A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
November 17, 2004     7:30 p.m.     

270 Elm Road, Bolinas

7:00 p.m. – Closed Session (Personnel Matters – GC §54957)


 1.  Call to Order

 2.  Roll / Announcement Re Closed Session

 3.  Manager’s Report

 4.  Community Expression

 5.  Volunteer Committee Reports

    -- Alternative Energy:
    -- Beach:
    -- Community Paths Group:  CEQA: consideration of Notice of Intention to seek exemption
    -- Downtown Parking and Traffic:  Parking Plan – March 8, 2005 Ballot Measure Wording
    -- Mesa Drainage:
    -- Resource Recovery:  financial report; minutes
    -- West Nile Virus Task Force:

 6.  Solid Waste:  Waste Management rate adjustment request

 7.  Coastal Permit Application 05-13; Expanded Water Use Permit Application 04-06:
    Smith / O’Connor – 169 Elm Road

 8.  Expanded Water Use Permit Application.  Salwen.  216 Ocean Parkway

 9.  Resolution 515, Proposing An Election Be Held In Its Jurisdiction; Requesting The Board Of Supervisors To Consolidate With Any Other Election Conducted On Said Date; And Requesting Election Services By The County Registrar of Voters

10.  Local Coastal Program:  proposed Coastal Commission resolution regarding periodic review

11.  Personnel Appointment:  Administrative Assistant

12.  Mesa Park:  request for BCPUD to provide administrative services

13.  TBA

14.  TBA

15.  Other Business

    a.  Board Committee Reports
        -- Finance:  2003-04 Audit; PERS 2005-06 employer contribution rate
        -- Legal:
        -- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
        -- Operations:
        -- Park and Recreation:
        -- Personnel:
        -- Sewer:   
    b.  Minutes of October 20, 2004 Meeting
    c.  Warrants
    d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

16.  Adjournment