Call to Order.
7: 30 p.m.
Directors Amoroso, Comstock,
Godino, Siedman and Smith present; director Siedman presiding.
3. Manager’s Report.
-- Update
on the Terrace Avenue Bluff Stabilization Project.
The Working Group is exploring how to best
establish a non-profit entity to which “Save Terrace Avenue” donations can be donated
on a tax-deductible basis. Staff
consulted with the district’s outside CPA on this topic and a written summary
of the conversation is in the Board binders.
In brief, to establish a 501(c)(3) entity, it is necessary to develop
articles of incorporation and by-laws, appoint a Board, and submit applications
to the IRS, the state’s Franchise Tax Board and the state’s Registry of
Charitible trusts and to follow the applicable rules and regulations, including
annual filings with all three entities and meticulous bookkeeping. An alternative is to work with an existing
non-profit as the project’s “fiscal sponsor”, although the fiscal sponsor then
typically assesses a fee of 10% or more, which could be a deterrant to
donations. TheWorking Group plans to meet
on December 23rd at 11:00 a.m. to discuss next steps.
-- Update on the BCPUD Chlorine Disinfection Byproduct
Reduction Project.
Lewie Likover reported that the clarifier rehabilitation project is nearly complete. New
stairs and guard rails have been installed and the existing overflow piping
(which is rusted) is scheduled to be replaced next month. Conduit was laid for new electrical lines and
most of the backwash diversion piping was imbedded in the ground before
the rains. A new finished water turbidometer
has been installed and the old turbidometer was put on the raw water line to
measure raw turbidity. A new chlorine
analyzer is now on-line and running smoothly, and a new chlorine pump will be
set up, as well. Jonathan Van Bourg is connecting
the various switches and wiring for new alarms and shutoffs, and he is ordering
necessary accessories. Finally, Lewie
reported that he continues to research the district’s options for automatic
strainer baskets that will work effectively on the district’s raw water
transmission line (i.e., at low pressure).
-- Update on Status of the
BCPUD’s Capital Improvement Plan.
The district’s consulting engineers have
almost completed their valuation of the district’s priority assets. Staff noted that the engineers are
recommending that the district seek a waiver from the State of its requirement to
install 4-inch (minimum) mains; many of the district water mains in need of
replacement are 2-inch lines and it would be very costly (an unnecessary) to
upgrade to 4-inch lines; in addition, this would increase the detention time in
the distribution system, which contributes to the chlorine disinfection
byproduct problem. As such, staff intends
to submit a waiver request to the State and permission to install smaller
diameter mains.
As for the district’s current capital
improvement projects, Administrative Assistant Belle Wood continues to do a
wonderful job of implementing the new billing software and it should be
completely installed by January 2015. The new meter to measure flows from the downtown
sewer collection system into the district’s treatment ponds has been purchased
and was scheduled for installation earlier this month, but staff has been fully
occupied with pre- and post-storm work.
Staff will install the meter as soon as time permits. The Mesa Park Ballfield Irrigation and Public
Restroom Project is nearly complete; only the installation of the restroom and
connection of restroom utilites remains to be done, along with several “punch
list” items. The installation of the
restroom has been delayed due to heavy rains and site conditions; it is simply
too wet to safely operate the crane required to lift and place the
restroom. Staff noted that Mesa Park
delivered a check to the BCPUD for $50,000 to cover project costs as agreed per
the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding entered into earlier this year.
Water consumption in the district continues
to be very low, especially since the rains started; staff directed the Board’s attention to the
consumption numbers in the Board books.
As for rain totals, this year the district received 5.1 inches of rain
in November, and has received 19.3 inches of rain thus far in December. The total rain fall received this year (from
July 1, 2014 to the present) is 25.8 inches. In contrast, last year the district received
3.3 inches of rain in November, and 0.7 inches of rain in December. The major rainfall news within the district
at present was the big storm last week – the district received 6 inches of rain
in 24 hours from that storm. District
staff were very busy preparing for the storm, and cleaning up afterward;
Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover monitored drainage closely during and
after the storm. Staff noted that the
post-storm power outage was caused by a blown transformer near the Woodrat
Water Treatment Plant. The County’s
Department of Public Works road crew was on scene early on during the storm and
did a commendable amount of clean-up work; staff proposed to send a letter of
appreciation, and there was no objection from the Board. The Arroyo Hondo creek is flowing hard; the
storm took down some trees and tree limbs that are now endangering the
district’s transmission lines, so tree work will be completed when it has dried
out and is safe to work. The district’s
reservoirs are full and spilling.
John Norton reported a slide below a small
impoundment near the windmill on National Park Service (“NPS”) land across from
the Woodrat #2 reservoir. Staff
investigated and confirmed there is a 4-acre foot “non-jurisdictional” dam at
this location which is owned by the NPS and leased to Commonweal. Staff notified the Point Reyes National
Seashore (“PRNS”) and met with PRNS staff to express concern about the
implications of a failure of this dam:
the district’s raw water line from the Arroyo Hondo Creek and a treated
water line are vulnerable if a large amount of water is released, and a breach
could cause considerable silt and debris to impact water quality in the
Woodrat#2 reservoir. PRNS staff will
meet with staff from the Bureau of Reclamation and will update the district on
next steps after that meeting.
Staff met recently with County Environmental
Health Services staff about the irrigation well at the Resource Recovery site
and steps needed to ensure the protection of groundwater there. It was agreed that staff will submit a site
operations plan to whereby (1) during rainy season, a 60-foot setback will be
maintained between all compost piles and the well pad, and (2) a berm will be constructed around the
well pad to divert rainwater.
On the wastewater side of operations, the
district experienced high flows into the sewer system during the storm –
160,000 gallons were pumped into the ponds from downtown, whereas the norm is
20,000 -30,000 gallons. Staff plans to
conduct a smoke test and other inspections to determine whether a failed
cleanout, or roof gutter tie-in or some other point source is diverting
stormwater into the collection system.
As reported at last month’s meeting, the
district experienced some damage to its sewer collection main on Wharf Road in
the vicinity of the County’s seawall repair project. Staff will be meeting with County staff to discuss
responsibility for payment. Staff
directed the Board’s attention to an e-mail in the meeting binders from the
district’s wastewater consultant advising, with regard to the new order issued
by the State Water Resources Control Board for small domestic wastewater
systems, that the Regional Board will contact the distict if it wants us to
apply for coverage under the new order – until then, the district should continue
to operate per the terms of its existing permit.
The Board reviewed correspondence sent and
received since the last regular meeting, including a notice of abandonment by
Jeremy Kidson of his property on the ocean side of Ocean Parkway and a copy of
the final Proposed Enviornment Impact Report concerning the California Department
of Food & Agriculture’s statewide plant pest prevention and management
Drainage Project Manager’s Report.
Drainage Project Manager Lewie Likover
submitted a written report and was present to answer questions from the Board.
4. Community
Director Comstock requested that the Board advance
to item 6 on the agenda; there was no objection.
6. Request from North Bay Corporation for Annual
Rate Adjustment of 2.52% Effective January 1, 2015.
Steve McCaffrey greeted the Board and said he
was present to formally request the rate increase allowed per the terms of the
company’s franchise agreement with the district. He noted that the agreement provides for an
increase equal to 85% of the Bay Area consumer price index. As such, for a 32 gallon can, the monthly fee
would increase from $16.49 to $16.91.
L. Comstock/D.Smith all in favor to
approve the annual rate adjustment per the terms of the franchise
5. Request for Financial Relief from Quarterly
Water Bill pursuant to BCPUD Resolution 553 – 185 Iris Road (Weare).
Chris Weare was present by telephone to
answer questions from the Board.
Director Smith inquired whether the leak was visible on the property
given the amount of water loss. Chris
said the BCPUD alerted him to the leak, which was on the water line to the
house near the meter on Iris Road, which was observed during the quarterly meter
read. Noting that the Board approved a
prior request for financial relief due to water loss at this same property,
director Smith inquired whether anyone lives full-time at the house. Chris said that a tenant is there, but uses
the Juniper Road entrance and did not see the leak. He said that as soon as the leak was brought
to his attention, he shut off water immediately and hired Rudi Ferris to repair
the pipe. After a brief discussion,
director Amoroso moved that the Board grant full financial relief for the
amount of water attributable to the leak, but noted it is the last time the
Board will grant relief at this property under the same circumstances. Director Comstock seconded the motion on the
ground that it was difficult to observe and the owner did move aggressively to
repair it; he echoed director Amoroso’s remarks that a third request for relief
will not be well-received and urged the owner to monitor the property
V. Amoroso/L. Comstock all in favor to
grant full financial relief from the quarterly water bill for the amount
attributable to the leak based on the historical usage during the same quarter
at this property for the prior three years.
7. West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating
Council: Update on Issues For Discussion
with the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District at the January 6,
2015 Special Meeting of the BCPUD Board of Directors Concerning the Renewal of
a Non-Toxic Protocol for West Marin. (L. Goldblatt).
Liza Goldblatt thanked the Board for agreeing
to host the January 6, 2015 meeting concerning the non-toxic protocol for West
Marin. She reported that an
OMRI-approved adulticide and larvacide have been released for mosquito control
and that she has provided information about these products to the Marin/Sonoma
Mosquito & Vector Control District (“M&VCD”). Discussion ensued about likely topics of
discussion during the meeting, the importance of education and mechanical
control of mosquitoes to reduce the need for any type of chemical treatment,
OMRI-approved or otherwise. In response
to questions from directors, Liza said the objective of the meeting is to
persuade the M&VCD Board members in attendance to recommend to their full
Board that the M&VCD renew the existing non-toxic protocol for West Marin
on the same terms. Liza will submit
information to the local newspapers about the meeting and to her network of
contacts, as well.
8. Cross-Connection Control Survey Mailer to
BCPUD Customers.
Staff presented a draft cross-connection
control mailer to BCPUD customers to the Board for its consideration. Staff reminded the Board that the district is
required by the State Water Resources Control Board to issue this survey to
determine whether additional backflow prevention devices are needed on the
district’s distribution system to protect the quality of the water. Directors offered suggested revisions to the
text of the cover letter and survey and directed staff to proceed with
V. Amoroso/L. Comstock all in favor to
approve the cross-connection control survey, as amended.
9. Water
Supply Update.
Director Smith reported that the Operations Committee
is planning to meet with consulting hydro-geologist Rob Gailey next month to
discuss next steps on the district’s water supply study.
10. Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Bolinas Lagoon Advisory
Committee: Nothing to report.
-- Downtown Parking &
Traffic Committee: Nothing to report.
Resource Recovery: Nothing further to report.
West Marin Mosquito Control Coordinating Council: Nothing
further to report.
Land Stewardship Committee: Recommendation for Removal of Pampas Grass from
BCPUD Sewer Pond Lands. Director Siedman reported that the committee
met last Friday and is recommending that the district spend not more than $500
to remove invasive pampas grass from specific sites on the sewer pond
property. The money will pay for hauling
and manual labor as the sites are too difficult to access with machinery.
D. Smith/V. Amoroso all in favor to
authorize up to $500 to be spent on labor and hauling to remove invasive pampas
grass from the sewer pond property.
11. Other Business
a. Board Committee Reports
Finance: Staff said that final copies of the audited
financial statements for the district’s 2013-14 fiscal year are in the Board
-- Legal: Director Comstock inquired
about the rates paid by North Bay Corporation to dispose of green waste it
collects in the district at the Resource Recovery site and was informed the
amount is based on the volume of green waste delivered.
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads: After a brief discussion of hiring an
equipment operator to load grindings into resident’s pick-up trucks, staff was
directed to put a notice in the Hearsay News to remind residents about the
availability of free asphalt-concrete grindings at the Mesa Park parking lot
for road improvement projects in Bolinas.
-- Operations: Nothing
further to report.
-- Park and Recreation: Director
Amoroso reported that he attended the Mesa Park Board meeting in December and
the Ballfield Irrigation and Public Restroom Project is on-budget and nearly
-- Personnel: Nothing to
Sewer: Nothing to report.
b. Minutes of the November 19, 2014 Regular
Directors Amoroso, Godino and Comstock offered clarifying revisions to
the draft minutes of the November 19, 2014 regular meeting.
D. Smith/L. Comstock all
in favor to approve the minutes of
the November 19, 2014 regular meeting, as amended.
c. Warrants
L. Comstock/D. Smith all
in favor to approve the warrant
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
January 21, 2015 at 7:30
p.m. NOTE: Special Board meeting on January 6, 2015 at
7:00 p.m.
9.47 p.m.