Bolinas Community Public Utilities District
A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors

November 18, 2009     7:30pm     270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order.

2.    Roll.

3.    Manager’s Report.

-- Update on the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) Accessibility of the BCPUD Building.
-- Drainage Project Manager’s Report

4 .    Community Expression.

5.    McCarthy Coastal Permit (CP 10-15) and Minor Design Review (DM 10-20), Expanded Water Use Permit Application; APN # 193-020-50, 60 Mesa Road (to legalize a 450 square-foot detached accessory structure; a 640 square foot detached horse shelter; and, a 14-foot tall temporary screen)
6.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 104 Terrace Avenue (S. Frank).

7.    Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 295 Grove (J. Molyneux).

8.       Expanded Water Use Permit: Notice of Non-Compliance - 59 Brighton Avenue (Perkins).

9.    Expanded Water Use Permits and Property Owners’ Disclosure Obligations.   

10.    Accept Donation of Real Property from the Bolinas Community Center, Inc.

11.    Marin County Local Coastal Plan Update:  Meeting re: Bolinas Community Planning Issues on Dec. 3, 2009 at 7:00 p.m., 100 Mesa Road (Bolinas Fire Protection District Public Meeting Room); Dissolution of Bolinas Planning Group.

12.    November 3, 2009 Election:  Discuss Election Results and Next Steps re: Measure H (Bolinas Beach Advisory Measure)

13.    Ordinance 38:  Repealing and Replacing BCPUD Resolution 152 (Water Meter Transfer Resolution).

14.    Ordinance 39:  Amending Ordinance 29 (Regulating the BCPUD’s Sewer System); Discuss Update of the BCPUD’s Sewer System Management Plan.

15.    Request for BCPUD to Pass a Resolution in Favor of More Local Authority over Siting Regulations for Cell Towers and Other Wireless Facilities.  (J. Elliott)

16.  Letter from the BCPUD to the Marin County Board of Supervisors in Support of the Reappointment of Ed Schulze to the Board of Directors of the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District.

17.  Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy: 
-- Bolinas Planning Group:
-- Bolinas Lagoon Technical Advisory Committee:
-- Downtown Parking & Traffic Committee:
-- Resource Recovery:
-- Terrace Avenue/Alternative Access Road Committee:
-- West Nile Virus Task Force/West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council:

18.     Other Business
a.  Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: 
-- Legal: 
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: 
-- Operations: 
-- Park and Recreation: 
-- Personnel: 
-- Sewer:   
b. Minutes of the October 21, 2009 Regular Meeting.
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s) 

19.  Adjournment.