
c. Warrants
-- Kayfetz/Siedman unanimous to approve warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
October 24, 2001, Special Meeting
November 28, 2001, Regular Meeting, at 7:30 p.m.
11. Adjournment
9:59 p.m.