A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
December 15, 2004      7:30 p.m.      

270 Elm Road, Bolinas


 1.  Call to Order

 2.  Roll

 3.  Manager’s Report

 4.  Community Expression

 5.  Volunteer Committee Reports
       -- Alternative Energy:  rebate application
       -- Beach:  recommendation that BCPUD request County of Marin
           reinstate camping ban ordinance for 1 year and to make the ban
           apply to all weekends, not just those between May and October
           (action item)
       -- Community Paths Group: 
       -- Downtown Parking and Traffic: report on December 1 meeting;
           impact of 86 Wharf road project on parking; parking plan update
       -- Mesa Drainage: report on December 8 meeting;
           pilot project update
       -- Resource Recovery:  November financial report
       -- West Nile Virus Task Force:

 6.  Other Business

    a.  Board Committee Reports
        -- Finance: 
        -- Legal:
        -- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
        -- Operations:
        -- Park and Recreation:  notice seeking applicants for a
             4 year term on Mesa Park Board of Commissioners
        -- Personnel:
        -- Sewer:   
    b.  Minutes of November 17, 2004 Meeting
    c.  Warrants
    d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

 7.  Adjournment