1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Election of Board Officers / Board Committee Assignments for 2002
6. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Bolinas Community
Land Trust
project location: 20 Wharf Road (Gibson House)
7. Mesa Park: Ratification of Resolution 474, approving application for grant funds for the Roberti-Z’Berg-Harris Urban Open Space and Recreation Program and certifying that BCPUD has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project; Coastal Permit Application 02-9 status report; Oswald/Green letter re project report
8. Mesa Septic: report on SepTAC final recommendations
9. Solid Waste: Waste Management contract proposal
10. Safe Drinking Water Loan: opportunity to refinance 1993 Series A and B bonds
11. Pacific Bell Request for Easement on BCPUD property adjacent to Olema-Bolinas Road
12. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Legal:
-- Solid Waste: Resource Recovery
Project: finance / operations
b. Minutes of November 28, 2001 Meeting
c. Minutes of December 19, 2001 Meeting
d. Warrants
e. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
13. Adjournment