1. Call to Order
2. Roll
3. Manager’s Report
4. Community Expression
5. Ad Hoc Park Advisory Committee Report
6. Expanded Water Use Permit Application: Lyon
project location: 115 Oak
7. Coastal Permit Application 01-19 and Master Plan 01-5:
project location: 160 Mesa Road
8. Resolution 454, awarding contract for installation of cathodic
protection on Mesa Road
water storage tank (east)
9. Resolution 455, accepting completion of water storage tank (west) repair project
10. Resolution 456, rescinding and replacing Resolutions 238,
248, 258, 439 and 440,
concerning water meter suspension
and abandonment procedures
11. 2000-01 District/Employees Memorandum of Understanding:
revision to section 9, stating
hours, wages and benefits for
administrative assistant position
12. Other Business
a. Committee Reports
-- Downtown Parking:
-- Housing
-- Legal:
-- Park and Recreation:
Notice of Pending Appointment to Mesa Park Board
-- Solid Waste: Resource Recovery
Project: November financial report; operations report
b. Minutes of November 15, 2000 Meeting
c. Warrants
d. Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
13. Adjournment