Octobern 20, 2004 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board
Of Directors
October 20, 2004 270 Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order 8:02 pm
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, McClellan, Siedman, Smith, Kimball present
3. Manager’s Report
Staff presented a proposal from the Oakanders to finish tree removal work
in the lower northeast corner of the spray irrigation area not to exceed $8,000.
Amoroso/McClellan all in favor
to accept proposal.
Staff noted the Terrace Avenue Pipeline Replacement Project was completed
the week of October 11, 2004. Weather permitting; paving in the area will
be done on Friday, October 22nd, 2004.
The Board received a printed update from ACWA concerning the California
Performance Review Commission.
The Board received copies of the October 11, 2004 Steve Kinsey letter
updating the community on the Bolinas Lagoon Restoration Project.
The Board received copies of the ACWA State Budget Advisory noting that
the impact of the tax shift to Enterprise Districts may be higher than originally
Staff presented an estimate for paving the parking lot at 270 Elm, the BCPUD
building. Paving was noted at a previous Board meeting as one way to curtail
broken windows resulting when the lot is used by unauthorized persons as a
practice area for race-driving maneuvers.
4. Community Expression
Cela O’ Conner presented copies of an Air France magazine article touting
Bolinas as a travel destination. She will also send the article to the Beach
Committee so that it can be recorded in their data-gathering work.
5. Volunteer Committee Reports
--Alternative Energy: wind data analysis proposal.
The committee is considering installing a second anemometer for comparing
data to determine the best location for a possible wind-generation project.
Kimball/Amoroso all in favor to
hire a consultant to analyze the wind data BCPUD has collected over the past
two years.
-- Beach: initial report; request for legal opinion on camping; 9
public access easements (1990 Shoreline Protection Project)
Magi Barror noted the Bolinas Rod and Boat Club now has a representative
on the Beach Committee. The committee is currently gathering data about Brighton
Beach to determine the nature and extent of the issues. Any observations and
experiences should be directed to the Beach Committee. The Board provided
guidance to the committee regarding the appropriate way to add new members
and delete members who have not attended meetings with respect to their voting
rights as members of the committee. New members should apply to BCPUD for
Director Amoroso suggested representatives from the Beach Committee attend
the downtown parking town hall meeting on October 26th since the committees
share many of the same issues.
Director Amoroso noted that the agenda also included a request for a legal
opinion regarding camping on the beach. Magi Barror responded that it was
premature to request a legal opinion until the committee has had more time
to work on the issue. No one expressed a dissenting opinion.
Staff will update Coastal Access Manager Linda Locklin that the Board
will wait until the committee is further along in its work to consider accepting
the offers to dedicate.
-- Community Paths Group: California Environmental Quality Act:
consideration of issuing Notice of Availability of Initial Study and Notice
of Intent to Adopt Negative Declaration
Director McClellan pointed out that the path construction might be exempt
from CEQA.
Director Amoroso offered his resignation from the Paths Committee so meetings
will no longer require public notice as Board meetings since there will no
longer be three members of the BCPUD board on the committee.
The Paths Committee will continue working and will come back to the Board
when their action is needed.
--Downtown Parking and Traffic: presentation of plan and schedule
John Norton provided the draft-parking plan. October 26th, 2004 at 7:30
pm a town hall meeting is planned to gather feedback about the plan. The
plan controls downtown parking in an efficient manner that allows better
access to downtown services and recreation and creates additional handicapped
Director Amoroso said that this draft parking plan can be considered a first
phase of a continuing effort that will eventually address additional downtown
vehicle traffic issues.
Audience members posed questions to the committee ranging from whether any
parking will be allowed on Terrace to how the plan will be enforced.
Amoroso/Smith all in favor to reimburse
the committee for the cost of printing and mailing the draft plan out to all
Bolinas Postal Patrons and for the cost of the Community Center rental for
the related town hall meeting.
Director Amoroso noted that the plan’s detailed brochure was developed by
Steve Matson and Leo Kostelic and audience members applauded the excellent
work of everyone on the committee.
-- Mesa Drainage: proposed drainage improvements / culvert replacements
on Overlook Dr; agreement for Mesa survey work with County of Marin DPW; update
on pilot drainage project; recommendation for purchase of two culverts
for installation at Fern and Grove on Poplar; procedure for committee review
of road maintenance permit applications
Joan Bertsch apologized about a letter that went out to Overlook residents
prematurely. She noted the committee will seek Board
approval on all recommendations.
Vic Amoroso pointed out that the letter was based on an emailed summary
report from the committee chairperson. The report was forwarded to residents
by BCPUD as a notification, because if the schedule cited in the report materialized,
there would have been no other opportunities for notification
Andy Blake noted that the County will work on Bolinas roads in accordance
with the Todd Plan. He noted there are culverts that have been privately
funded and installed in the right of way. Who will pay for future repairs
and improvements of this work should be determined by the Board.
Several audience members thanked the committee for their excellent work.
They specifically noted that because of the committee’s donated labor, equipment
and expertise, the work of draining the mesa is within the reach of many residents
who otherwise could not afford to pay the full price of the work.
Finian Stevens stated he didn’t receive any notice about drainage to be
done in the right of way at his home.
Matt Lewis noted that the area near Stevens’ home is a critical part of
the overall Todd drainage plan because the culvert at Opal and Kale at Alder
collects run-off from most of the Mesa before it flows into Alder Creek. Stevens
and Lewis and the drainage committee will work together to implement a solution
at this location.
Director Smith noted that everyone involved in a drainage project should
be careful to communicate both clearly and often.
Andy Blake noted the pilot project at Evergreen and asked the Board if a
temporary culvert could be installed at this location by either the BCPUD
crew or a contractor
McClellan/Smith all in favor to install
an emergency culvert and to allow staff to either direct the BCPUD crew to
do it or to hire it done. Pilot Project funds will pay for the project.
Andy Blake suggested that unspent drainage funds carry over from year to
Director Siedman suggested the finance committee take a look at this suggestion.
Andy Blake pointed out the drainage committee’s mandate is to implement
the Todd Plan and requested that the Board vote to implement it.
Director Amoroso noted that in some cases the Todd Plan has been incorrect.
He further noted that a civil engineer should review the Todd Plan.
Andy Blake responded that a local civil engineer, Bonnie Jones, has reviewed
and approved the plan.
Director McClellan noted that BCPUD already has a roads ordinance that requires
that work within the rights of way be consistent with the specifications of
the Todd Plan.
McClellan/ Smith 4 in favor Amoroso
no to declare that drainage policy is as indicated in the existing
roads ordinance which uses the Todd Engineering Plan as the guiding document
in making drainage improvements.
Andy Blake requested that all road and drainage permit applicants be first
reviewed by the drainage committee and recommendations about each application
will then be made to the Board for their consideration.
McClellan/Kimball all in favor
that permits be reviewed first by the drainage committee. The committee will
make its recommendations about approval to the Board in a timely manner.
Smith/McClellan all in favor to amend the survey
contract to pay for all work as the County bills us and to take it out of
reserves if it exceeds the budget, subject to Board approval.
McClellan/Kimball 4 in favor Smith abstaining
to approve purchase and installation of two culverts at Fern/Poplar and Grove/Poplar
using money budgeted for the pilot drainage project. The Road Maintenance
Permit Form will be modified to indicate that, in cases where BCPUD has funds
available, culverts through intersections involved in future drainage improvement
projects will be installed at BCPUD’s expense, if such installations are necessary
to make a neighborhood project functional.
--Resource Recovery: financial report; tractor purchase proposal
Mike Aitken has located a used tractor in good shape and wishes to purchase
it for RRP and BCPUD’s use.
Amoroso/Smith all in favor to lend the RRP
project $23,000 at the prevailing interest rate and to be repaid in 24 months,
to purchase a used tractor that will be used both by RRP and BCPUD.
-- West Nile Virus Task Force: update from BCPUD Representative Stacey
discussion of ballot measure to approve Northwest Mosquito,
Vector, & Disease Control Assessment (annexation to Marin Sonoma Mosquito
& Vector Control District)
Stacey Henderson reported that dead birds were found in Inverness
and in downtown Bolinas. She requested that citizens continue to report dead
birds and encouraged voting for annexation to the Mosquito District.
Vic Amoroso noted the ballot was not a secret ballot and that it allowed
only one vote per household. Therefore, if household members disagreed about
how to vote on the matter, one household member’s vote could cancel the other
household member’s vote.
6. Measure A -- Marin Traffic Relief and Better Transportation
Act: request for Board of Directors endorsement
Roger Kovach requested BCPUD’s endorsement for Measure A which would allow
for more West Marin Stagecoach service. A failure to pass the Measure A, would
have resulted in a loss of Stagecoach.
McClellan/Smith all in favor to write
a letter of support for Measure A.
7. Request for Meter Installation: McDaniel.
150 Horseshoe Hill Road
Amoroso/McClellan all in favor to approve
application, contingent upon payment for a new water line.
8. Discussion Re Terrace Avenue Seawall at “Surfers’ Overlook”
Director Smith offered his report with a picture noting Terrace Avenue is
falling out at the “surfer’s overlook” area. Director Amoroso suggested Don’s
letter and photo be sent to the county. Director Siedman noted the importance
of keeping the county on notice about this area of Terrace. Staff noted the
fire department has also noticed the county regarding the issue.
9. Coastal Permit Application 04-12 (revised): Salwen.
216 Ocean Parkway
The Board had no further comment, beyond noting that action on the Expanded
Water Use Permit is pending.
10. Mesa Park: Youth Soccer Recreation Development
Program; RZH Act Grant
Smith/Kimball all in favor to approve resolutions
designating an authorized representative to apply for grants and to execute
contracts at no expense to BCPUD. Staff will model the resolutions on the
earlier approvals.
11. Pine Gulch Creek property: update on appraisal
Cela O’Connor escorted appraiser Norman Orr to the property and Orr’s appraisal
is underway. While on the property, O’Connor noted non-permitted work occurring
on the BCPUD property and she provided a copy of the letter she wrote to the
County noting the violations.
12. Other Business: Board Committee Reports
--Finance: 1st quarter financial report The Board received a
copy of the current financial report noting that expenditures are tracking
at 23% of the budgeted funds. Staff noted that the first installment of property
tax revenue and fees and charges placed on the tax bill by BCPUD will be deposited
to district accounts the third week in December.
--Legal: Director Amoroso suggested the search for a new attorney for future
needs should be ongoing.
--Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: nothing to report
--Operations: nothing to report
-- Park and Recreation: The DHS bill for review of the water reclamation
project will be sent to Mesa Park.
-- Personnel: consideration of procedure for appointment to
permanent employment position (administrative assistant). Board will
meet in closed session on November 17th to consider appointment
--Sewer: nothing to report
b. Minutes of August 18, 2004 Meeting Smith/McClellan
to approve 4 in favor, Kimball abstained
c. Minutes of September 15, 2004 Meeting Amoroso/Smith
all in favor to approve minutes as amended.
d. Warrants Amoroso/Smith all in favor to
approve the warrants
e. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) November 17th, 2004
7 pm closed session, 7:30 pm regular meeting.
13. Adjournment 12: 12 am