Call to Order.
2. Roll.
Amoroso, Comstock and Smith present; directors Godino and Siedman absent. Director Amoroso presiding.
3. Community
4. Letter from the BCPUD re: the
California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Draft Statewide Plant Pest
Prevention and Management Programmatic Environmental Impact Report.
Comstock and Smith presented a comment letter they prepared for submittal to
the California Department of Food and Agriculture (“CDFA”) concerning its draft
Statewide Plant Pest Prevention and Management Programmatic Environmental
Impact Report (“PEIR”). In general, the letter opposes the PEIR
because of the broad mandate it would provide to the CDFA for chemical
pesticide use without further opportunity for environmental review in specific
settings, for the potential damage to organic crops, and for the potential harm
posed by the use of such chemicals to watersheds that supply drinking water
throughout California. Director Amoroso
suggested the letter make clear that it is being submitted on behalf of the
BCPUD Board (and not just the two signatory directors). Director Smith requested that the BCPUD be
identified as a political subdivision of the State of California because he
feels it carries more weight and would better identify the district for the
CDFA. Stacey Henderson inquired about
where she can get more information about the CDFA’s proposed action; director
Comstock explained that Eleanor Lyman provided a website link to more
information and noted that the close of the comment period is tomorrow. Director Smith offered clarifying revisions to
the draft letter, which were incorporated by staff. The Board directed staff to submit the
letter, with all of the revisions noted, to the local and statewide legislators
(including Governor Brown and Congressmember Huffman) as well as the CDFA. Eleanor Lyman thanked the Board for its
excellent letter.
L. Comstock/D. Smith three in favor, two absent to approve the district’s comment
letter to the CDFA on the Draft Statewide Plant Pest Prevention and Management
Programmatic Environmental Impact Report.
5. Adjournment.