Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

October 20, 2010    7:30pm     270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order.

2.    Roll.

3.    Manager’s Report.

-- Update on Terrace Avenue (at Surfer’s Overlook)  Water Main Relocation Project.
--  Approve Agreement for Geotechnical Engineering Consulting Services – Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project
-- Update on the Award of Prop. 84 Grant Funds for Projects to Enhance the Duxbury Reef Area of Special   Biological Significance(“ASBS”).
-- Approve MOU between the County of Marin, Point Reyes National Seashore and BCPUD Regarding Implementation of Water Quality Improvement Projects in the Duxbury Reef Area of Special Biological Significance; Review Grant Agreement between the State Water Resources Control Board and the County
-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.

4.    Community Expression.

5.    Update on Osterweis Petition to Vacate (200 Pine Gulch Creek Road)

6.    North Bay Corporation (dba Redwood Empire Waste Disposal) Request for Rate Adjustment effective January 1, 2011.

7.    Approve Letter to County of Marin Department of Public Works in Support of New No Parking Zone on Terrace Ave. Beginning at the Southern Property Boundary of 18 Terrace and Extending to Surfer’s Overlook.

8.    Application to Improve the BCPUD Right-of-Way:  Re-establish Ditch on North Side of Poplar Road between Evergreen and Iris Roads.

9.    Update on Olema-Bolinas Road Bike Path Planting Proposal (Kimball).

10.    Approve Letter to Realtors re: Disclosures to Prospective Property Purchasers Concerning BCPUD Water Meter Moratorium and County Of Marin Water Well Setback Requirements.

11.    Expanded Water Use Permits and Establishment of Maximum Quarterly Water Usage Limitations.

12.    Request for Modification of Annual Water and Sewer Charges; Proposed Abandonment of Sewer Connection (26 Wharf Road – Downtown Park).

13.   Resolution 594:  Approving Form of Contract Documents for the Horseshoe Hill Road Water Main Extension Project and Awarding a Contract for the Project to the Lowest Responsible Qualified Bidder, Subject to Certain Conditions.

14.    Repeal Existing Ordinances 30, 33, 34, and 35 and Replace with a New Ordinance to Establish Procedures Applicable to the Public Rights-of-Way on the Bolinas Gridded Mesa.
15.    Call for Nominations – LAFCO Alternate Special District Member

16.  Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:
-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee: 
-- Resource Recovery:  Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and Initial Study
-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee: 
-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:

17.     Other Business
a.  Board Committee Reports
-- Finance:  Draft FY 2009-2010 Audit
-- Legal: 
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: 
-- Operations: 
-- Park and Recreation: 
-- Personnel: 
-- Sewer:   
b. Minutes of the September 15, Regular Meeting; Minutes of the August 11, 2010 Special Meeting, Minutes of the September 14, 2010 Special Meeting, Minutes of the October 7, 2010 Special Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

18.  Adjournment.