BCPUD Candidates’ Night
October 22, 2003       8 p.m.      

270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.  Introductions
    Victor Amoroso, Andrew Blake, Joel Braverman, Joan Kopfer
      and Don Smith are running for two seats –
      one is occupied by candidate Victor Amoroso,
      one by Paul Kayfetz, who did not file for re-election.
Note:  although their names will appear on the ballot,
      candidates Andrew Blake and Joan Kopfer have announced
      that they are withdrawing from the election.

2.  Candidates’ Opening Statements

    Each Candidate will have up to 3 minutes to make
      her/his opening statement.

3.  Questions From The Audience

    Time for questions directed to individual candidates. 
      The candidate to whom the question is directed will  have
      up to 3 minutes to respond.  Other candidates who wish to
      respond to the question or to the initial candidate’s
      response will have up to 1 minute.

4.  Questions From Candidates

    Each candidate may ask 1 question of the other candidates. 
     The candidate to whom the question is directed will  have up
      to 3 minutes to respond.  Other candidates who wish to respond
      to the question or to the initial candidate’s response will have up
      to 1 minute.

5.  Candidates’ Closing Statements

    Each Candidate will have up to 3 minutes to make his/her closing statement.

6.  Adjournment

    Total time allotted for the meeting is 2½ hours.  If this is insufficient, another
     Candidates’ Night may be scheduled for October 29, 2003