A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
December 17, 2003       7:30 p.m.      

270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.  Call to Order

2.  Roll

3.  Manager’s Report

4.  Community Expression

5.  Seating of New Directors: 
     certificate of election; oath of office

6.  Proposal To Seek Legal Opinion: 
     Board/Committee Brown Act Implications

7.  Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  Liebenstein. 
     46 Wharf Road (Coast Café)

8.  Expanded Water Use Permit – Request for Variance: 
      Spangler.  11 Wharf Road (Blue Heron)

9.  Roads:  Complaint Re Unauthorized Road Work at
      Poplar and Kale;  proposed Department of Public
      Works survey agreement; update on pilot drainage project

10.  Pine Gulch Creek Fence Project

11.  Call For Nominations:  LAFCO Special District Member

12.  Sewer System:  review of Resolution 443 and connection fee schedule;
        proposal to establish sewer connection application priority list

13.  TBA

14.  TBA

15.  Other Business

a.  Committee Reports
      -- Alternative Energy:
      -- Downtown Parking and Traffic:
      -- Finance: 
      -- Legal:
      -- Mesa Septic, Roads and Drainage:
      -- Operations:
      -- Park and Recreation:
      -- Personnel:
      -- Sewer:  Resource Recovery Project; Community Paths Group
      -- Solid Waste: 
b.  Minutes of November 19, 2003 Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)

16.  Adjournment