Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

November 15, 2006     7:30 p.m.      270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order

2.    Roll

3.    Manager’s Report
      -- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

4.    Community Expression

5.    Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Beach: See Item 9, below.
-- Bolinas Community Plan Review Committee:
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:
-- Community Paths Group: 
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic: 
-- Resource Recovery:  Receive October Financial Report; Receive October minutes.
-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:
-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:  See Item 13, below.
6.    Dwaileebe Ag Structures Coastal Permit and Design Review Clearance (CP 07-10 & DC 07-26), 421 Ocean Parkway, Bolinas (APN: 190-191-23, 08 10); Request to Establish Access Road over BCPUD Right-of-Way (Locust) between Opal Road and Ocean Parkway.

7.    Simac Ag Structure Coastal  Permit and Design Review (CP 06-32 & DC 06-143), Fern Road (no assigned address) (APN: 192-111-15).

8.    Application to Improve the BCPUD Right-of-Way on Alder (between Evergreen and Grove) and Grove (between Alder and Larch) Roads (Moritz); Installation of Culverts under the BCPUD Rights-of-Way on Fern Road at Grove and under Grove (near the Alder swale).

9.    Discuss Beach Committee Final Report and Next Steps; Request for County Board of Supervisors to Extend for an Additional Year Current Marin County Code, Title 6, Chapter 6.90:  Bolinas Beach Camping Restrictions.

10.    Proposal to Revise Metered Water Delivery Charges and/or Create a Fifth Tier of Metered Water Delivery Charges.

11.  Amendments to Ordinance 30:  (1) Regulating Pesticide Use in BCPUD Rights-Of-Way and  (2) Granting the General Manager Authority to Issue Certain Permits for Improvements or Alterations to the BCPUD Rights-of-Way.

12.    Resolution 539:  Requiring District Customers to Reimburse the BCPUD for Repair Costs to BCPUD Equipment for Damage Caused by Customers.

13.  Resolution 540:  In Support of the West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council.

14.    Update on Tomales Bay Watershed Council progress on Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan.

15.    Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports
-- Finance:  Receive First Quarter Financial Report.
-- Legal: 
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
-- Operations:
-- Park and Recreation: 
-- Personnel:
-- Sewer:   
b.  Minutes of the October 18, 2006 Regular Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
