A Regular Meeting Of The Board Of Directors
December 21, 2005     7:30 p.m.           270 Elm Road, Bolinas


1.    Call to Order

2.    Roll

3.    Manager’s Report

4.    Community Expression

5.    Volunteer Committee Reports
-- Alternative Energy:
-- Beach:
-- Community Paths Group:
-- Downtown Parking and Traffic:
-- West Marin Mosquito Control Committee:
-- West Nile Virus Task Force:
-- Resource Recovery:

6.    Seating of New Directors:  certificate of election; oath of office

7.    Request to Increase Rates by 48% from Empire Waste Management 

8.    Request to Remove Dangerous Tree in Public Right of Way - 100 block of Fern Road

9.    Expanded Water Use Permit Application:  Bass,  222 Alder

10.  Status of County Inspection/Enforcement – Kidson property

11.    Deborah Beckman and Marin County Environmental Health Services – Can We Trust the         County?

12.    Approval of Renewed Group Agreement for the Bolinas Community Public Utility District with Kaiser Permanente for 2006

13.  Proposal to Increase Directors’ Pay

Other Business

a.  Board Committee Reports
-- Finance: 
-- Legal:
-- Mesa Septic, Flood Control and Roads:
-- Operations:
-- Park and Recreation: 
-- Personnel:
-- Sewer:   
b.  Minutes of November 16, 2005 Regular Meeting
c.  Minutes of December 5, 2005 Special Meeting
c.  Warrants
d.  Scheduling of Next Meeting(s)
