Bolinas Community Public Utility District
A Regular Meeting Of The
Board Of Directors
December 15, 2004 270
Elm Road, Bolinas
1. Call to Order 7:31 pm
2. Roll
Directors Amoroso, Kimball, Siedman and Smith present
Director McClellan arrived at 7:34 pm
Director Siedman presiding
3. Manager’s Report
Board members received a letter from Peter Oakander, thanking BCPUD for
the good work done during the Terrace Avenue Pipeline Replacement Project.
Staff reported that installing a new water line to 190 Horseshoe Hill Road
with a separate service to 180 Horseshoe Hill Road is being held over until
Summer, 2005. The owner of number 190 has been assured that there is no time
limit to requesting the meter’s installation.
Staff reported that Norman Orr has not completed the appraisal of the Pine
Gulch Creek property. Review of the appraisal will be placed on the agenda
of the January 19th, 2005 meeting.
Board members received draft copies of the BCPUD Pipeline. Feedback should
be received by Thursday, December 23, 2004. Director Kimball asked that the
chairs of the featured committees review their respective sections in the
Board members received an invitation to toast the New Year with the BCPUD
employees on December 30th, 5 pm, in the BCPUD office.
4. Community Expression
5. Volunteer Committee Reports
--Alternative Energy: rebate application
Bob Gold pointed out that since the PG&E rebates have been reduced,
there is now no hurry to apply for the rebates by 12/31/04. He suggested the
committee meeting when he has completed the new project cost projections using
the revised rebate figures.
--Beach: recommendation that BCPUD request County of Marin reinstate
the camping ban ordinance for 1 year and to make the ban apply to all weekends,
not just those between May and October.
The Board reviewed a draft letter requesting that County of Marin reinstate
the camping ban ordinance, revising it to include a year-round ban.
Kimball/Smith all in favor to send the letter to
Marin County Supervisor Steve Kinsey
-- Community Paths Group:
Don Smith reported that the project did not receive the
Transportation Development Fund grant this year. However, Steve Kinsey has
offered to help look for funding. The group will begin looking for additional
funding sources as well. A $40,000 tax measure would be the last resort for
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic: report on December 1 meeting; impact of
86 Wharf Road project on parking; parking plan update
Director Amoroso reported the parking plan must be granted
a Coastal Permit at a cost of $1,800 dollars. The committee has decided to
first informally work with the Coastal Commission to determine the likelihood
of receiving a permit, then seek voter approval if permit approval seems assured,
and then apply for the required permit. Director Amoroso noted that the Commission
might question the provision designating exclusive use of specific parking
spaces for Bolinas residents, but said this is part of a minimum plan and
anything less than this might not be worth pursuing.
Director Amoroso noted that the 86 Wharf Road project
has resulted in the loss of one or two public parking space. Roger Peacock,
the project’s contractor, noted that in cases such as this one, County building
requirements can inadvertently reduce the number of available public parking
spaces because a driveway to required off-street parking must be installed.
He recommended that the Board bring this matter to the attention of County
planners so that in the future the loss of public parking can be eliminated.
Director Amoroso suggested the letter be copied to Steve Kinsey’s office.
Staff will distribute, prior to mailing, a draft letter to directors for comment.
--Mesa Drainage: report on December 8 meeting; pilot project update
Matt Lewis noted that the Poplar Road drainage trench may need some
adjustments. Carol Katz, from the audience, pointed out that the current trench
is actually draining onto her private property. She requested that this area
be filled back in and that the trench be extended to the existing drainageway
just west of the Iris Road right-of-way. She pointed out that neighbors should
have been notified of the work in advance of the project.
Director Amoroso pointed out that the project, as originally approved, would
have run down the north side of Poplar and would have avoided the problems
cited. Matt Lewis disagreed.
Matt Lewis and the Drainage Committee will work with the parties involved
in the project during their January 12th, 2005 meeting and will report the
outcome at the next board meeting.
Board members received copies of Matt Lewis’ Drainage Committee report.
Board members also received copies of Alan Margolis’ letter of resignation
from the Drainage Committee.
-- Resource Recovery: November financial report
Board members received copies of the November 2005 financial report. Staff
reported that the project will repay BCPUD loan used to purchase a skip loader
at the rate of $1500.00 monthly, with a final payment of $500.00 in
March, 2006.
--West Nile Virus Task Force:
Jim Wanderscheid, manager of the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control
District, will attend the January, 2005 board meeting to discuss Bolinas’
entry into the Mosquito Abatement District. Prior to his attendance, staff
will request that he also discuss under what circumstances the District might
use toxic substances to kill mosquitos. Staff will notify the Point Reyes
Light about the meeting in case they want to report his comments to the wider
West Marin community.
--Draft Committee Guidelines
Board members received copies of Director Kimball’s draft
Guidelines for BCPUD’s Volunteer Committees. Suggestions were made and Director
Kimball will present a revised draft at the next board
6. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
--Finance: A draft 2005 BCPUD budget is underway. Staff recommended
that the finance committee meet an additional time in 2005.
-- Legal: Board members received a copy of the district counsel’s letter
to the Martinellis’ attorney, requesting that BCPUD be dismissed as a cross-defendant
in State of California v West Marin Sanitary Landfill,
et al.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: nothing to report
-- Operations: nothing to report
--Park and Recreation: Director Siedman noted that Andy Blake’s term
on the Mesa Park Board of Commissioners expires in January, 2005. Staff will
publish a notice inviting applications for the
new four-year term and will notify Bolinas School and incumbent Blake directly.
-- Personnel: nothing to report
-- Sewer: nothing to report
b. Minutes of November 17, 2004 Meeting
Smith/Kimball all in favor
to approve the minutes with Director Amoroso’s suggested changes.
c. Warrants Amoroso/Kimball all in favor
to approve the warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting January, 19th, 2005
7. Adjournment 9:20pm