Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

October 21, 2015   7:30pm    270 Elm Road, Bolinas




1.  Call to Order.


2.  Roll.


3.  Manager’s Report.


-- Update on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.

-- Update on the Wharf Road Lift Station Pump Replacement Project:  Request from West Yost Associates for Additional $3,168 For Work Performed in Excess of Approved Project Budget.

-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection Byproduct Reduction Project.

-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report.


4.   Community Expression.


5.   Expanded Water Use Permit Application - 30 Terrace Avenue, Bolinas (APN #193-133-13) (T. Traska)


6.   Request from the West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council for BCPUD to Take A Leadership Role in Negotiations with the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District to Extend the Non-Toxic Protocol Agreement; Letter to the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District.


7.   BCPUD Ordinance 30:  Report from the Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads Committee re: BCPUD Board of Director’s Policy Concerning Obstructions and Encroachments in the Public Rights-of-Way on the Bolinas Mesa;  Letter to S. Hodge re: BCPUD Enforcement of Ordinance 30.


8.   Establishment of BCPUD Policy re: Expanded Water Use Permit (Caps on Water Use) Applicable to Property Owners Building Second Units on Existing Septic Systems.


9.   Marin Local Agency Formation Commission:  BCPUD Comments on Countywide Water Service Study (Municipal Service Review – Draft Report, August 2015).


10.   Water Supply Update.


11. Volunteer Committee Reports.

-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Committee:

-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:

-- Resource Recovery:  Notice of Violation from the Marin County Environmental Health Services Department.

-- West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:

-- Land Stewardship Committee: 


12.  Other Business.

  a.  Board Committee Reports.

-- Finance:

-- Legal: 

-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: 

-- Operations: 

-- Park and Recreation: 

-- Personnel:  Hiring Update.

-- Sewer:  Statement of Qualifications – Allied Engineers, Inc.

b. Minutes of the September 16, 2015 regular meeting.

c. Warrants.

d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s):


13.  Adjournment.